The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 212

After seeing Liu Mingyuan and Shen man go out, Lin Feng suddenly turns around and stares at Qin Shou's eyebrows. His eyes are extremely cold and his face is extremely serious!

"Hiss -"

Qin Shou was frightened and excited. Lin Feng's eyes were oppressive.

In fact, Lin Feng's skill of looking at each other's eyebrows is a common skill used by the police in interrogation of prisoners. If your eyes are fixed on the eyebrows of the other party, the other party will feel that you are very proud and serious, and can't help but be afraid.

In addition, Lin Feng's eyes are very deterrent, and Qin Shou's heart is in a panic.

"Qin Shou, you also heard from captain Liu Mingyuan just now. I believe you have some understanding of my identity. I am a department of the highest administrative organ of China, and I am committed to combating corruption. We have fully grasped the criminal evidence of your father Qin Yue. In the near future, we will take actions against the assets of the Yue family and all behaviors that endanger the society , liquidation, including you! " Lin Feng said seriously.

When Qin Shou heard this, the whole person was almost paralyzed.

With an imperceptible smile on his lips, Lin Feng continued: "I believe you know the strength of our organization after a series of things just now. Yes, we also know all your private information."

With that, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and read it according to the message given by the mouse:

"Qin Shou, male, 24 years old, has no fixed occupation, and he doesn't know how to learn all day long!"


"when I was 15 years old, I graduated from Jincheng No.1 experimental junior high school. Because of the poor grades, it took 300000 yuan to get a chance to go to a key high school."

Br >

, the heaviest time to hit each other's nose in high school resulted in the first time of heavy blood loss


"in my four years of college, I have had 32 girlfriends. Of course, these people can only be regarded as your gun friends, because you never spend more than two weeks with them. In addition, 19 of them were pregnant, 4 had miscarriage and 7 were infertile for life


"Oh, by the way, I have to interject that you are such a scum, which can be seen from the time you were eight years old. On August 26, you peeped at the neighbor widow Wang's bath and was caught. You are so young and you are so obscene. It's not surprising that you look like this when you grow up!"


"stop talking Qin Shou was in complete despair.

All the information Lin Feng said is correct, and many of them are very private things. For example, the family has entrusted 300000 yuan to go to school, for example, the other party's parents appeal to sue him, and his father has forced him to rely on the relationship to keep things down ...

Qin Shou was completely in a state of collapse in the face of wave after wave of psychological shock from Lin Feng!

"Then, Mr. Qin, we will submit all the sins of you and your father to the relevant departments in Kyoto in a short time. So, you wait to be shot!" Say, Lin Feng closes mobile phone.

"Please, please don't!" Qin Shou rushed over and knelt down on the ground and hugged Lin Feng's thigh: "I beg you to give us a way to live!"

Qin Shou was so scared that he kept begging for Lin Feng and kowtowed on the ground.

"Qin Shou, you and your father Qin Yue have done so many evil things. How can you spare you? Death penalty is necessary! " Lin Feng said: "we should also confiscate all our property and deprive you of political rights for life, so that you can become the eternal culprits of Jincheng."

Qin Shou cried and knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "please, please, big man. We have money. We can give you money. We can give you as much as you want. Please let us go!"

"At this time, you don't know how to repent and you want to bribe me. How damned you are!" Lin Feng angry way.

"Big brother, I'm wrong. I shouldn't be like this. I don't want to die. I'm still so young..." Qin shousobs with tears and nose, and the whole person is withered.

"Do you know wrong?" Lin Feng asked.

"Wrong, I know it's wrong!" Qin Shoudao.

"It's a pity that you are a young man like you. Since you know your way back, I'll give you a chance, which is also a chance for your father. Come on, tell me your evil deeds, and tell you all the shady things your father did, especially about the collusion between your father and the God of fire of Chengdong racing party. Do you know what you want to say?" Lin Feng said.

Qin Shou heard that Lin Feng even knew that his father took bribes and granted land to Liu ah Huo without authorization. It seems that there is nothing to hide from him!

Lin Feng turned on the video on his mobile phone, put it on the table and faced Qin Shou. He adjusted his angle and said, "speak quickly. Don't be lenient when talking about it. Be strict with resistance!"

Qin Shou was frightened. He began to think about what he and his father had done to harm people. Then he said it one by one.According to Lin Feng, when his father Qin Yue gave the land to the God of fire, he said it in detail.

Lin Feng recorded for more than an hour. During this period, Lin Feng also asked Qin Shou to provide evidence as much as possible. Especially in the case of Huoshen, Qin Shou provided wechat chat records between Huoshen and his father.

Because Qin Shou likes racing cars and knows Huoshen, he pulls Huoshen and his father into a group chat. He can see the chat between Huoshen and his father. The screenshots are very simple.

After everything was done, Lin Feng said to Qin Shou, "young man, you are very good. If you confess, you will be lenient. I will consider pleading with the judge and treat you lightly."

"Thank you, thank you, man!" Qin Shou kneels on the ground and sobs. His heart says, "Dad, Dad, if you have such an excellent son as me, you can be satisfied. Today, my son has done his best. It depends on how the boss deals with it.

At this time, Lin Feng opened the door of the interrogation room. Seeing that Xiao Li was outside, he asked Xiao Li to call Shen man and Liu Mingyuan over.

After Liu Mingyuan came, he was very surprised and said, "Mr. Lin, you have been chatting with Mr. Qin for more than an hour!"

"Well, Mr. Qin and I have talked about some principles of being a man. Mr. Qin has a good attitude in admitting his mistakes." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Qin Shou looked like a different person. Seeing Liu Mingyuan in his police uniform, Qin Shou was frightened and said, "I know I'm wrong. Captain Liu, I really know I'm wrong this time."

Liu Mingyuan looks confused. Is this still that arrogant dandy?

This... What method did Lin Feng use to make a rich second generation walk in Jincheng in a proper way?

Liu Mingyuan doesn't understand, but he has nothing to be curious about, because it may be surprising to put it on others, but it's normal to put it on Lin Feng.

After all, this Mr. Lin Feng, the files are absolutely confidential, certainly not ordinary people!

At this time, he felt that it was a correct thing for him to promote the combination of Shen man and Lin Feng. If the police can have such an expert to help him, the detection rate will definitely rise in the future!

Shen man is more surprised at this time. Her beautiful eyes are still looking at Lin Feng. He feels that Lin Feng has many masks, but he also thinks that Lin Feng is a real person. The more she contacts Lin Feng, the more she can't understand him.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "what, my task today has been completed, I should go. If Mr. Qin has nothing important to do, let him go earlier."

"Thank you, thank you!" Qin Shou repeatedly said thanks.

"You're welcome!" Lin Feng smiles and walks out of the police station.

Wei Yichen and the girl who disguised to seduce Qin Shou are waiting for him at the gate of the police station.

Wei Yichen see Lin Feng come out, immediately happy to one side of the girl said: "Nana, you see this is my boss!"

"Elder sister, you also have a boss?" Nana said.

"Of course, my boss is the best boss in the world Wei Yichen looks proud.

But when Nana saw the towering figure on the bicycle, she shook her head subconsciously: "isn't this a hanging wire?"

"You must not talk nonsense!" Wei Yi Chen didn't have a good temper to scold Nana, but saw that Lin Feng had come to the front of him, he rushed to the front and said happily, "boss, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Hard work!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "this is the actor you invited."

"Yes, yes! Nana is very good. She plays what she looks like. She has good mental quality and strong adaptability on the spot. " Wei Yichen said.

"Hello Nana, my name is Lin Feng. It's hard for you this time." Lin Feng reached out and shook hands with Nana.

Nana is a little cold, said: "you're welcome, I'm mainly to help my big sister!"

"Oh! Ha ha ha Lin Feng took back his hand and said to Wei Yichen, "let's go and find a place to have a meal. I'll treat you. By the way, Wu Liang's gold store is not far from here. By the way, Wu Liang can have a treat! Ah, ha ha

However, at this time, Lin Feng's cold voice came to me

Lin Feng fixed his eyes on a minivan and walked down to a few punks.

These people are mixed up with Qin Shou. Just now, Qin Shou and Lin Feng had a conflict. They called them in the Bureau and asked them to stop when they found out that the cyclist was out.

These people know that Tieding has provoked Mr. Qin, and Qin Shou likes to pretend to be literati, so the rough work is naturally handed over to them.

"Son of a bitch, do you dare to provoke us, Mr. Qin? You don't want to live, do you? " A man carrying an iron bar came to Lin Feng.

This scene, however, frightened Nana. She looked at Wei Yicheng in horror: "elder sister, the opposite is fierce!"

"Not afraid!" Wei Yichen smiles and looks at Lin Feng.

"A Cheng, this is the police station, drag him into the car and fight again!" One gangster yelled to the other.

"In the car?" Lin Feng asked a question, and then handed the bike to Wei Yichen, said: "is that the car?"With that, he even walked into the Jinbei car with a confused face.

"What's the situation?" How many hooligans are you looking for? Is that a good match?

Not only are they confused, but also Nana on the side. The big sister, the big hanging silk boss, seems to be not a normal person!

"I'm in it. What are you doing? Come in Lin Feng waved.

"Lying trough!" A gangster reacts to come over, open mouth to scold: "return a fuckin's anti, a few brothers, give me, hit him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!