The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 211

Liu Mingyuan listen to Lin Feng so say, Leng is to stand in place did not go forward.

Lin Feng gives Qin Shou another fat beating, and then pulls Qin Shou to the stool.

Qin Shou has been beaten by Lin Feng. His nose is bleeding. He is staggering on his stool, but his mouth is still saying: "Captain Liu, why are you looking at him? Get someone to catch him. He's beating people!"

At this time, Liu Mingyuan suddenly went to Lin Feng and said respectfully: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, it's Xiao Shen who is not sensible and brought you to the interrogation room. I've already said him. I hope you won't be surprised!"

After the last incident, Liu Mingyuan checked the file of Lin Feng and found that he could not see it at all. He even guessed that no one in Jincheng had the right to see it.

Therefore, he has already inferred that Lin Feng's status is very unusual, especially the last time he was put into detention, the above phone call was released.

The background of Lin Feng is absolutely terrifying.

After Liu Mingyuan knew this, he paid special attention to Lin Feng. After this incident, he immediately called Shen man to the office for a scolding, and then followed Shen man to apologize to Lin Feng.

"Xiao Shen, please apologize to Mr. Lin!" Liu Mingyuan said.

"Ah, ah, Captain Liu, don't force people into difficulties. Captain Shen man is business-oriented and fair. I appreciate her very much. The police should have more people like him, so that our society can be more stable and prosperous." Lin Feng praised Shen man.

"As expected, Mr. Lin has a good eye for the Pearl and can see the advantages of Xiaoshen at a glance!" Liu Mingyuan was also afraid that Shen man's upright temperament would offend Lin Feng. He didn't want Lin Feng to appreciate her character. He quickly said, "Xiao Shen, don't thank Mr. Lin for his love!"

Shen man sighed. How can you say that?

He and Lin Feng sing each other's plays all day long. All of a sudden, he let himself say thanks to the enemy. I can't do it!

But looking at Liu Mingyuan's serious face, she could only harden her head and say coldly, "thank you."

"You're welcome." Lin Feng a face cheap smile said: "we are so good relationship, also say what thank you!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not on the average with you!" Shen man said.

"You say it's average? How can it be ordinary? " Lin Feng said, took out his mobile phone, opened a photo, and showed it to Liu Mingyuan: "here, Captain Liu, do you think this girl is Shen man?"

In the picture, Shen man is kissing Lin Feng on the cheek, and Lin Feng is proud.

Last time Lin Feng bet in the detention center that if he could go out in half an hour, Shen man had to kiss him and accept his invitation.

Lin Feng said: "officer Shen man, don't forget that we still have an appointment. You are always so busy. One day you have time to have a meal together!"

Shen man suddenly remembered that agreement, and immediately blushed with shame. He ran to Liu Mingyuan to look at his mobile phone. It was indeed a picture taken when he lost the bet last time and was pro Lin Feng.

"Xiao Shen, you can! I thought you were an iceberg, but you are also a looker Liu Mingyuan has an expression that I understand.

"Captain, listen to my explanation..." Shen man said.

"No!" Liu Mingyuan waved his hand: "no need to explain. It's very good. Alas, as your boss, I know it a little late. I'll give you a big red envelope later. Congratulations to you both!"

"Captain..." Shen man looks at Liu Mingyuan with a sad look.

"What's the matter?" Liu Mingyuan was stunned and then slapped his forehead: "Oh, right! Look at my brain, Xiao Shen, you are too diligent and active to date, right? In the face of Mr. Lin, I'll give you two more days' holiday every month. This is a privilege! You can use it to have a deep affection with Mr. Lin, not to mention that the boss is not considerate of you. I support your young people to have more emotional interaction! "

Finish saying, Liu Mingyuan smile looking at Lin Feng, a pair of I can only help you to this expression.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Captain Liu deserves to be a captain. People have vision and pattern. Thank you for Liu team!"

"You are welcome!" Liu Mingyuan smiles.

During this period, two people talk, Leng is even Qin Shouli did not pay attention.

And Qin Shou is also watching a Leng a Leng, the heart said how to return a responsibility? Shouldn't Liu Mingyuan bow to me? How to be respectful to Lin Feng and ignore me?

Qin Shou had never received such treatment. He immediately became angry and said to Liu Mingyuan, "Liu Mingyuan, don't forget that my father is Qin Yue!"

Liu Mingyuan heard this, and immediately came to anger.

This Qin Shou, relying on his wealth and power, always looks up at people with his face up and his nostrils. He comes to the police station every once in a while to chase Shen man. Moreover, every time his momentum is very strong, which greatly affects the image of the police station and the work efficiency of the staff.

It is because his father Qin Yue is in a high position that Liu Mingyuan has resisted him all the time. But today, with Lin Feng's support, and people with such a strong background are here, do I still fear you, a little rich second-generation childe?

"Cough!" Liu Mingyuan coughed twice and said, "Mr. Qin, don't always press people with your father's name. After all, you are you. Your father is your father. If your son doesn't have a long brain, it's not the same thing that bothers me. So I advise you, don't let Laozi get involved because of yourself. It's still your own who will hurt you when you turn back.""What do you mean Qin Shou became angry and scolded: "you, a captain, dare to make fun of me? Well, I'll call my dad right now. I'll make you suffer! "

"Hold on!" Liu Mingyuan drank: "I'm helping you. Don't be ungrateful!"

Qin Shou was stunned. He didn't see Liu Mingyuan get angry. Usually, Liu Mingyuan would smile when he saw him. Today, he was so angry that he stopped in the air.

"Xiao Shen, put his mobile phone in first!" Liu Mingyuan said.

He can't let Qin Shou call his father easily today. At least, he can't let him make this call until he persuades him.

"Qin Shou, you are a little generation. We all watched you grow up. We love you very much, but you offended big people today." With that, Liu Mingyuan pointed to Lin Feng and said, "Mr. Lin, can you offend me?"

"What's wrong with him?" Qin Shou also felt something was wrong. First of all, how did Lin Feng make himself appear on the big screen at the door? Secondly, why does Lin Feng fight so much? He usually has no problem fighting one or two. But facing Lin Feng, he feels powerless to fight against the champion of Sanda.

So, at the moment, he also began to murmur.

Liu Mingyuan said: "I don't want to tell you too much, but this Mr. Lin, Beijing is in Kyoto, and the last time he got into the detention center because of a fight, Kyoto called immediately and asked to release people within half an hour! So, think for yourself

In fact, Liu Mingyuan doesn't know how to describe Lin Feng's identity. To be exact, he doesn't know what his identity is. He just feels like a cow b!

At this time, Lin Feng laughed. He knew that Liu Mingyuan was killing people with a knife, and reported his name to scare Qin Shou.

If it is normal, Lin Feng will not let him do so.

But at the moment, what Liu Mingyuan said happened to help Lin Feng.

Lin Feng followed Liu Mingyuan's words and said: "yes, to tell you the truth, I'm not from Jincheng, I'm from the top!"

With that, he suddenly turned to Liu Mingyuan and said, "Liu team, please go out first. I have some things to talk with him alone."

Liu Mingyuan was stunned, but since Lin Feng didn't want him to listen, he was not good to be here again, and took Shen man out.

Lin Feng looked at Qin Shou, who was already shivering. He couldn't help but sneer at him: Qin Shou, Qin Shou, those of you and I were warm-up before. Now, the good play has just begun. Take it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!