The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 213

And then, a few people rushed into the golden cup car, and the last one pulled the door up.

"Elder sister, what is your boss doing? Go inside and call the police!" Nana was panicking in her face.

This is not fun, this group of people are arrogant, dare to hit people at the police station door, do not call the police to help?

But Wei Yichen said: "you want to believe my boss, he does things, always unique!"

"Oh!" Nana face is ignorant, how big sister and he old mostly nervous?

At this time, listen to the golden cup car "bang" a random noise, then the car a violent shake.

A few minutes later, the door opened, Lin Feng walked out of the car, and smiled and sorted out his clothes.

Then, a few mixed people came out of the car, one by one, and all became pig heads.

Qin shous also came out from the police station, and saw Qin Shou also had a blue face. Several mixed people looked at Qin Shou at the same time, and immediately wanted to cry without tears.

Lin Feng laughed: "ha ha ha, how clever ah, how do you all have a blue nose and swollen face? Today is a very special day for you. It is worth remembering! Or, take a picture and take a picture for a moment! "

The mischievous said angrily: "Prince Qin, he beat us, as long as you order, we will kill him, we have guys in our car!"

"Who did you kill?" Qin shouasked.

"Kill him!" Mixed refers to the finger forest peak.

"Fuck you!" Qin Shouyi slapped the fan on the mixed face.

"Ah pain --" the mixed mixed was beaten to grin, and his heart was even more surprised: "Qin son, don't you let us stop him?"

Hearing this, Qin Shouwei felt a bit of a loss, but he turned his mind and said, "yes, I am letting you stop him, but I asked you to beat him? Mr. Lin Feng is a big cow. You fucking dare to do it? Do you want to die? "

Finish, hurriedly face heap smile to Lin Feng said: "big guy, is my person does not abide by the rules, you don't blame, I give you apology, we are wrong!"

"It's OK!" Lin Feng waved: "but you should pay attention to that China is a harmonious and civilized place. Without the underworld, you should not engage in any public fighting. If you let me know you like this again, be careful of me..." br >

big guy, I dare not dare to do it again. I am wrong! " Qin Shoubao almost knelt down to Lin Feng again.

This scene of the group of mixed face muddled, what is the matter? How can Qin son be so afraid of him? And call him a big guy? Qin Gongzi was not afraid of anyone in the ordinary days?

Nana was even more stunned. She thought Lin Feng was a hanging silk bike. As a result, she was a king.

Can let Qin son to serve the obedience, this person has many cattle B?

Nana was afraid that Prince Qin would recognize her and retaliate her later. Now, it seems that there is no need to worry about it. Because the big elder sister is the real big man.

"Elder sister, I only know why you respect your boss so much now!" Nana said.

"Right? So you can't look at people later, you know? " Said Wei Yichen.

"Mm-hmm, I've been taught!"

At this time, Lin Feng gave Qin Shou education and said, "OK, you take your mobile phone and take a picture and keep a reading!"

Qin Shouyi bitterly gave his mobile phone to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a photo of Qin shouhe and the group, and looked at the heads of pigs with blue and swollen noses in the photo. Lin Feng almost laughed and sprayed.

"Can I take a picture with you alone, man?" Qin kept the entreaties.

"Yes!" "Come here," Lin Feng said

Then, pick up the phone and take a picture of the two.

"Big man, we want to take photos with you too!" The group of confused and confused, see Qin Shoudu rob and Lin Feng Zhao, they also feel that they must touch a little light.

"Together!" Said Lin Feng.

A mixed mixed man moved out of the car a stool, Lin Feng sat on the stool, Qin shouhe and those mixed mixed stand behind Lin Feng.

Wei Yichen, a photographer, pressed the shutter key of the mobile phone.

The picture is fixed, a young man sits on the stool, showing the ruffian smile.

Behind a few people with a blue and swollen nose, but a face of proud expression, feeling incomparable glory general.

And not far behind all, a gate stood, above "people's public security" four big words, shining.

At the same time, Jincheng people's third hospital.

In a ward on the second floor.

In the bed, a middle-aged man with a head wrapped in gauze and leather trousers.

"Damn, the injured Laozi has been in a few days and half dead. He also has a slight concussion. Is that yours!" The man roared angrily and kicked the urinal under his feet under the bed.

This man is the spirit of racing party. He was carried to the hospital from the day before yesterday. He was anesthetized for two days. The next day, the strength of the anesthetic was gone, but his head was very painful and dizzy.Because at that time, when Baimao and others carried him out, Baimao accidentally tripped over. It happened that he was lifting his head. As a result, other places were fine, but his head was directly connected to the ground and fell head over heels.

This can make the fire look bad. When it comes back, I will ask my younger brother to beat Baimao severely.

But after a rest, I'm recovered today.

The God of fire is also a man of temper. From the time he was hospitalized to the present, he has never taken off his leather clothes and trousers. No matter how the doctor advises him, he can't do it. Even if he lies down, he has to look like the leader of a drag racing party.

What's more, the election for the leader of the drag racing party is about to be held in the final election. We can't discount our image, otherwise we will lose more than we gain if we affect the election.

"Lin Feng, wait for me. After I elect to be the person in charge, I will kill your younger brothers Chen Da and Wei Yichen, and then occupy the mine of your Dongsheng Group. At that time, I will settle the account between us well with you." Said the God of fire, gnashing his teeth.

"Brother Huoshen, there is a person who has been trying to contact you these days, but when you are sick, we have not told you about this matter!" Said a little brother.

"Who is it?" The God of fire pulled the gauze wrapped around his head and asked.

"We don't know what he does. The man is still very strange. He is wearing a black suit, no shoes but white sports shoes. However, he still has a cap on his head. It's the first time I've seen such a suit!" Said the little brother.

"Did he say anything to me?" Asked the God of fire.

"No, either you call him and he says he can help you, and we don't know what he can do for you." Said the younger brother.

"Give me that man's phone, you go out first!" Said the God of fire.

"Good!" The younger brother sent the phone number to the God of fire and went out of the room.

The fire god dials the number, a few seconds later, the other party answers the phone.

"Hello, Vulcan!" There was a deep, husky voice on the other end of the phone.

The voice seemed to come from hell, so that the God of fire could not help but excite: "who are you?"

"You don't care who I am, you just need to know, if this election, you can be the Lord, I will give you a big surprise!" Said the voice.

"What surprise?" Asked the God of fire.

"Don't ask so much, Liu ah Huo, come on, I'm looking at you!" The other end said, the sound of beep, has hung up the phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!