The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 210

"Do you dare to swear? Look, he swears at the police station. I'll sue him for slander!" Qin Shouqi roared: "Manman, you are a police officer, you want to make the decision for me, he scolds me as an animal!"

Shen man, don't you know that you are cold

Lin Feng interposed: "yes, yes, don't you have a B number in mind?"

"You give me another arrogant one?" Qin Shou gradually exposed his true face in the past.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed: "some people, even if they don't give up until they get to the Yellow River, they have to force me to play a little movie again. Just now, I gave you live broadcast. This time it's a replay, especially for your animals. You should feel honored!"

With that, he pressed the phone screen.

At this time, the big screen behind Qin Shou suddenly made a sound:

"hey hey, little cute, you are so charming, I really want to put you on the sofa to dry you..."

"the honest man who goes to him, I am the lecher, and I like to be a beautiful woman! Hey, hey, hey


Qin Shou was frozen in an instant. He slowly turned back and looked at his filthy self on the big screen behind him. He didn't even know that he was so unbearable and so obscene.

Looking at the people around him smiling, he immediately felt that the sky was spinning, his head was buzzing, and the panic and shame in his heart rushed up, which broke his fragile heart in an instant!

"How about it? Mr. Qin, is it good-looking? Tut Tut, you are quite photogenic. Alas, you should be stripped off and photographed later. However, I'll save you some face and be a good person to meet in the future. " Lin Feng said.

Qin Shou had already collapsed at this time. Lin Feng stabbed the false image that he had made up carefully. The contents of it flowed all over the ground, and he could not pick it up.

"Lin Feng, I will kill you!" Qin Shou roared, his eyes scarlet, like a wild animal losing his reason, and rushed to Lin Feng.

Seeing the posture, people around were shocked.

Qin Shou became angry because he wanted to find the rhythm of Lin Feng!

But Qin Shou's rampage was so sudden that the people around him had no time to stop him.

At this time, he saw Lin Feng smile. He flashed to the side of Qin Shou, grabbed Qin Shou's arm directly, folded it backward and pushed it forward and down.

"Ah -" Qin Shou felt pain. He bent down and was subdued by Lin Feng from behind.

"Qin Shou, this is the police station. You have no law and discipline. You dare to make trouble here. You really should fight. Kneel down to me, to this fair and strict police hall!" With that, Lin Feng kicked Qin Shou's hind legs and knelt down on the ground.

All of a sudden, surrounded by cheers, such people dare to be so arrogant in the police station, this Lin Feng is for everyone out of a bad breath.

"Lin Feng, don't do it!" Shen man is afraid that Lin Feng's action is too drastic, and if anything happens again, he immediately stops it.

Then, people around him came up one after another to hold down Qin Shou.

"Put him in the interrogation room for me!" Shen man pointed to Qin Shou and then said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, you can go to the interrogation room with me."

In order not to make a big fuss, Shen man put them into the interrogation room.

"this childe of Qin is so arrogant. Why didn't that boy take the opportunity to beat him a few times just now, so as to vent our anger on us?"

"Yes, scum. He's got a little bit of power by virtue of his father. A few days ago, seeing his gentle manner, I almost thought that he had really turned his back on evil! "

"A dog can't eat shit!"

There was a lot of talk around.

The group of girls who scolded Lin Feng did not know what to say. Today, Lin Feng gave them a vivid lesson. They wanted to say thank you and say sorry to Lin Feng, but Lin Feng has been taken away by Shen man.

Interrogation room.

Lin Feng and Qin Shou sat on both sides of the table and handcuffed them to the stool.

Lin Feng is not supposed to be handcuffed, but Shen man is afraid that in case of any radical behavior in the middle of the way, he should be handcuffed first.

At this time, Qin Shou was a little more stable. He yelled, "Shen man, why are you handcuffing me? If you want to come to your captain Liu Mingyuan, you can say that I have something to do with him!"

Qin Shouping is arrogant and used to it. His father is the leader of Jincheng Land Bureau, and he has a lot to do with the government. Liu Mingyuan, a captain, dare not do anything to him, so he has enough confidence!

Shen man said, "do you think I won't go to captain Liu if you don't say so? He knows what happened just now, so you two will wait here and don't make any trouble for me. Xiao Li, you can watch them for me

Shen man let Xiao Li look at them in the interrogation room. She walked out of the interrogation room and went to Liu Mingyuan's office.

"Hum, when Liu Mingyuan comes here, I won't let him send you to prison!" Qin Shou looks at Lin Feng angrily.

Then, he looked at Xiao Li staring at him, and he became more angry: "draft? What do you see? When I go out, I'll kill you together, you stupid B! ""Hum!" Xiao Li clenched his fist, and his hand holding the electric stick tightened a little.

No matter how honest a person is, he also has a temper. Qin Shou bullied himself from the beginning. If he goes on like this, he can't help it. Even if you don't want this job, even if you want to take refuge in other places in the future, you can't accept this cowardly spirit any more today.

Lin Feng saw the intention of Xiao Li, he quickly stopped: "Xiao Li, don't be angry, that what, can you come to me this time?"

Xiao Li took a deep breath and walked towards Lin Feng: "what's the matter?"

Lin Feng said, "my wallet has been left in the reception room outside. Can you bring it back for me? There are important documents in it. If you lose it, it will be over! "

Xiao Li thought for a moment and said, "wait, I'll go now. Don't make trouble!"

With that, Xiao Li turned out of the door.

Xiao Li's front foot just went out, but Lin Feng at the back stood up from the chair.

Just as soon as Xiao Li approached, he got the key to the handcuffs.

"PATA!" Lin Feng put the released handcuffs on the table, then opened the handcuffs of Qin Shou and said, "Mr. Qin, I know you are angry...

at the same time, Lin Feng turned off all the cameras and other monitoring equipment in the interrogation room, moved his joints a few times, and continued:" so, now we are not bound to each other. Come on, it's time for you to vent your anger! ”

"am I sick?" Qin Shou roared and hit Lin Feng in the face.

Lin Feng also hit the past with a fist.

"Pa -" the sound of bone knot collision sounded. Then, Qin shouao's scream was heard. He saw that his fists were all deformed by Lin Feng, all five fingers were broken, and his fist face was bruised.

"A wolf in sheep's clothing is not worthy of being a human being. It's time to fight!" After that, Lin Feng hit Qin Shou's face into a steamed bun. He staggered and bumped into the wall. His head was buzzing and his face was stinging.

"The holy land of justice, lawlessness, fighting!" Lin Feng grabs Qin Shou and bumps his knee into his abdomen. As a result, Qin Shou kneels directly on the ground. The pain in his abdomen almost makes him unable to breathe.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't look tall, Qin Shouben thought that he could defeat Lin Feng by himself, but he was wrong. At this time, he knew that Lin Feng's strength was not in the least resistance.

He had already bred a deep fear in his heart. He was really afraid that the guy in front of him would hurt himself.

Lin Feng pulled Qin Shou up from the ground again. Qin Shou's mouth was full of thick blood and saliva. He was very embarrassed.

And then the door of the interrogation room opened.

It's Liu Mingyuan and Shen man.

"Captain Liu, help! You're here at last. Help! He hit me When Qin Shou saw Liu Mingyuan, he felt that he had grasped a straw.

But Lin Feng laughed at Liu Mingyuan and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, Liu team, I'm on a mission, please wait a minute!"

Lin Feng said, toward Qin Shou, hey, a smile, up there is a burst of electric gun flying feet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!