The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 209

The picture shows the reception room where Qin Shou is.

"Watch it, live broadcast Lin Feng called out.

At this time, some people on the second floor were standing on the guardrail and looking down at the hall on the first floor.

The whole first and second floors were bustling and full of people.

The big screen is usually used to play police messages and some educational films. It has high definition and good sound effect.

At this time, the screen is playing a scene in the reception room. Seeing this scene, everyone is shocked!

In the picture, you can see Qin Shou sitting on the sofa. The blonde stands in front of him, grabs his tie and says with a smile: "handsome boy, you are my type! Hee hee

"Little cute, you want to die of Laozi. Hurry up, hurry up. If someone comes soon, you will be in trouble." Qin Shou said anxiously.

"Oh, don't worry! We didn't realize that five minutes is a process! If you are so anxious, people will be shy! " The blonde said shyly.

"Cute, you are so charming. Come on, I can't wait!" Qin Shouyi looks at each other.

"Oh, villain, you were not like this when I first came in. I thought you were a gentleman." Said the blonde.

"Go to him, gentleman, I am a lecher, I am a lecher in human skin! Hey, hey, hey In the picture, Qin Shou's appearance is completely different from that in normal times. It's filthy and disgusting.

"I like beautiful women, don't you? There seems to be a woman named Shen man in the police station. She's very beautiful. You don't see people thinking about it, do you? " Said the blonde.

"Of course, I just lied to her, I just wanted to conquer her! Ma De, I don't believe it. She pretends to be noble with me. When I cheat her, I will destroy her You don't want to be so cute! Almost half of the people in the police station were watching the scene in the passenger room. Shen man's face was red and white, and he wanted to kill the dirty mouthed bastard.

"See? Is he good at playing Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Asshole! He will stain the reception room Shen man said angrily, "I have to drive them out!"

"Wait!" Lin Feng sees Shen man to go over, grabs Shen man and signals Shen man to look at the big screen.

At this time, I saw the blonde smile on the screen and said, "Mr. Qin is very anxious. If you let the outside world know that you are such a color, I'm afraid everyone will be surprised."

"Well, how can I let them know that I'm starving and thirsty!" Mr. Qin.

"Oh, I can't. I have to go first because of something. Mr. Qin, can I make an appointment next time? Goodbye With that, the blonde turned around and walked out of the house. She took off the tiny camera attached to the wall, put it in her pocket, and opened the door.

The blonde walked out of the house, took off her headgear, went to the bathroom to wash her face, changed her clothes, picked up the phone and called Wei Yichen.

"Elder sister, I have finished the task assigned by you!"

Wei said on the other end of the phone: "I saw through the remote video that you did a good job. If Chen Da is on the top, I will give you a seat in the drag racing party."

The beauty said, "thank you, sister!" While saying that, he also wiped the skin care products and said: "elder sister, you don't know! That scum is disgusting me to death. I almost wanted to give him up, but fortunately, he didn't let him touch me from the beginning to the end, otherwise I would have to wash my skin when I went back to take a bath. "

Wei Yichen said: "good job, hard work!"

The beauty said: "no hard work, I still feel fun and exciting, big sister, next time there is such a thing, keep calling me, it's better to change a role play, ha ha ha!"

Wei Yichen said: "yes, as long as the task is not dangerous, you can go! No problem

"Ha ha ha, OK!"

At this time, the reception room.

Qin Shouqi almost overturned the table. How could he say he left?

"NIMA! Waste Lao Tzu's feelings

Qin Shouben thought that he could take advantage of this time to enjoy the delicious meal delivered to the door. As a result, the woman left at the critical moment.

Because of the limitation of the surrounding environment, he couldn't catch up with others!

"Stinky woman, you'd better not let me know who you are. When I catch you, I will kill you." Qin Shou said indignantly.

He put on his clothes, tidied up and walked out of the reception room.

Just went to the hall, but saw a group of people are around the hall, his appearance, immediately attracted all the eyes.

Even a circle of guardrail stands on the second floor were full of people. At this time, everyone looked at Qin Shou without saying a word. The scene was very quiet.

Qin Shou looked at himself and said, "what's the matter? What's wrong with me? "

"No, no, no, you're fine, good!" Lin Feng gave Qin Shou a thumbs up.Qin Shou immediately looked proud: "you know, I can't say it's the best, but compared with you, it's better than you. I don't know how many times it is!"

He thought it was very good. After that, he looked at Shen man with a proud face, and with a very gentlemanly smile, he said, "Manman, you are here too. Why are there so many people? Are you in a meeting? Shall I avoid it? "

"Don't avoid it!" Shen man looked at Qin Shou's well-dressed appearance and almost vomited.

"Oh! That's good, Maman. Do you have time tonight? I'll treat you to a meal, French style restaurant, high taste, only gentlemen can choose the place, how about, do you want to go? " Qin Shou was very polite. When he spoke, he still had a smile on his face. He looked like I was a good man.

At this time, Shen man was not only vomiting, but also the people around him.

Just now, the embarrassing pictures and the ugly words on the screen are just too hot and the eyes are too piercing. This man is a scum in scum, the best in the scum. The man is just a pile of dirty garbage!

Those who had previously said that Lin Feng was not good changed their views completely. However, the more they looked at Lin Feng, the more pleasant they were. If they looked at Qin Shou, they would feel sick and nauseous, and they would save dinner.

"Qin Shou, I solemnly tell you that this is the last time you can speak calmly with you. Please don't pester me in the future. If you entangle me again, I will sue you in judicial procedure." Shen man cheered.

"Why?" Qin Shouyi asked innocently, "Manman, why are you doing this to me? How many men are there in the world like me when I am so single-minded and infatuated? "

There was a agitation around him when he said this. Some people really wanted to vomit and covered their necks to make vomiting.

Seeing the reaction of people around him, Qin Shou was very angry. What do you vomit when I speak?

However, he could not arouse public indignation, but he still wanted to vent his anger. He suddenly remembered Lin Feng on one side.

"Oh, so Manman did this to me because of you! You tell me, what did you do to Manman? Which of you is worthy of Manman, and what of you to me Qin Shou began to suppress Lin Feng, spraying all his anger on him.

However, Lin Feng roared and said, "I can't compare with you, because you are an animal! And I am a man , the fastest update of the webnovel!