The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 208

"Don't you know words? Isn't it written at the door? " Qin Shou is not very angry.

When he saw that he was at the critical moment, he was interrupted by others. He was quite angry. Naturally, the more he looked at Lin Feng, the more unpleasant he was.

"Of course I know the words, but as soon as I came in and saw your posture, I thought that so and so proposed!" Lin Feng said: "how dare you play in the police station, you have it!"

"Who are you?" Qin Shou watched Lin Feng ride a ladyback and sell goods all over the place. On second thought, there was no such person in Jincheng Gongzi! Can't help but be angry and arrogant a few minutes: "something to do, nothing to hinder us ha!"

"Lin Feng, what are you doing here?" Shen man said.

Compared with Qin Shou, Shen man is more fond of Lin Feng.

Although Lin Feng always makes trouble, at least Lin Feng is not hypocritical, and he has been aggressive several times, also in order to crack down on criminal evil forces.

So he was obviously better at Lin Feng.

"Little sister, I've come to see you. I heard that you've been pestered by scoundrels. Do you want me to help you?" Lin Feng said.

Qin Shou thought about it carefully. He felt that the rascal in the boy's mouth was talking about him?

"What do you mean? You're talking about me, aren't you? " Qin Shou asked angrily.

He would have kicked him in the past, but now there are so many people, especially Shen man, who always keeps his image as a gentleman.

"Ouch, it turns out that you are the laipi bug." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Pay attention to your words. Do you know who you're talking to again?" Qin Shou glared at Lin Feng and put pressure on him.

Lin Feng said with a relaxed face: "you don't pay attention to everything. Why should I pay attention to my words? Who runs to the police station to pull the calf and kneels down here? Is it disgraceful to lose it? "

"You..." Qin shouhen's teeth itch.

"You two, stop fighting!" Shen man shook his head helplessly, come with me, come in and say it!

She was afraid of going on. The whole police station knew that. In order to avoid unnecessary gossip, she had to pull two people in and solve the matter quickly.

Shen man takes them into a separate small reception room.

At this time, Shen man was afraid that the two of them would get together again, so he separated them.

But before parting, Qin Shou said to Lin Feng in a low voice: "you boy, wait. I'll make you look good. I'll beat you. Your mother doesn't recognize you!"

Finish saying, return Lin Feng to do a wipe neck action, very arrogant.

After Shen man separated the two men, he went to Qin Shou's reception room to negotiate with him: "Qin Shou, this is the police station. Please don't make any mischief. For the last time today, please leave quickly. Next time, I won't be so polite!"

Qin Shou said, "why, do you like that hanging wire? Where is he good? I have more money than him, more background than him, more taste than him, more dedicated than him, more infatuated, I send you roses every day...

"enough!" Shen man rubbed his temple: "how do you want to let me go?"

"I will never give up, I will always chase you to show my single-minded!" Qin Shou said.

He said so on the surface, but in his heart, Shen man, you'd better pretend to be noble with me. How many girls are like you at the beginning, but they are not all taken down by me. When I take you down one day, I will certainly turn you into a broken flower and a rotten willow. I will turn you into a useless product and let you and I have a good match!

"Qin Shou, I have nothing to say to you. You can sit here and calm down. Then, please leave!" With that, Shen man no longer gives Qin Shou a chance to speak and turns out of the door of the meeting room.

"Shit!" When Qin Shou sees Shen man go out, he knocks on the table.

Before Shen man was not so heartless, it was entirely because of the appearance of the boy named Lin Feng. Lin Feng, when he was out of the police station, I asked you to kneel down and call me ye!

He clenched his teeth, opened his cell phone, dialed the phone and said, "you guys, stay at the gate of the police station. If you see a boy riding a bicycle going out, stop and inform me immediately!"

"Yes, brother Qin!" Said the other end.

Qin Shou hung up the phone, but it was still difficult to calm down. He was just looking for something to vent his anger when someone knocked on the door.

Qin Shou thought it was Shen man coming back, so he sat down and said, "come in!"

When the door opened, it was not Shen man, but a beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman's golden curly hair and heavy make-up look are very attractive, especially the beautiful legs wrapped in black mesh silk stockings under the skirt. They are straight and slender, white and tender. This figure is not inferior to Shen man at all!

"Oh, isn't this my reception room? Who are you, handsome man? Am I wrong? " The beauty exclaimed.

Qin Shou's eyes were almost straight. He swallowed his mouth and said, "no mistake, no mistake. Beauty, who are you looking for?"

The blonde came in and sat down carefully beside Qin Shou. She was also a little shy and said, "I'm looking for a handsome man!"Qin Shou heard this, and immediately his blood surged up: "do you think I'm handsome or not?"

"Handsome! Very handsome The beauty is more coquettish, said a word, quickly lowered her head, very attractive appearance.

Qin Shou approached the beauty a little bit. Seeing that the beauty didn't resist, he became more bold. He put one hand on the beautiful woman's shoulder and said, "don't be in a hurry to see your handsome boy. Talk with this handsome boy!"

Because the reception room where Qin Shou is located is not large, and the sound insulation effect is very good, and usually used to exchange case clues with the masses, it is very confidential, so he began to show his nature.

When Qin Shou spoke, his nose began to smell the blonde's hair.

"The door, the door is still open!" Said the blonde.

"Oh, you are so sensible. I almost forgot it if I didn't say it!" Qin Shou went to the door, put the door in, and said with an obscene smile, "honey, no one can disturb us. Let's have a shot first! Hey, hey, hey


at the same time, people in the police station exploded their nests, and many people were chattering about what they had just seen downstairs.

"How nice is Mr. Qin. Why doesn't sister Shen promise him? You see, he's gentle and affectionate. He's been chasing Shen for a long time. He always stands downstairs and waits for him every time."

"Yes! If I were sister Shen man, I would promise him! By the way, who's that bicycle hanger? Is she also a suitor of sister Shen? "

"I think so? People are very handsome, but they are too poor, they are still riding bicycles, and they are careless. They don't look like good people! "

"This time, there's a good show. The two rivals meet. Let's go downstairs and have a look."

"Well, I just have time!"

Since it was just after graduation season, many new interns joined in. Their work at the beginning was relatively light, and they were not as busy as the official police officers. Therefore, they sharpened their heads to look at the gossip.

A group of people cheerfully went downstairs to the hall on the first floor, but found that Shen man and others were not there.

"Why? Where have they been? " These people look around!

"Are you looking for me? Hee hee But Lin Feng jumped out from the side.

"What do you want?" "We want to see Qin dashai!" several girls said with disgust

"The infatuated look of Qin dashai is so infatuated with people that it is not like some people who are ruffian and ruffian."

"Yes, Mr. Qin is gentle and elegant. He has a good character and is rich in gold. We, sister Shen, will not choose you. You should die!"

This group of girls jabber at Lin Feng. They feel that Lin Feng and Qin Shoubi are not qualified to lift shoes.

At this time, Shen man chased out of the reception room and found Lin Feng in the hall on the first floor. He said, "what are you running about? I'm looking for you!"

"What do you want from me?" Lin Feng said.

"This is the police station. You can't walk around, you know?" Shen man Dao.

"Oh, I can't walk around. Then some people just mess around?" Lin Feng said.

"What do you mean?" Shen man looks puzzled.

Lin Feng's lip Cape draws up a radian that ordinary people don't easily notice, and says: "don't believe you see!"

Then he snapped his fingers.

The color display screen in the middle of the hall on the first floor originally showed the eight big red characters of "willing to contribute and brave to bear", but after Lin Feng finished ringing his fingers, he suddenly changed a picture! , the fastest update of the webnovel!