The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 207

Central Street police station.

The gate is open, and the striking and bright national emblem is inlaid on the pillars of the gate. The four characters of the people's public security are shining brightly.

The courtyard of the police station is clean and tidy, and the police cars are arranged in order. Occasionally, people in police uniform rush by. They are solemn and upright.

On one side of the four story office building, there are eight large gold characters from top to bottom: "abide by the law and discipline, and be honest and upright."

Shen man is sitting in the window of the building.

In recent years, the crime rate in Jincheng continues to rise. I don't know what causes it. It seems that the four major associations are in a bit of a stir, especially those who rely on the mountain gang and the drag racing party. They always make some small moves, which is really annoying.

Although Shen man's eyes are on the whole city, his actual jurisdiction is only the eastern part of the city.

Therefore, the matter of relying on the mountain Gang is a matter in the north of the city, which he can't control, while the drag racing party is a headache for her.

It's said that it's the day of the election of the chief executive of the drag racing party recently, so all the forces are making contributions to the boss they support. Occasionally, they do something out of the ordinary to alarm the police. There have been several fights between the gangsters of the two forces within the drag racing party.

Shen man really wants to carry a super rocket gun directly and give the drag racing party to a nest, so as to return a peace to the people in the east of the city!

He took a deep breath, took the fresh jasmine tea and took a sip.

The fragrance of jasmine, let his restless heart, is temporarily get some peace.

But at this time, listen to the side of Xiao Li said: "Shen team, you see, Qin Shou is looking for you again!"

With that, Xiao Li squinted and pouted his chin under the window.

Shen man turned his head and saw that Qin Shou was dressed in a white suit, a red bow, a greasy face, dressed very gentlemanly.

But how does Shen man think that this man is fake? He is clearly a rich second generation of dandy. He has to pretend to be a gentleman and love saint. He has to send flowers in two or three days. He says that he only loves you for 10000 years.

It's numb!

Shen man just calmed down a little bit, and then got agitated.

"Xiao Li, hurry down and tell him I'm not here!" Shen man Dao.

This Qin Shou, relying on his rich and powerful Laozi, made a lot of mischievous affairs everywhere. More girls were abused by him than those in the police station. Moreover, it was said that he liked to play with heavy tastes, which led to many girls not knowing it. After being seduced by him, Qin Shou became disabled and even some girls could not get pregnant for life.

What kind of big tail wolf are you carrying?

Shen man is disgusted at him. She hopes to get Qin Shou into the police station one day.

At this time, Xiao Li ran downstairs and said to Qin Shou, "Mr. Qin, our captain says he is not here!"

Hearing Xiao Li's voice downstairs, Shen man immediately slapped his forehead. Xiao Li, too upright!

Feeling that he might have said something wrong, Xiao Li said, "Oh, our captain called and said he was not in."

Qin Shouyinji smiles and says, "is it right? It doesn't matter. I am the most dedicated and stubborn person in love. I'll wait for her here. Go and be busy with you."


" but what? " Qin Shou frowned and said, "do you want to drive me away?"

Xiao Li said straightforwardly, "how can I drive you away? I'm afraid you will have an impact on the police station like this!"

Liu Mingyuan was furious when he heard this, but he knew that there was a beautiful lady looking at him upstairs. He would not smile. He said to Xiao Li with his teeth clenched teeth: "I won't hinder your work. Liu Mingyuan, the leader of your company, dare not care about me. What kind of green onion are you? Get out of here, or I'll let you disappear from the police station tomorrow! "

His father and the chief leader of Jincheng police are old friends. Liu Mingyuan is just a captain. Naturally, he doesn't pay attention to it. But the fish is rotten and he dares to say that he affects the work of the police station here? Is this a brain puncture?

Xiao Li was startled. He saw Qin Shou's face smile, but his mouth said such cruel words. He didn't adapt to it. At this time, Shen man came out of the building.

"Qin Shou, how many times do you want me to tell you? Please don't waste your mind. This will affect my work mood and efficiency, so I ask you to go out now and don't pester me again!" Shen man said.

"Maman, I am very sad that you have done this to me! I don't think about food and tea recently. I miss you all day. I think I am falling in love. It's a nightmare for a person with a single-minded emotion. If you don't appear in my love, my nightmare will continue. Dear, please help me With that, Qin Shou kneels down on one knee and raises the flower over his head to Shen man.

"Wow, how romantic!" At this time, all the people in the police station are lying by the window and looking down.

"Isn't Qin Shou a night prodigal

"What happened to the prodigal at night? Can't we go back? You see what he said is sincere. I feel that he is serious

"Well, this young master Qin is rich and powerful. Our captain Shen man is a police flower. It's really a match!"People were talking about it.

"Qin Shou, what are you doing?" Shen man quickly wants to pull Qin Shou up and kneel on the ground.

However, Qin Shou grasped Shen man's hand and kept rubbing it. His eyes were fixed on Shen man's body. He drifted up and down, and his saliva swallowed several waves.

Shen man felt a fit of nausea and pulled back his hand: "Qin Shou, you will affect the atmosphere of the police station here. The police station is a serious place. Please go out first, and I'll tell you again, I can't have anything to do with you!"

"Maman Qin Shouyi said sadly, "I can give up everything for you. Can't you give me a chance? I know that I'm not good at the police station here, but I can do anything for you. I'm not afraid

Shen man shook his head angrily. Qin Shou is just a rascal! Every word for Shen man, he put all the responsibility on Shen man.

"Captain, that's not what he said Xiao Li said, "he just said that the captain can't control him, and he told me to go away!"

Shen man a listen, eyebrows twinkle into a knot in one's heart instantly, pretty face anger rises abruptly.

In the police station, she has always been known as a hot police flower, not only because of her hot figure, but also because she has a straight and hot temper. The reason why she has not been angry with Qin Shou is not that she is afraid of his background, but that Qin Shou has always maintained a gentlemanly and infatuated attitude in front of her, which makes her unable to get angry.

But after listening to Xiao Li's words, Shen man immediately knew that he was a set on the surface and a set behind his back, and his disgust reached a peak in an instant.

At this time, Qin Shou was also very angry. He gnashed his teeth at Xiao Li and said, "you little policeman, how can you wronged people? Believe me or not? Didn't you lie to me that your captain wasn't there? That's why I scolded you

Although his tone was grim, his voice was very low, which was heard by onlookers upstairs.

"I let Xiao Li cheat you. Are you scolding me?" Shen man asked.

"Why? You are my goddess! How can I scold you Qin Shou immediately turned into a smiling face and said, "I was playing with him. Don't take it seriously."

"Hum!" Shen man is cold.

"Maman, my goddess, please give me a chance for the sake of my infatuation! I've got the diamond ring ready With that, Qin Shou launched another attack and took out the diamond ring and held it in front of his eyes.

"Oh, how moved!" Said a girl upstairs.

"Yes, the rich, handsome and gold rich man is just like the person I love!"

"Captain Shenman, promise him!"

"Promise him!"

People upstairs can't look down, so infatuated and gentle childe, but too rare!

"Don't you follow the coax, will you?" Shen man said back.

"What the people want, Shen man, please promise to be my girlfriend!" Qin Shou kneels down on one knee again and grabs Shen man's arm.

"Is this a police station?"

At this time, a slightly joking voice sounded.

People follow the reputation to see the police station door, a man riding a bicycle, up and down, a towering on this side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!