The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 205

When they saw it, it turned out to be the God of fire of the drag racing party.

He heard that Lin Feng went down the mine, so he rushed to find that Lin Feng came up from the mine with a bag on his back.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing here? What's in your backpack Asked the God of fire.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "this mine belongs to Dongsheng Group. It seems that you don't have the right to ask questions. Moreover, the bag I carry is none of your business!"

The God of fire sneered: "although this mine is not mine, I can tell you responsibly that this piece of land, I have talked with the relevant departments, and the right to use it belongs to me. If I read correctly, this mine is also a part of this land! So, when you go down to my mine and take something out, you have to give it to me! "

"Your mine?" Su Jing said, "Why are you such a rogue?"

She really can't stand the repeated tricks of Huoshen, and this time she even took the relevant departments to pressure them. It's very annoying.

"I'm a rascal? Hum, you can go to the relevant departments and ask, has this land been granted to me? " "I'm going to fill up the mine and build a racing track here. Well, Fengshui is good, it's very good!" said Huoshen

"Do you think this land sale is a joke? Who says who owns it Su Jing said angrily.

"Well, don't forget that the boundary of this piece of land is blurred. I didn't say that all the land you bought was mine. I just said that it was mine around the mine hole." Huoshen Dao.

"You have the ability to prove it!" Su Jing said, "everything is about evidence."

The God of fire said, "you have to prove it. OK, let me show you the proof."

With that, he turned on his mobile phone, opened a video and said, "open your eyes and watch carefully!"

This is a video of a phone call. It's a conversation between Vulcan and a young man.

The God of fire in the video with a flattering smile: "Mr. Qin, thank your father for granting me the right to use the land. Ha, your father cares about the people and gives us convenience. He is really a good public servant of the people."

"Don't mention it. My father said that this piece of land has been granted to you. If you like, a piece of land from Dongsheng Mining Co., Ltd. can also be taken, because it is a fuzzy lot. When Dongsheng Group bought the land, it didn't clearly indicate that it belonged to them!"

The God of fire said, "Oh, thank you so much! I'll call on you some other day. "

Mr. Qin said, "you're welcome. Don't visit the house, or people will gossip. My father is always honest and upright. Don't make a stain on it."

The God of fire quickly said, "Oh, OK, OK, I get it!"

"Well, have you seen it clearly?" The God of fire took back the mobile phone and said with a smile: "this piece, I said it's mine, he is mine, so I order you to withdraw it for me!"

"Don't deceive people too much!" Su Jing was really angry this time.

"What if I deceive too much? What can you do with me? " The God of fire put on a rogue posture.

"You..." Su Jing had no way to deal with such a rogue.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "God of fire, I pinch my fingers, you can still be rampant for a week or so, this week you refuel Oh, as wild as possible, otherwise a week later, you will not have a chance!"

"Who do you think you are when you scare me? Do you dare to threaten Laozi? Are you funny? " The fire god looked at Lin Feng with contempt.

Indeed, compared with him, Lin Feng has no underworld background and no support from the government. He is simply weak and explosive.

"I'm not threatening you. I'm really going to tell my fortune, and I'll figure out that in five minutes, you'll be lying down from here!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

When he said this, people around him were shocked.

Is Lin Feng joking? The God of fire is good. In five minutes, lie down and go out?

Who can say that the God of fire lies down? This Lin Feng frightens the God of fire, should also take some reliable words to scare ah!

"Hahaha, shit, do you think I'm scared?" The God of fire seemed to hear a big joke.

"I don't believe it, do you? Then start timing now Lin Feng smiles.

"Shit, I see who can let me lie down!" The God of fire thundered.

Lin Feng shook his head and took up his bag and was about to leave.

"You him? Stop The God of fire drank.

"Why?" Lin Feng looks back.

"What's in your bag? Bring it out for me The God of fire drank.

He planned to buy the land for the things under the mine. Lin Feng's bag came up from below. He felt that there must be a secret inside.

"Sorry, I can't show you my personal property!" Lin Feng said, turning to go.

"Stop him, don't let him run!" The God of fire cried.

Several gangsters came up and stopped in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately burst into a smile: "Oh, God of fire, what are you doing? Don't you just want to see what's in my bag? Come here and I'll open it for youLin Feng opened the bag, reached in and rammed a few times: "come on, you see, there is nothing here!"

The God of fire stepped forward and looked inside. There was a gun in it and some needles.

"You have a gun?" Huoshen Dao.

"Don't make a fuss, OK? This is a medical anesthetic gun! No culture Lin Feng said, "have you finished watching? Can I go after reading it? "

"What's under your gun!" Huoshen Dao.

"Nothing!" Lin Feng said.

"No, I want to see it!" Said the God of fire, reaching in and shooting.

However, as soon as his hand touched the gun, he felt a piercing pain. As soon as he saw it, several needles beside him were directed in this direction, and the needles were all leaking out. His hand was stabbed by several needles at once!

In fact, Lin Feng deliberately made it like this, waiting for the God of fire to reach out.

Those anesthetics are used to appease those crazy miners underground. Each of them is almost the dose of one person. Moreover, it is the amount of local anesthesia. If it is more, people will die.

Huoshen was stabbed by three needles at the same time. Although the amount of medicine pushed into each needle was not too much, the three together made him half numb!

He felt powerless for a moment and fell to the ground.

"What's the matter with you, boss?"

A group of boys gathered around.

"Send, send me, go, go..."

"quick, send the fire god boss to the hospital Baimao called out for the God of fire.

Several younger brothers raised the God of fire and ran outside.

But Lin Feng said with a smile in the back: "Oh, I'll give it to him. Within five minutes, he will definitely lie down and go out. Do you see, has it worked?"

Lying trough, God!

At this time, people simply admire Lin Feng, and Ma Tao on the side of him startles Lin Feng. This security guard is simply hanging up and exploding!

But at this time, Lin Feng said: "he is just in some anesthetics, can't die, you slow down, or it should fall down!"

As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, he listened to a voice in front of him: "Oh, lying trough!"

However, Baimao ran so fast that his legs and feet were not sharp. When he tripped, the body of the God of fire was thrown out, and the God of fire looked sad.

Lin Feng shook his head and laughed: "these people are really funny!"

After that, she said to Su Jing, "do you think I'm right?"

Su Jing said with a smile, "yes!"

"I'll give it back to him. It's only a week, so don't be angry. Come on, give me a smile!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"No serious!" Su Jing said with a smile, but there was a blush on her face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!