The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 206

Dongsheng mining accident, due to Lin Feng timely treatment, did not cause casualties, so the impact is not very small.

Lin Feng has been studying the thing he took from under the mine these days.

On that day, Lin Feng took the black wooden box from the mine hole, and there was a piece of jade in it.

The jade is superior, but Lin Feng is not blood jade, it is just a kind of ordinary jade, and it has been broken and can not be sold for price.

It took more than a day for Lin Feng to put the jade together, half the size of his hand.

One side of jade is engraved with a pattern, which is not complete, what pattern can not be seen, and on the other side, there is an ancient poem: Dongfeng is unable to spend all flowers!

In this sentence, the rest, but nothing, and it seems, there is no special place.

Lin Feng can not help shaking his head, this Dongfeng can not be a hundred flowers, what is the meaning?

Lin Feng is still a good old text, knowing that this is a sentence in Li Shangyin's "it is difficult to see each other and difficult".

But that poem is about the sadness of late spring, the reluctant and missing of lovers, and I don't know when to meet again.

What is the relationship between this and blood jade?

Isn't it a clue. I got it wrong?

However, Lin Feng thinks that such a thing, placed under the mine, and surrounded by the polar black Mandala, must be very important. If there is a clue of blood jade in the mine hole, it is the most consistent thing.

But Lin Feng studied for two days, and did not understand. He called Laohu.

"Hi! Laohu, don't be ok? " Lin Feng hit a haha first.

"You are so polite, you must not be good!" said the stinky boy The old man laughed and scolded.

"You see you, little man's heart, isn't it? What can I ask you, you ask me! " Said Lin Feng.

"OK, so what's the matter with you calling me? Is there any money? I can tell you, I have been frugal in my life, all of which are full of money, and there is no one to die for! " The old Hu joked.

"Don't cry with me. I have several billion retirement expenses. Don't try to make me yellow!" "But this time, I'm not really for money, I want to ask you something," Lin said

"You said!"

Lin Feng 15, 110 said the context clearly, and then asked: "Dongfeng is unable to spend all the flowers, this is what clues?"

Hearing Lin Feng found the clue of blood jade, Laohu praised Lin Feng happily, and then said in a depressed voice: "you ask me, how do I know what it means? Is there any other hint? "

"Yes, there is a pattern on the back, but I can't understand what it is!" Lin Feng finished, and sent pictures to Laohu.

"What is this picture? I can't understand it! " Old bullshit.

Lin Feng is a Lingguang and said: "Oh, this picture is not complete at all. This jade is also broken jade. So, if there is another half, if it is combined, you can see the clue clearly by looking at the patterns and poems!"

"Well, well, it makes sense!" Laohu said, "it's your young people who have flexible brains! I also look back to find some flexible young people, to help me to help you to give me some advice on this half jade, strive for the other half to solve the case! "

"How much do you want to find? Ten or 100? " Lin Feng didn't have a good airway: "why don't you find hundreds or thousands? Why don't you tell the world about this? Let everyone guess, who guesses the result, who gets the blood jade! How good! "

"Oh, you look at me and satire me! You can rest assured that all the people I have looked for have been trusted. Three stinky leather makers have competed with Zhugeliang! " Said Laohu.

"I can talk to you in advance. This is the treasure of my family, which is related to my reputation of Lin family. My parents' affairs were also related to blood jade. So don't give me any trouble, or I will blow up your command post!" Said Lin Feng.

In fact, there is one thing Lin Feng didn't say, that is because, when he came back three years ago, he had been with Jin Waner. But when he started looking for clues about blood jade, Jin Waner disappeared. He didn't know whether these two things had any relationship.

At this time, Laohu swears at the end of the phone: "you don't forget who raised you so big, you dare to threaten me if you can't move. You are back!"

"Who let you take blood jade is not classified properly!" Lin Feng Road.

Laohu said: "you can rest assured that I am more careful about blood jade. There is a secret of surprise in the blood jade. Once the secret is uncovered, it may cause explosive sensation. So don't worry about it. I will do my best to help you protect the clues of blood jade!"

"It's almost the same! You say that, I might think about bombing your command post in a few years! " Said Lin Feng.

"OK, you try to drag back, wait for me to die, you can explode! Ha ha ha! " Said Laohu.

"Ha ha ha, you are old and not so easy to die. Don't say it!" Lin Feng also smiled.After chatting with some others, they hung up.

At this time, Lin Feng grasped the clues of the blood jade, and the whole person was much more relaxed. However, he was thinking about how to get the clues of the other half as soon as possible. When he got together, it might be clear at a glance.

By the way, it is less than a month before the Mid Autumn Festival. When Chu Yuqi's father comes back, if he can give some clues, it should be less difficult to find blood jade.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt relaxed for a while, but then, he was suddenly sad.

He recalled a scene many years ago when his parents were kidnapped and beaten by the gangsters, and even his father was torn on the spot. After that, they took his parents away, and there was no news.

Originally, Lin Feng had a glimmer of hope, but as he grew up, he knew that his parents could not live in the world.

However, even if a person is dead, a corpse or a grave should always be found, but after all these years, there is no news at all.

The happy time when I was a child holding the hands of his parents is gone forever. His parents are in such a hurry that he doesn't even give Lin Feng a recitation, so Lin Feng only relies on the memory of his mind.

In his heart, he was only angry with his enemies and determined to recover the honor of his family.

The death of parents should not be in vain, and the Lin family should not decline. We can't let those who persecute the Lin family and their parents go unpunished.

Lin Feng bit his teeth and wiped his tears.

I haven't cried for many years. Today, blood jade finally has a clue. Lin Feng's years of depression can finally vent some.

However, the revolution has not yet succeeded. He needs to find the other half of the clues as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for him to be the first to be caught by the mysterious organization!

But at the moment, Lin Feng has an urgent matter to deal with, because he received the message from the mouse, the above words: boss, Central Street police station, the target appears!

Lin Feng back: OK, keep monitoring, I'm coming!

Finish saying, he sent a message to Wei Yichen again: call the person of your hand to also go out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!