The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 204

"Brother Baimao, look, Lin Feng actually went down the well!" Exclaimed a young brother of the drag racing party.

"I have to tell boss Huoshen that Lin Feng has gone down the mine and is likely to die in it." White hair said.

He knew that Huoshen hated Lin Feng very much, and told Huoshen this happy news, Huoshen would be very happy.

But unexpectedly, when Huoshen knew the news, he scolded Baimao: "I told you what happened to you and him. Once someone goes down the well, tell me!"

The God of fire has been thinking about the clues of blood jade under the well. Let Baimao look at it. Once someone goes down the well, tell him.

However, Baimao was only interested in watching the excitement. How could he not be angry, especially when he heard that Lin Feng had gone down.

In the impression of the God of fire, Lin Feng is a man of many tricks, and he has been defeated by him several times. He suddenly feels that Lin Feng is unfathomable. If he goes down the well and finds the clues of blood jade, will he not collapse this time?

So the God of fire was very angry and scolded Baimao. He said, "you stand by and I'll go right now." Then he hung up.


this side of the mine.

Lin Feng goes down bit by bit, but he is playing with his mobile phone leisurely and leisurely, without any sense of urgency at all.

There are waves of pictures coming down from the phone.

When Lin Feng saw that he was about to descend to six or seven hundred meters, he put his mobile phone into his pocket, put his anti-virus mask on his head, and then took out a gun from his backpack behind him.

This gun is a masterpiece of mice. It is similar to a machine gun. It can shoot bullets continuously, but it is not a regular machine gun.

Because what this gun sends out is not bullets, but needles.

Lin Feng held a gun in one hand and the rope behind him in the other hand. When he reached the mine, he opened the rope and then hid in a dark corner.

There's a lot of space down here, and in front of it is a dark mine. There was a lot of noise in the mine, and there were heavy panting, howling, and all kinds of crackling noises.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and pressed it several times. He saw a flying object about the size of an eye flying back from the mine.

The little thing is flashing light. It's the detector that Lin Feng threw down before. It's also a black technology made by mice. It's a remote-control robot.

Lin Feng wrote a few words on his mobile phone: "red scorpion, I want to act!"

Then, pick up the gun and go inside.

The detector lights up a few meters in front, and Lin Feng follows behind to observe.

At this time, suddenly a person's shadow flashed and rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng just wanted to shoot, but it was Ma Tao.

"Help me, help me --" Ma Tao yelled.

"Shhh -" Lin Feng motioned to Ma Tao to stop his voice and said in a low voice, "are you not hurt?"

Ma Tao calmed down when he saw someone coming to save him. He said, "I'm ok. I hid in time, but the others were arrested and the walkie talkie was robbed! They're all like crazy, beating and pulling, and Howling like ghosts. What's the matter? "

Lin Feng said: "I'll explain to you later. You'll follow me now. Don't lose it. By the way, don't touch or smell anything on the way."

"Mm-hmm!" Ma Tao nodded repeatedly.

"Oh, yes Lin Feng suddenly thought of one thing: "I remember just above the well, you still blackmailed Su Zong 400000. Do you still want this money?"

"No, no, if you can help me out, I'll pay you back!" Ma Tao is really scared.

Lin Feng said with a bad smile: "I told you that I have a life to earn but I can't spend my life. You still don't believe it. I'm honest with you."

Then he went in.

At this time, there was a turn. After the turn, there was light inside.

Looking at the light, the scene inside is frightening.

I saw a group of miners, like a group of madmen, dishevelled, with blood stains, while shouting, but also entangled in fighting.

And the other three were among them, and they were all unconscious.

Lin Feng squats down and lets Ma Tao hide behind him.

He started shooting inside, every shot in the men's thighs.

Gradually, those people fell to the ground.

A few people found that Lin Feng was shooting at them. They rushed to Lin Feng and Ma Tao.

Ma Tao is scared and yells, ordinary people see this scene, which can not be afraid.

Lin Feng is indifferent to smile: "on this point of your courage, but also open mouth shut up 400000? Learn more skills in the future, and then come out to make money

With that, Lin Feng took out a few needle tubes of finger length from behind. When those people rushed up, he pulled one and pricked it on the neck of the man. With a push, the liquid in the needle tube instantly flowed into the person's body.

The man rolled his eyes and fell down.Then, the other two people came up.

Lin Feng rushed to the cat's waist. He put two needles into their thighs with both hands. Then he put his hands around his thighs and overturned them. One hand pressed one on the ground.

After struggling for a few seconds, the two men did not move.

Lin Feng said to Ma Tao, "carry these people to the side of the ropeway, and then get off the tramcar and connect them all."

Lin Feng picked up the walkie talkie and said to it, "ask some people to come down with gas masks and get ready to pull people up!"

Ma Tao is still in shock. Is this man a security guard? Why is it so powerful?

Three five divide two of the three people, and then strategical command of him, in his face, a trace of panic has not seen, too cow b!

"What are you doing in a daze? Do as I say!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh Ma Tao quickly nods. At this time, he regards Lin Feng as a God!

"Yes "Don't touch anything other than people, especially the vegetation inside," said Lin Feng

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Ma Tao found that there was a kind of flower growing in it. The flower was dark black, which he didn't recognize. However, there were large pieces of flowers, which seemed to infiltrate people.

But he did not dare to neglect, he felt that as long as Lin Feng was around, he would have an endless sense of security.

And Lin Feng is searching everywhere at this time. If there is a clue of blood jade under the mine, it may be here.

He looked around carefully, searching one place after another, but he saw nothing.

Lin Feng frowned, isn't the clue?

At this time, but listen to Ma Tao shouting: "big brother, here is a box!"

Lin Feng hurried past, looking at Ma Tao's direction, he saw a dark wooden box the size of a palm under the cover of a dense vegetation.

Just now someone knocked the vegetation and exposed a corner of the wooden box. When Ma Tao went to carry the man, he found the wooden box.

"Big brother, what is this thing?" Ma Tao reaches for it.

"Don't move!" Lin Feng called.

Ma Tao is so scared that he quickly takes back his hand and doesn't dare to move.

Lin Feng used a gun to pick away the vegetation nearby, picked the box down, then wrapped it with cloth and put it in his backpack.

At this time, people came down from above, shouting and starting to transport the comatose people up.

After Lin Feng explained some precautions, he went to the well with Ma Tao.

As soon as Lin Feng came out, he became a hero.

People flocked to Su Jing. Lin Feng said to Su Jing, "these people should be sent to the hospital. Fortunately, they are not deeply poisoned. Let the hospital inject some antagonists and they will recover soon."

"What's going on down here?" Yu Lan asked.

Lin Feng said: "there is a toxic area below, which is covered with polar Black Datura. This kind of vegetation is a kind of variable vegetation, which has strong toxicity. If people contact it, it will lead to rapid heartbeat, pupil enlargement, auditory hallucination and mental disorder! You have to send someone down with gas masks to clean up that area, and then it will be all right! "

"So it is Ma Tao has been listening: "no wonder I get upset when I get close to those flowers!"

"It's OK to get close to it. I'm afraid that someone might eat it by mistake or get injured. If the wound touches pollen, it will be poisoned immediately. Therefore, if one person is poisoned and attacks another person, the other person will probably be scratched and infected!" Lin Feng said.

"Brother, you are so good!" Ma Tao said, a face of worship: "I feel you know everything, and do not mess in the face of danger, too cow ah!"

People around him were curious and asked, "how many cattle are there?"

Ma Tao started to describe: "this security elder brother, when he went down to the mine, he was as casual as entering his own house. Then he saw such a terrible scene, he was not afraid at all. He was calm and calm. He gave advice to the people... He knocked people down..."

the people around him were stunned, nervous and laughing.

Ma Tao almost said Lin Feng was a God, and everyone was full of admiration. Xia Ming, especially, patted his thigh and said, "this is definitely my brother Feng, absolutely!"

"Did you learn your Feng brother's moves? Show it

"I'll learn to brag! Ha ha ha

Looking at the people around her for a fight, Su Jing put down her heart. She pursed her mouth and showed her mobile phone case to Lin Feng: "did you give it to me?"

Lin Feng said carelessly: "ah, it's a small thing. You're welcome."

For the first time, Su Jing's tone was much softer and said, "you've worked hard this time. Thank you!"

Lin Feng said, "you're welcome. You still have ink. What? If you really want to thank you, let me explore your well."

"Ah Su Jing gave Lin Feng a look, but did not want to destroy the atmosphere at this time, so she did not scold Lin Feng.Lin Feng saved the reputation of Dongsheng Group by one person this time. Su Jing, the president of the company, is naturally very grateful.

At this time, Ma Tao finished telling Lin Feng's story, and then went to Su Jing and solemnly said:

"Mr. Su, there are many talents in your company. Brother Lin Feng is the most outstanding person I have ever met in my life. He saved me and made me understand the principle of life. Life is more important than everything else. As long as you live, there will be tomorrow! So, I don't want any of your 400000, and 80% of our expenses will be given to brother Lin Feng, which is a little respect for brother Lin Feng's saving his life! "

All the people around him said this with their thumbs up.

After hearing this, Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "money is something outside my body. It's useless for me. 80% of that, I'll transfer it to my beautiful boss of Dongsheng Group. The company needs more money for its development."

Lin Feng said the last sentence, the voice is particularly loud and clear.

"Applause!" Xia Ming called out at one side.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!" There was a round of applause.

Ma Tao and others to Lin Feng's admiration, immediately promoted a level!

However, at this time, I heard a big drink from the side: "Lin Feng, what's in your backpack?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!