The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 203

"Hello, Captain, hello..." the man above yelled at the walkie talkie anxiously, but there was no sound at that end.

"It's over The people on the well burst into tears: "brother, what's the matter with you? Brother - you talk

Su Jing came forward to know that the man who was to be served by the elder brother in the well was Ma Ji, Ma Tao's brother.

"I have to go down and save my brother. My brother has a sister-in-law and two children to support. He can't die!" Horse season tears flowed out.

"How do you get down here? It's so dangerous down here. Don't you want to die when you go down?" Lin Feng said.

"What about that? My brother, he can't die Majie, like a helpless child, burst into tears on the well.

The drag racing party on the other side of the barbed wire was laughing: "it's hard for you to go down, but you're leaning down. Is it OK this time? It's all inside! "

"I said, do you have any humanity?" Lin Feng scolded the drag racing Party: "they are all raised by parents. They all have brothers and sisters. They are born to be human beings. Do you have this quality and this education?"

"You are well bred, you go, you go down to save people! You know bluff Baimao can be regarded as seizing the opportunity and biting Lin Feng.

"Yes, you have the courage to go down!" The people of the drag racing party started to roar again.

Lin Feng is a cold hum, no reply.

Su Jing was a little desperate. What happened next? The rescue team can't handle it. What can we do?

There seems to be no other way!

Her hair is a little messy, this is the most severe form since she took over Dongsheng mining, and it is also the most helpless time for her.

She didn't know what to do next.

Are you waiting to die?

Yu Lan also shook her head and sighed. She called Tang Dongsheng to see if the chairman had any better way.

But at the same time, Lin Feng sent a message to the mouse. Then, he began to watch his mobile phone carefully. Half of the screen showed the scene of the mine, and half of the screen showed the information from the red scorpion. The information was the analysis and explanation of the following.

After a quick scan, Lin Feng nodded.

Seeing Ma Ji kneeling beside the mine and crying, he went up to him and said, "man, husband, what's the use of crying? At the beginning, I advised you not to go down. If you have made money, you will be able to earn your life. If you don't believe it, now you know how powerful it is?"

Ma Ji yelled at Lin Feng: "what's the use of saying this now? My brother, they can't come up! " With that, he began to cry.

Lin Feng snorted coldly: "I just want to tell you, don't be obsessed with money in the future."

Said, Lin Feng toward Ma Ji to unload the equipment on one side, picked up the gas mask, said: "you these equipment, lend me to use!"

"What are you going to do?" Ma Ji was surprised: "do you want to...

when Su Jing and Yu Lan and others nearby heard of this, they also looked at Lin Feng one after another.

"Yes, I will not go into the well, who will!" Lin Feng faint smile, but at this time in all people's eyes, the image of instant tall.

This unknown security guard, in the most helpless time of all, he was able to carry the heavy load, and then showed no pressure at all!

It's so dauntless.

Of course, how can it be enough if you only have the spirit of fearlessness. There are obviously unknown dangers waiting for us. Professional rescue teams are all hung up. What role can you play when you go down as a security guard?

Thinking of this, Ma Ji was discouraged again.

Su Jing said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, this is not a joke."

Yu Lan also said: "yes, Lin Feng, if you have any problems, how can we explain to the chairman? You are invited by the chairman of the board."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "then why did your chairman invite me?"


Lin Feng said: "the chairman asked me to come, but I was asked to solve the difficulties? The chairman of the board invited me to come here just to let me save everyone in time of crisis? What's more, I share a room with the president of Jiangsu University every day. If the president of Jiangsu University encounters such great difficulties, can I not lend a helping hand? "

Lin Feng almost believed what he said. In fact, he was a little selfish. He guessed that this incident was definitely related to the secret of the so-called blood jade. With the prompt of Chu Yuqi's mother Liu meihui, he was more sure.

So he went down to investigate, in large part, to find clues to blood jade.

"But Lin Feng!" Su Jing said, "although you are very good in some aspects, you don't have any underground work experience. I'm afraid it won't work!"

On hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly had a dirty smile on his face: "President of Jiangsu University, what do you mean that I am powerful in some aspects? You don't steal my pants while I'm asleep, do you? How about the size? Hee hee

"Can you be a little serious?" Su Jing is in a hurry, but Lin Feng is not serious. He is very irritating."I am serious! Just because of the size, women can explore the deep well to the end! Therefore, I am also an expert in underground operation! " Lin Feng said to Su Jing with a smile, "you can try it and see if I can go to the bottom of your well! Hey, hey, hey

"Lin Feng, you..." Su Jing just now also because of Lin Feng's heroic performance, incomparable admiration, after a few words, she would like to kill Lin Feng again.

At this time, Yu Lan quickly stopped Su Jing: "Mr. Su, don't be angry. You know Lin Feng, he has always been like this." he also looked at Lin Feng's place and said, "anyway, he can't get to the end. We don't know. Let him talk casually! What matters most to us now is the matter in front of us! "

When it comes to the matter in front of her, Su Jing's head is very big.

But at this time, he saw a taxi galloping from the distance. A man came down from the taxi. It was a mouse. He ran to Lin Feng.

"Xia Ming, don't stop him!" Lin Feng shouts to security guard Xia Ming.

Xia Ming gives the mouse a way out. The mouse runs to Lin Feng with a big bag on his back and says, "boss, the equipment you want is coming."

Say, pass the knapsack to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened the zipper to have a look and nodded with great satisfaction.

Mouse is an expert in electronic machinery. He is proficient in computers and can make some strange black technology. His residence in Jincheng, the house Wei Yichen provided, has become his private laboratory. He often makes some inventions in it.

The equipment that Lin Feng asked for this time is simply a pediatrics to him.

With a backpack on his back and a gas mask in his hand, Lin Feng went to Su Jing's ear and said in a low voice, "I'm going to go down. By the way, I'll get to the bottom of your well sooner or later

"You're a pervert!" Su Jing scolded.

But Lin Feng walked to the well with a smile, hung up the rope and waved goodbye to everyone.

The rope slowly drops, and Lin Feng's body goes down slowly. All the people present are looking at a hero, especially those employees of Dongsheng Group and Ma Ji kneeling on the ground. They don't know whether Lin Feng can still come after this farewell?

Lin Feng that Yingyong posture, at this moment, appears dazzling.

At this time, the mouse took out a mobile phone case, which was the oldest one that had been discontinued. He made it according to the appearance and size of the mobile phone given by Lin Feng.

He handed the mobile phone case to Su Jing and said, "the boss asked me to give it to you. This is the only one in the world. Boss makes it professionally!"

Su Jing was surprised to take the mobile phone case, which was very beautiful, with a picture of Su Jing and her mother on the back.

Su Jing was shocked to find that the mobile phone case matched her mobile phone perfectly. The mobile phone was the only legacy left by her mother, which was precious. She thought that the mobile phone case was broken and the mobile phone had lost its protection. She was afraid that the mobile phone would be damaged at some moment.

On the night of barbecue, he was hijacked and broke his mobile phone case. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was so careless, but his heart was so delicate and considerate. Moreover, he even used the photo of his mother and himself on the bed!

Looking at this extremely attentive mobile phone case, for a moment, Su Jing's heart warmed and her eyes turned red! , the fastest update of the webnovel!