The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 202

"With you? What do you do? " Ma Tao gives Lin Feng a contemptuous look.

"Oh, don't mind. He's the security guard of our company!" Su Jing said.

"Well, what kind of dog and cat are so rampant these days? It's like this task is very easy. When you go down the well, you'll risk your life. Do you know? " Ma Tao stares at beads and scolds Lin Feng.

"Oh, you know, for you, it's a near death!" Lin Feng Road.

"Just know it!" Ma Tao gives Lin Feng a white look.

But listen to Lin Feng said: "but for me, it's different! I'm a professional! I'm a professional exploration well, and I'll go to the bottom Finish saying, return evil evil a smile.

"Shit, you say we're not professional?" Ma Tao said angrily.

Lin Feng said: "don't be angry, big brother. If it's a landslide, you may be professional, but there's no collapse. Do you know what's going on? You don't even investigate in advance, do you go on like this? Is this your major? I'm for your good. Don't be so reckless about money, big brother

"Shit, our rescue team can't get a security guard to point out?" Ma Tao was angry and said to Su Jing, "I'm sorry, your people can't pretend. We won't take this job!"

"Well, how can I do that? I don't know what's going on. If you delay one more minute, it will be dangerous. If you leave, I have to call someone again. How much time will it take?" Su Jing said.

"Well, let's go down, but the price has gone up, 80000 per person, 400000 in total. Take the money. If you don't pay, don't think we can go down!" Ma Tao didn't hide this time, so he told Su Jing directly.

"You must be careful that you have a life to earn, but you can't spend your life!" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng!" Su Jing yelled, "can you shut up? If you're making trouble, I'll send you out! "

Su Jing was so angry that the rescue team was about to go down to rescue her just now. However, Lin Feng's trouble was very good. She had to pay an extra 150000 yuan and make such a fuss. It's not enough to succeed but more than to fail.

"Captain Ma, I can give you money, but you have to go down the well at once!" Su Jing said to Ma Tao.

"Of course that's OK!" Ma Tao changed his attitude as soon as he heard of the money.

But at this time, Lin Feng got close to the well and threw a metal ball the size of an eye into the well.

"What are you doing?" Ma Tao sees Lin Feng throw something in.

"Oh, don't get excited. I'll just explore how deep the underground is for you." Lin Feng said, lie down on the edge of the well to listen to, and then shook his head: "can't hear the sound, good he deep, you this trip is dangerous ah!"

"Shit, do you believe me Ma Tao is going to come to Lin Feng.

The people who came with him quickly stopped him: "horse team, don't be angry!"

Su Jing was also very angry at this time. She was so busy going down the well to save people. Lin Feng was making trouble here and there. What's Ann's heart?

"Lin Feng, you're going to make trouble!" Su Jing rushed to the road.

"Good! My beautiful boss Lin Feng said with a smile.

However, everyone did not know that what Lin Feng threw into the well was not a common thing. After the ball dropped several hundred meters, a propeller suddenly appeared on the top of his head, and then a probe protruded in front of him. According to the sound wave induction, he skillfully avoided obstacles and flew all the way down the well.

Then, turn on the night vision function, the scenery within a few meters of the mine can be seen clearly.

However, at this time, Ma Tao and others are ready to go up the well. One person is holding their rope. Ma Tao leads the other three people and slowly slides down the derrick.

Ma Tao and others all the way down to 500 meters, but there are some lights below, but no one is seen.

"Keep going down!" Ma Tao said to the top with his walkie talkie.

The personnel above continued to release the rope with the machine, while Ma Tao and others continued to go deep into the mine, because Su Jing said that this time, because the mining depth was 800 meters, the personnel did not return to the well, so the problem must be at the bottom!

Ma Tao and others carefully descend. At this time, they listen to a howl from below, accompanied by some low groans and sobs.

It was dark below, and the people who heard the sound were creepy. Ma Tao couldn't help shivering.

So many years of rescue career, did not encounter this kind of situation? What's going on down here? How can people have such a voice?

Are you haunted?

No way!

Ma Tao shakes his head again. If he believes in gods and ghosts, they can't do it as soon as possible.

But now, what's the matter with those voices? If it's the voice of the group, why don't they come up to the well?

Ma Tao motioned to the others to adjust the top safety light to the brightest, put on the gas mask on his mouth, and walked down in turn.

In general, biogas may grow in places too deep underground. They wear gas masks with oxygen cylinders behind their backs, so they can breathe freely.Several men continued to dive.

At this time, Su Jing, Yu Lan and others on the well were anxious.

On the other side of the iron railings a hundred meters apart, the people of the drag racing party are still laughing.

"There are dozens of people trapped in the mine. Why did you find four or five rescue teams? The monks are too many to save their lives! " White hair yelled.

"What else to save? Maybe they are all dead. In my opinion, these rescue teams are dangerous to go down!" Some people gloated.

"Shut your stinky mouth, no one will treat you as dumb!" Su Jing rushed to the road.

Su Jing, such a gorgeous beauty, stood at the edge of the mine, forming a strong contrast with the gray faced miners and technicians around her, and immediately became a beautiful scenery.

, the younger brother of the group of racing cars, saw Su Jing's sexy body, and it was so beautiful and moving. He also whistled and laughed at Su Jing: "beauty, this is all the work of big men in this mine. What are you mixing up? Go back to the office to make a mask!"

"Don't, or come and play with us. We'll take you racing. It's better than here!"


this group of drag racing party was pure-hearted in disturbing her mind and upset Su Jing.

But at this time, but see Lin Feng took out a pistol, pointed at the group of people racing party people, said: "you he is bored? I tell you, Su Jing, Su Da Mei, I'm the only one who can make fun of you. Other people don't want to take advantage of their words, or I'll kill you! "

With that, he pointed the gun at the men.

"Trough, he has a gun!" The group of people from the drag racing party were shocked. They didn't expect the other party to take out a gun.

Lin Feng, as they all know, is not a player who plays cards according to the routine. He may be in trouble if he shoots himself.

Suddenly one by one did not dare to speak, even white hair was silent.

"I'll hear you another BB?" Lin Feng points to a boy of a drag racing party.

The little brother's legs are shaking. He can show off his power in ordinary days. But when he sees a gun at the critical moment, who is not afraid?

"Come on, you can either BB a word?" Lin Feng pointed at Baimao with his gun again.

Baimao didn't dare to speak.

Lin Feng saw this and burst out laughing: "a group of eggshells, no fun!"

Said, but he took out a cigarette in his mouth, said: "for a long time do not smoke, addicted to smoking, to a bar!"

Said, a hook bolt, "pa" a sound, the muzzle of the fire, lit smoke.

"Sleeping trough! Lighters

The little brother of the drag racing party suddenly felt embarrassed. You look at me and I look at you. They were scared and counselled just now. It's disgraceful.

White hair is more hate, a face of embarrassment and helplessness, this boy, how so he can humiliate people? Also changed the method of humiliation, their own in front of the younger brother is a disgrace lost big hair.

Su Jing was all amused. Originally she was upset by this group of drag racing party. Now she is so integrated by Lin Feng. She feels a burst of happiness. Lin Feng is really speechless!

However, at this time, the walkie talkie of the rescue team rang, "help, ah, help..."

it was Ma Tao's voice, with incomparable panic in panic.

"Captain, what's the matter with you?" The receptionist on the well called out to the walkie talkie.

"Help... Click... Hiss..." the walkie talkie rang out a strange noise, and then it was cut off. , the fastest update of the webnovel!