The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 201

Lin Feng sighed: "it's no coincidence that you can't make a book. You can come to what you say!"

From Chu Yuqi's home, Lin Feng all the way to the East sub mine.

"What about the other security guards? Why are you alone? " Su Jing asked.

"Oh, I just called. They may be on the way!" Lin Feng Road.

He glanced around. There were several technicians and workers on the top of the mine.

The mine is divided into horizontal shaft, inclined shaft and vertical shaft.

And the eastern area is a vertical shaft, a derrick standing in the middle of the mine, a long ropeway leading to the bottom, people and the mine are transported back and forth through the elevator.

In the past, people used to mine at a depth of 500 meters, but today, for the first time, it has dropped 300 meters.

800 meters is already the deep well in the mine standard, and the deepest well is only more than 1000 meters.

It is because of today's deep expansion that dozens of people have gone down. None of them came up and did not respond to their calls. No one answered the walkie talkie. The people in the well did not know what was going on below, and they did not dare to go down. They were so deadlocked.

However, the members of the drag racing party are still in the next room. The white hair leads a group of gangsters and makes a lot of noise at the other end of the barbed wire.

A gangster deliberately called out, "ah, you are going to die in the mine? There are dozens of lives. Now Dongsheng mining is going to be closed down! "

Another gangster yelled: "it's not just seizure, they have to pay a huge amount of compensation, it seems that they will go bankrupt!"

Baimao sneered: "Dongsheng mining safety coefficient is not high, leading to the death of workers underground, and then even rescue measures are not, this kind of unqualified enterprises, it is estimated that it will not be as simple as sealing up compensation?"

Listening to the noise of the people around her, Su Jing felt her heart sink.

That Baimao is right. If something really happens, the relevant departments will put a hat on Dongsheng Group, saying that there are hidden dangers in the safety system of Dongsheng mining industry, and rescue is not timely. If there is an accident, the enterprise will be labeled with a hat. This is a common trick of relevant departments.

However, if the common people do not know the inside information, they will revile Dongsheng Group. Public opinion can crush Dongsheng Group for a time. Dongsheng Group's reputation and reputation over the past 20 years may be ruined like this!

At one time, Shen's group had also killed more than a dozen people in mines, but at that time, Shen's group had close relations with relevant departments and spent money to suppress it.

As for Dongsheng Group, it seems that the relationship between the government and Dongsheng Group is not very strong. In particular, Su Jing doesn't want to use this kind of black box operation to calm people down. If something really happens, it's good to bear all the consequences. There's no need to shirk responsibility and block news.

At this time, Tang Dongsheng was attending a mining conference in Songjiang city. He couldn't even attend the meeting now, so he went back halfway.

If Dongsheng Group fails to deal with this incident properly, it will face extinction.

At this time, other security guards also arrived at the scene. Su Jing asked them to surround the scene, so as not to let the drag racing party and other strangers get close to the mine, for fear that someone might do damage.

"What are we going to do next?" Yu Lan asked.

"I'm contacting professional rescue teams, and they will be there soon. They are more professional underground rescue teams. Let's see if they can see the living people when they go down!" Su Jing said anxiously.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "I'm afraid the rescue team can't do it. All the rescue teams are specialized in rescuing landslides. There may be some unknown dangers hidden in it. If you can't let them in, it will cause unnecessary casualties."

"What else can we do now?" Su Jing felt that Lin Feng was just talking nonsense. He retorted, "don't you go down and help, just wait?"

With that, Su Jing looked at her watch and picked up the phone to urge the rescue team.

Lin Feng shakes his head, quits the crowd, finds a secluded corner, opens the mobile phone, and clicks on the app icon named Rubik's cube.

After entering his account number and password, he clicks on a group.

There are less than ten people in the group. Lin Feng is the leader of the group. All the others are administrators, and the mouse is one of them.

Lin Feng finds the ID of a red scorpion in it. Click to open the dialog box and input the information:

red scorpion. Please come back when you receive it!

A message immediately pops up on the screen: boss, is that you? How come you have no voice during your retirement? We all miss you crazy!

Lin Feng: retired, of course, I want to relax, otherwise? Studying missiles and killing people with you all day? Study how to sneak into enemy secret bases?

His brothers are well-known dangerous elements in the world. Except for rats, others have long been restricted to China. So Lin Feng can only talk with them remotely, or can Lin Feng go abroad to see him.

This group of brothers, are good brothers who live a life and death. In those days when guns and bullets rained on their pants and belts, they all put their lives in Lin Feng's hands and completely trusted him.

There is nothing like this kind of feeling in the world.

Moreover, these people are all the top figures in some fields. Together, they are more terrible than the devil.Lin Feng recalled the happy days they had together in the past. Although it was breathtaking, it was also a great pleasure.

But now is not the time to recall these things. Lin Feng quickly typed a few words on his mobile phone:

thank you for your friendship. I will definitely go back to see you when I have time, but I need you to do me a little help to investigate something.

Red scorpion: great, you can finally use our place.

Lin Feng heart faint smile, this matter, in fact, they can not, Lin Feng just side want to see their recent state.

Lin Feng: Yes, please help me quickly!

Red scorpion: Yes, boss, we are all on standby, as long as you give us an order!

Lin Feng: let me give you a brief account of the situation...

Lin Feng explained the specific situation once and arranged the plan with the red scorpion in a very short time.

When everything was ready, Lin Feng walked back to the mine.

At this time, the rescue team has come, is a team of five, one by one well-equipped, manly entered the field.

The head man was tall and big, with an inch in his head, but his face looked a bit philistine!

His name is Ma Tao, who is the leader of the rescue team. He whispered to Su Jing, "the rescue time is tight and the task is heavy. It's dangerous to go down the well to save people. Do you have to pay us more money?"

"What do you mean?" Su Jing said, "when I asked you to come, I negotiated the price with your rescue company."

Ma Tao's face changed as soon as he heard it. "OK, it's up to you. Our team members need to warm up before they go down the well. Let's warm up first, ha!"

After Ma Tao finished, he took the other four people to the side, slowly stretched out his arms and legs, and looked careless.

"If you don't pay, they'll dally on purpose!" Yu Lan reminds Su Jing.

Su Jing frowned and said, "when is the social atmosphere like this? Money for everything? It's really corrupt! "

"Well, it's not easy for them. Give me some meaning." Yu Lan finished saying, "come on, we Su always talk to you."

Ma Tao came up to him and said coldly, "what can I talk about? We haven't finished warming up yet

"How much do you want?" Su Jing asked directly.

"At least fifty thousand per person! Everyone is working hard! It's about 250000 in all! " Ma Tao also has no taboo.

Su Jing took a deep breath and was about to promise. At this time, Lin Feng came out and said with a smile, "I'll give you a 20% discount. Don't use them. Use me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!