The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 200

When Lin Feng returns to Chu Yuqi's home, he listens to Liu Peng's abuse in the room.

"I said I can't listen to that boy. You see, now not only others run away, but also money, even brother leopard is offended!" Liu Peng said.

"Lin Feng is not like that!" Chu Yuqi's voice came from the room: "Lin Feng said there was a way, she must have a way!"

"You still believe that Punk's words up to now. Have you been infatuated with him?" Liu Peng said: "Damn it, I'll take you to find brother Bao now. We beg brother Bao not to be angry. You will follow brother Bao for me later."

"Liu Peng, you let go of my daughter, I beg you, you let her go!" Liu meihui's voice came out.

"You get out of here, or you are my cousin, I would have killed you!" Liu Peng said fiercely.

"I won't go with you, I'll wait for Lin Feng!" Chu said.

"You two, don't have a special, let me worry, don't go, I will be rough!" Liu Peng said.

Liu meihui is almost desperate. How can she stand such a cousin? Where is this cousin? This is a devil!

She suddenly grabbed Liu Peng's arm and said, "Yuqi, run quickly!"

Chu Yuqi ran out of the house.

"Damn it!" Liu Peng pushed Liu meihui away. She fell under the bed with a stagger. Her head was broken and the blood flowed out.

"Mom -" Chu Yuqi screamed bitterly, and was about to run over.

But at this time, she was grabbed by Liu Peng's arm and threatened: "you follow me, I will give you to brother Bao, if you dare to struggle, I will kill you!"

"Try to hit him!" At this time, a cold voice came.

Liu pengmeng looked back and saw Lin Feng standing at the door with a bag in his hand.

Liu Peng was frightened and quickly released Chu Yuqi's hand. He was slapped by Lin Feng.

"Mom -" at this time, Chu Yuqi ran to Liu meihui, lifted up Liu meihui, and looked at Liu meihui's forehead bleeding, and Chu Yuqi's tears of heartache.

"Scum!" Lin Feng looks at mother and daughter sad appearance, gnash teeth toward Liu Peng scold way.

"Lin Feng, Auntie is OK, it's Auntie who fell down accidentally!" Liu meihui reluctantly sends a smile.

"Mom, when are you going to protect your cousin?" Chu Yuqi looked at her mother with heartache.

Lin Feng put the bag down and walked towards Liu Peng without saying a word.

"What are you doing? I tell you, if you hit me, I can call the police to arrest you! " Liu Peng threatened Lin Feng, but he was afraid to retreat.

"You still want to call the police?" Lin Feng said, fierce one foot toward Liu Peng on the face to kick in the past.

"Bang" a stuffy sound, Liu Peng's face was kicked a big footprint, the bridge of his nose was kicked askew, blood gurgling from his nose.

Others were kicked back a few steps, a sharp pain and dizziness, a buttock fell on the ground.

"Oh, my nose, my face!" Liu Peng covered his face in horror and howled.

"Do you want a face? If you want a face, you won't do such a thing! " Lin Feng cheered.

Liu Peng covered his nose and stood up. Seeing that it was not easy to call the police, he changed his mouth and threatened: "you... If you dare to beat me again, I'll call brother Bao to clean you up!"

"Is it? Is it brother leopard Lin Feng said coldly: "so far, I don't know how to repent. You are really damned!" Say, go forward, fierce is a foot kick in the past, a kick in Liu Peng's abdomen.

Liu Peng had no power to parry. He felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He could not help but fly out and hit the wall. He slipped and fell limply, lying on the ground and covering his stomach in pain.

"Liu Peng!" Liu meihui yelled.

"Don't worry, auntie. I have a sense of propriety. He can't die!" Lin Feng said.

Liu Peng, listening to the meaning of Lin Feng's words, seemed to be afraid to kill himself. He thought he was right to frighten him with brother Bao. He quickly endured the pain and said, "Lin Feng, brother Bao, you can't afford it. Today you hit me, I'll find brother Bao to clean you up sooner or later."

"How dare you speak?" Lin Feng stepped forward and slapped Liu Peng with a mouthful of blood and took a few teeth.

Liu pengtong's life is worse than death. He doesn't dare to speak any more. He is afraid that his full teeth will be pulled down by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneers and ignores him. Instead, he picks up the bag he brought when he enters the house from the ground, reaches in, takes out a contract and hands it to Chu Yuqi.

"What is this?" Chu Yuqi looked at it and screamed happily: "the contract, mom, Lin Feng has brought the contract back!"

Liu meihui quickly looks this way. What Chu Yuqi is holding is really the contract.

"Lin Feng, you..." Liu meihui's hands trembled: "how did you get it back?"

"Well, it's easy to say! Now in a society ruled by law, I will go to brother Bao, reason with him, persuade him, and he will give it to me! " Lin Feng said with a smile."Well, be reasonable?" The people in the room were confused.

"Brother leopard, will you reason with me?" Chu Yuqi is very surprised. He has seen Lin Feng's ability to fight. He thinks it's Lin Feng who went to fight with brother Bao, but he didn't expect to find brother Bao to reason with him.

"Of course, don't forget that I'm a student of nine-year compulsory education. Although I'm not brilliant and talented, I'm full of poems and books! What's more, I'm still a good debater. I'm a big old man to reason with brother Bao. I don't want to convince him every minute? " Lin Feng Road.

"Good boy!" Liu meihui looked approvingly: "Lin Feng, such an excellent and sensible child as you, is really rare!"

"Auntie, you're flattered. After my persuasion, ah Bao not only gave us the contract, but also disbanded the underground gambling house. Moreover, he gave me 200000 cash back!"

"What? And money? " Liu meihui is even more different.

Liu Peng's mouth bleeding, almost forget the pain, because the scene in front of him, too strange, this Lin Feng can reason to convince brother leopard, the contract back not to say, but also back to him 200000?

What is the super invincible universe? Why is it worth so much?

"Auntie, the money is for you and Yuqi." Lin Feng smiles and puts the money at Liu meihui's bedside.

"Lin Feng, this is so nice. Take it back quickly. How can aunt ask for your money?" Liu meihui said.

"Well, auntie, you are sick and need money to see a doctor. If you really don't want it, you should take it as a loan from me!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah, so much, we can't afford it!" Liu meihui looks embarrassed.

"It's OK. Let Yuqi return it slowly. I'll give her time! What do you say, Yuqi Lin Feng smiles at Chu Yuqi.

"I still? I make money at such a speed that you have to wait for monkey years! " Chu Yuqi said.

"I can afford to wait! I don't lack money. I'm rich. What about my savings of more than 20 years! " Lin Feng Road.

"More than 20 years of savings? That must be a lot of it? " Chu Yuqi asked curiously.

Lin Feng put his mouth close to Chu Yuqi's ear and said in a low voice: "of course, more, all accumulated in my body, another day when flower arrangement, it will be released!"

"You are good or bad." Chu Yuqi immediately shook Lin Feng with a small powder fist.

Lin Feng once said that he hoped Chu Yuqi was beautiful as a flower, and then he arranged flowers every day. Now, when arranging flowers, the savings will be released. No matter how simple a girl can tell.

Chu Yuqi immediately blushed like a ripe peach, shy to find a seam to drill in, but the heart is "bang bang" jump.

Liu meihui has never seen her daughter blush like that. She has come to know these young people. She shakes her head and smiles, but she thinks that Lin Feng's 200000 yuan is going to be the betrothal money!

Lin Feng said to Liu Peng at this time: "your debt is also finished. You should get out of here quickly. If you let me know you are here, I will kill you!"

Liu Peng didn't dare to underestimate the young man in front of him. He could get a contract and 200000 yuan from brother Bao, which is not what ordinary people can do. He said he was reasonable. God knows what means he used!

Liu Peng's heart is full of fear, he endured the pain, bitterly left.

"Lin Feng, you sit down first, my aunt will cook for you!" As soon as Liu meihui changes her haze, she will get out of bed.

"No, auntie. Take a rest! I have to go to the mining area of Dongsheng Group to have a look. It's very far away in the East District. I have to go! " Before Lin Feng came to Chu Yuqi, he really planned to go to the eastern district.

"Aren't you a security guard? Do security guards have to work under the mine? " Liu meihui asked.

"Oh, I don't have to go underground to work, but I personally like to study minerals, so I'm going to step over there and have a look!" Lin Feng didn't directly say that he was looking for blood jade.

Then Liu meihui changed her face and said, "Lin Feng, you should be careful. The mine has been sealed for many years. If it is opened now, something may happen."

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yuqi's father once told me that under the mine, there is a secret, a secret about a stone!" Liu meihui said: "a lot of people want that stone. So when they went down the well to look for clues, many people went down, most of them died in it, and several people who came out were also crazy. So the government closed the mine at that time! "

"And such things?" Lin Feng frowned.

"At that time, many people died there. The government was afraid that the mine would cause panic among Jincheng people, so the government blocked the incident and sealed the mine. Many people in the know were also ordered by the government to keep this secret, so everyone in the back didn't know about it. If it wasn't for me to listen to Yuqi's father, I wouldn't know about it."

"Auntie, do you know anything else?" Lin Feng asked.

"I don't know anything else. Yuqi's father told me so much, so I heard that the mine in the East District was reopened that day. I was wondering, which immoral person from the relevant department sold the mine to the merchants again? It means something big is going to happen! " Liu meihui said."So, there is a mystery under the mine!" Lin Feng Road.

"Yes, so you must be careful and tell your chairman that you must be careful when mining that mine!" Liu meihui said.

"Well, auntie, I see. Thank you!" Lin Feng Road.

At this time, Lin Feng's phone rang. It was Su Jing. When Lin Feng picked up the phone, Su Jing said in a panic: "Lin Feng, are you in the hotel? Is it convenient for Fang to go to the company and organize security personnel to come to the East District to separate the mine

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"We started to work underground today, but the depth dropped a little. As a result, all the workers went down the well. As a result, none of them came up. All the accidents happened. Please call all the security guards to help maintain the scene!" Su Jing said.

"You wait for me, I'll be right there!" Lin Feng Road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!