The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 199

"Leopard, do you want to talk to me? Come on, let's go to the back and say "

Lin Feng takes brother Bao's hand and walks towards the room behind him. Brother Bao grins with pain and tears fall down. But he finds that Lin Feng is very strong, and he is led by him just like walking a dog.

"Brothers, help me and kill him for me!" Leopard brother was led into the door by Lin Feng, shouting to his younger brother outside.

The younger brothers understood at this time and poured in behind the door.

This group of gamblers did not dare to go to see it. They stood outside to see, guessing what the scene would be inside.

At this time, I heard the sound of punching and kicking, and then a series of miserable howling.

There was a lot of noise inside. The wall was banging and banging. It seemed very fierce. Besides, people's howling was not so sad. I'm afraid it was suffering from purgatory!

"It's over. It seems that the great God has been set up by others."

"The great God has to reason with them. How can it make sense, alas!"

"The great God is a good man, but unfortunately, alas!"

One by one, one by one, under the leadership of the great God, saw the dawn, and as a result, he was oppressed by the cruel reality and had no strength to fight back.

But after a moment, the door was clean.

At this time, I saw Lin Feng come out of the house, still holding the brother leopard's hand, the leopard brother also led out.

But leopard brother, but completely different from before, he is now black and blue, mouth Ya son is still bleeding, limp, clothes are torn several places, looks in a mess.

"Ah Bao, I said you are most reasonable. We have a good talk. Now it's time to show me your safe?" Lin Feng said to brother Bao with a smile.

He took down the tissue from his neck and handed it to a Bao: "here, wipe your nose. I've said for a long time that my scarf will be lent to you sooner or later."

Brother leopard took the tissue, and nodded his head in front of him. He was very clever.


the crowd looked at this scene in a dazed way and didn't know what happened.

But Lin Feng said, "Oh, you don't have to be surprised. I just talked to brother Bao and convinced them. I said that we should be reasonable in our life. This must be true."


The crowd was confused again.

Is this the result of reason? The cheetah's face is swollen? Other people are convinced?

Some people are curious. They lie on the sofa and look into the room. They are all brothers of brother leopard. They groan in pain. It seems that they are hurt badly.

All of a sudden, we have a new understanding of the great God.

The great God preaches truth, which is really fascinating!

Brother Bao led Lin Feng to the safe and said, "this is it!"

Finish saying, as if the whole body up and down pain unbearable, he also hiss ha ha of call a few.

"Open the safe," said Lin Feng

"What?" Leopard brother is surprised: "how can this be?"

"Why not?" Lin Feng looked down at brother Bao: "forget how intense we talked about just now? Do you want me to reason with you again? "

With that, Lin Feng took brother Bao's hand and said, "go, leopard, let's go to the back, and I'll talk to you again!"

"God, please let me go. I'm wrong. I'll open it for you, open it!" Brother Bao looks helpless. He doesn't want to experience the moment in the house just now. It's so terrible that he doesn't want to recall it in his life.

He quickly opened the outer layer of the safe with his fingerprint, and then entered a long string of passwords on the inner layer to open the innermost layer.

People's eyes flashed and looked inside. There was a pile of money inside.

"How much money is there?" Lin Feng asked.

"More than two million!" The leopard elder brother has the spirit to say weakly.

"Why is it just a little stock? Aren't you cheating?" Lin Feng said.

"I am also very hard. I have to pay taxes to fourth master Tian every day. Most of them have been taken away from me." Leopard said with a sad face.

Lin Feng nodded and looked at brother Bao. It didn't seem to be cheating.

"But it's also true. If you cheat, you're not afraid to lose, so you don't have to deposit a lot of money here." Lin Feng said.

Then, he said to the group of gamblers, "well, did you learn this lesson today?"

"Know the God, gambling is cheating!"

"Ten to nine thousand, we'll never gamble again!"

"God, thank you. I will definitely stop gambling in the future."


many people said that they had been taught. Usually, they just heard that the gambling house played tricks. Today, it's unforgettable to see this scene with their own eyes. It's estimated that once they go to the gambling table, they will remember this scene, and they will definitely not gamble again."Well, you have a sense of repentance. Let's divide the money equally." Lin Feng pointed to the safe.

"What?" For a moment, people couldn't believe it.

They thought that Lin Feng took care of the money, it was all his own. They didn't expect that Lin Feng would give it to them. This man is really a living Buddha with great mercy!

Lin Feng assigned that high gambler, said: "you come to calculate the head, give everyone points!"

Then, he said to brother leopard, "leopard, you can't do this kind of thing in the future, you know? You should be honest, and you don't have a license plate for this underground casino. It's against the law. I'll give you a chance today. Don't report it to the official. Otherwise, you will not only have to confiscate your money, but also have to go into prison. Do you know that? "

"Thank God, thank God!" Brother Bao nodded his head.

"Well, take your little brother to heal quickly." Lin Feng said.

Leopard quickly trotted all the way back to the house.

At this time, the corner of Lin Feng's coat was pulled several times. He turned his head and saw that it was the front desk lady.

"God, can I also get part of the money?" The front desk Miss looked at Lin Feng pitifully, not at all that arrogant look before.

Lin Feng just came to that meeting. The front desk girl humiliated and drove him away more than once and twice. Now she can even afford to pay for it.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "if you see someone, you can pay for it."

"Thank you That front desk Miss smile, also keep to give Lin Feng wink, feel that Lin Feng can do her at any time.

Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "don't worry, I want to tell you a word!"

"What?" Asked the receptionist.

"I advise you, women's most important thing is self-respect. Don't be misled by money. Otherwise, you will find that your world will be in a stink of copper, and you will not deserve to have feelings! No one will really love you! Think about it later Lin Feng smiles.

The front desk girl blushed, thinking back on her whole journey, she either became a junior or an underground lover. At the end of each time, she had no money and money. Now she is getting older, but she still leads a very lonely and miserable life.

Her eyes red, in the heart said silently: "God, I wrote down, thank you!"

At this time, the tall man said to Lin Feng, "great gods, we can't all give you points. Thanks to you, you disabled a Bao and they..."

"that's not good. I'm reasonable!"

"Oh, yes, thanks to your reasoning and convincing them, we can get the money, so we must keep one for you, not more than 200000 yuan. I hope you can accept it!"

Said, the man took a bag of money to Lin Feng arm hanging.

"Oh, you don't want to be like this. I always regard money as dung...

Lin Feng was indifferent, and the people around him almost admired him. This is the real God of gambling, saint!

When the tall man didn't know what to do with the money, Lin Feng said, "you look so polite, it's really bad, but you're tired with so much money. OK, I'll take it first!"

Lin Feng said, pulling the purse, across the arm, in the face of the complex expression of the crowd, out of the casino. , the fastest update of the webnovel!