The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 198

This last bet touched the hearts of all people.

Even the front desk lady has closed the door to have a look.

And all of us are reporting the purpose of learning, thinking of learning from Lin Feng's gambling. Then in the future casinos, they will win all the battles and make a lot of money. They will marry Bai Fumei and go to the peak of life.

So, this time, the whole round table was surrounded by people, and everyone picked up their mobile phones to record this classic lesson.

This time, leopard's request is still to play dice.

He asked the banker to stand aside, and once again, he took up the sieve cup.

But his lips moved imperceptibly, without any sound.

Others did not notice, but Lin Feng saw it all in his eyes. He didn't care. He thought he didn't see it. He said, "a Bao, don't delay your time. Roll the dice quickly. I'm waiting to teach you how to gamble."

"Yes, throw it, come on!"

There was a lot of excitement around me, and I felt like these people were going crazy.

Brother Bao took a deep breath, picked up the dice clock, shook it a few times, and put it down.

This time, he did not use much strength to shake, Lin Feng also very clearly can guess the number of points inside.

"Two, two, three! Seven o'clock is small! " Lin Feng said.

But then, leopard's lips moved a few more times.

This is the secret code with the backstage. Under the secret door of the backstage, there is a trusted person who controls everything in the casino.

Brother Bao's secret code at this time means: "help me to adjust the dice to big!"

At this time, Lin Feng is a little smile, went to the leopard brother, stretched out his hand to lift the dice clock: "I'm finished, open it!"

The leopard elder brother actually two hands to cover in the dice bell above, one face vigilantly looks at the Lin Feng way: "you anxious what?"

"If you don't open the card, don't you allow others to ask?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"In a minute!" Leopard road.

"You'd better drive now." Lin Feng takes advantage of leopard elder brother unprepared, a finger is in his body side, find accurate acupuncture point fierce stab.

"Ah --" leopard brother only felt a tingle on his left body, and his hand clasped on the dice clock accidentally knocked it over.

The three dice under the die clock are exposed.

"Two, two, three, seven, little!" The crowd cheered: "God, really God!"

But it was at this time that the jaw dropping scene happened.

I saw the dice clock dragging the sieve tray, concave down, the table also opened a half palm size black hole, three dice fell down, and then three dice, four, five, six, 15 o'clock big.

Then, the desktop returned to the previous appearance, the dice clock also merged, intact as before.

"Lying trough!"

This scene made everyone angry.

This he? No wonder he has been losing, the original dice clock under, there is another mystery!

And it's crazy to show it in front of so many people!

Lin Feng coughed loudly and said, "cough, this is the lesson I give you today. How do you know why you lost everything? Have you learned how to gamble this time? "

"Damn it, the casino is operating in a dark box!"

"What are you doing? You big liar

"Give us back our money, black heart casino, give us back the money!"

The crowd was excited. When they saw that they had been cheated by the underground gambling house, they stopped working one after another. They pulled up tables and chairs one by one, and threatened to smash brother leopard's underground gambling house.

When brother Bao saw that he had revealed his secret, he was also very upset. He said, "please be calm. This time, I'm just playing. In the past, we gambled, but we didn't use this thing! Don't be angry

"Don't cheat, black hearted gambling house, give back the money quickly!" Someone yelled.

"You have to refund your money today!"

"Return the money, give us back the money we lost before!"

We are swarming, and we are going to encircle brother Bao!

"Refund is impossible, I can send you some more chips to play!" Said brother leopard.

"Fuck you!" There was a lot of abuse.

"Brothers, don't ink with him. His safe is in the back room. I know, everybody go over and smash the safe!" At this moment, a tall man in the crowd called out.

"You're fucked up, aren't you?" Let's roar.

All of a sudden, from the door behind brother Bao, there are four big men.

Within a few minutes, the hall was surrounded by more than ten people with a bright chopper in their hands.

All of a sudden, the group did not dare to speak up.

"Be honest with me. You know, if you don't want to gamble, you'll have to give back your money. Do you go to other casinos and you haven't been cheated by others?" Seeing that the situation was stable, brother Bao said in a loud voice: "this is the fourth master's court. Does he know that? The second leader of the mountain gang in the north of the city is covered by fourth master Tian. Do you dare to make such a noise? Who gave you courage? "If I told him to cut his tongue, I would not let the dog out today

"Hiss -"

the people around him took a breath of cold air and all of a sudden they all withered.

However, they are very angry in their hearts. The NIMA's is so overbearing that it can't be resisted. Is there any royal law?

Bao brother said to Lin Feng at this time: "you boy, dare to fight against me, but also deliberately expose me, I think you don't want to live, hand in the contract and chips, quick!"

"I don't, I deserve it!" Lin Feng is stubborn.

Some people began to persuade him: "great God, the hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, give it to him quickly!"

Lin Feng yelled: "no, we were born in a new society and grew up under the red flag. How can we yield to the evil forces? I want to report. Report the underground casino here! "

"Lying trough!" This sentence can frighten people around.

"God, don't tell me. Do you report it? You don't want to die! " People around him urged him.

"The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the morality in the heart can not be destroyed. Then, don't be afraid. I'll reason with a Bao!" Lin Feng said earnestly.

"I wipe it!"

People are full of black lines. What's the situation of NIMA? Do you still reason? Is this reasonable?

Leopard brother is even more crying and laughing, this boy is brain disease? And reason with me?

"Get the hell out of the ink and get the contract and chips!" Leopard roared.

"Leopard! You are not right. We are born as human beings. Don't do things that are not human beings. I'm sorry for myself, others, and even more for your mother. Do you think that's right

Lin Feng said, went to the leopard brother side, and then stretched out his hand to brother leopard and said: "come, we for a better tomorrow, reconciliation, I don't want to be enemies with you, I think we can be more peaceful, we can be friends!"

"Wipe it All the people around were stunned. The boy's words were fine, but on this occasion, he looked like a second class.

This God, there must be something wrong with his brain!

"Give me the damn contract!" A leopard said and went to take the contract in Lin Feng's hand.

"Oh, don't worry!" Lin Feng took brother Bao's hand and said, "I think comrade a Bao is a good man. You just played with us. You can't bear to beat our customers. Maybe you want to share the money from the casino? Do you think so, leopard

"My, your mother's head, ah - ah --" said a leopard, and even cried out.

Because he obviously heard his finger "click", the bone was pinched by Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!