The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 197

The two sides reached an agreement to sit on both sides of the big round table. This time, play card Suha.

The dealer began to shuffle, and then to Lin Feng and Yunfeng card.

After both sides looked at it, they felt that there was no problem. The dealer began to ask to cut the card, and the cloud wind cut the card.

In fact, people who know the trade all know that the key is to cut the cards. If you are a master, you just need to touch the cards and you can arrange the cards you want.

After Yunfeng cut the card, he said with a confident smile: "if you admit defeat now, I will consider saying with brother Bao that I will reward you with some change. But if you are stubborn, hum, be careful that only underpants will be lost!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" There was a lot of laughter around.

"Is it?" Lin Feng smile: "you should be careful, because you are likely to lose ah, underpants are not left!"

"Ah ha ha ha!" There was more laughter around.

"Shit!" Yunfeng spit.

He is a master of the town here. He is not respectful when he sees it. Today, you are playing around. This evil spirit in his heart will be spread on Lin Feng.

"All right, let's go!" The leopard didn't want to see them grinding and hawing, so he called directly.

"Handsome boy, you have to deal cards well, you can't cheat!" Before the deal, Lin Feng smiles at the licensed crops. The young man shivers with fear. He feels that Lin Feng's smile is meaningful and scares people. He doesn't dare to look at Lin Feng and lower his hair card!

Suoha, is the arrangement and combination of five cards, points and the size of the suit to determine the outcome.

At the beginning, each player will be given a bottom card. This card is a dark card, which can only be seen by the player who can see it on the table. After the second card is distributed, the player with the largest face will decide the bet amount. Other players have the right to choose "follow up", "raise" or "give up".

When the five cards are handed out, each player opens all the cards to compare.

So now, the dealer starts to play the first card and put them on the table.

Yunfeng quickly picked it up to have a look, and then contentedly nodded, and then buckled down, but Lin Feng, but did not look at it, the card has been buckled there.

Then, the second card is dealt, which is a clear card.

Second, Yunfeng is spade 10, Lin Feng is a heart a, Lin Feng talks.

"Go on!"

"Me and me!"

The dealer continued to deal.

In the third picture, Yunfeng is spade J and Lin Feng is square a. Lin Feng talks.

"Go on!"


In the fourth picture, Yunfeng is spade Q and Lin Feng is huazi a. It's still Lin Feng who talks.

"Go on!"

"I still follow!"

The fifth, Yunfeng is spade K, Lin Feng, but block 10.

But the cards have been dealt out, waiting to see the cards.

At first, people looked at the situation and felt that Lin Feng's card face had always been bigger than Yunfeng. They thought that Yunfeng would give up and open the next one.

As a result, Yunfeng has been following, and they have been puzzled.

Now look at the cards and they wake up.

Yunfeng's deck is, 10, J, Q, K, and all are spade.

Look at Lin Feng's card, three a, a square piece of 10.

If you compare the cards, he is really bigger than Yunfeng, but the card of Yunfeng is obviously going to go straight. If the bottom card of Yunfeng is spade a, then Yunfeng will kill everything.

No wonder Yunfeng has been full of confidence with the card, and look at him like that, the bottom card should be spade a, this is the master ah!

This Lin Feng, lose definitely!

Yunfeng mouth showed a smug smile, he secretly looked at his card, is a spade a!

So, Lin Feng that card, no matter what, He Lin Feng will lose no doubt.

Leopard sitting next to the cloud wind, saw this scene, secretly facing the cloud wind thumbs up.

Yunfeng deserves to be hired at a high price, but he is still stable. He wiped the sweat on his forehead, took a deep breath, lit a cigarette, and smoked leisurely, looking completely proud.

Lin Feng suddenly waved his hand and said, "I ask for a minute's rest."

As soon as this word came out, the people basically understood, this Lin Feng, counselled!

Lin Feng sat there and began to count with his fingers.

Leopard brother stares at Lin Feng: "Stinky boy, what kind of tricks do you play?"

Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "I did not play tricks, I just calculate, I win a million, how to spend!"

"Shit!" Brother Bao couldn't laugh or cry. The boy was almost lost. He was daydreaming there.

"Lin Feng, that's enough. It's a minute. Don't dawdle!" Brother Bao urged.

Lin Feng crooked his mouth with a smile, puffed out his toothpick, stroked his white scarf and said, "since you want to lose so much, I will do as you wish."

With that, he did not give anyone a chance to speak again. He took out the last card and slapped it on the table. He yelled: "look what this one is!"The crowd followed the prestige, and immediately the nest exploded.

"Spades a!"

"Spade a is in his hand, that's four A's, wow ~"

in a moment, Yunfeng's face was black.

That boy also made a spade a, finished, his hands this spade a, how can't turn out.

In a deck of cards, how can there be two spade a's. If you open your own spade a at this time, it's obvious that you are cheating.

Although he knew that Lin Feng's spade a was also a cheat.

However, according to the rules of the river and the lake, the one who exposes the cheater is the one with inferior skills, so he can't lift the card.

Cloud wind fiercely clenched the spade a, as if to crush the spade a into ashes, in order to solve his heart hate.

He clenched his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "you won

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng laughed: "a leopard, a leopard, give me a million chips

Said, he pointed to the cloud wind again: "you this body clothes belong to me, now hurry to take off for me!"

Around the beginning of the coax, today can be regarded as a big eye opener, brother leopard and cloud wind are playing by this boy, unprecedented ah!

Willing to gamble and admit defeat, Yunfeng slowly undressed in the crowd's noise.

"Hurry up, no ink!" Lin Feng urged.

Yunfeng took off his clothes, leaving only a small trousers, standing in the crowd laughing, shivering.

"Come on, give me your clothes, and you can go!" Lin Feng said.

Yunfeng gritted his teeth and threw his clothes to Lin Feng and said, "you wait for me. Sooner or later, I will win back all the things I lost today."

Then he turned and left.

But turn that moment, but listen to "hiss" a, his small trousers pulled open.

It turned out that when he sent clothes to Lin Feng, his trousers hung on the stool beside him.

In an instant, the cloud and wind were gone.

"Ha ha ha, I'll tell you, you'll lose, even if you don't have any pants left! You're really following my words

Around a burst of laughter, cloud wind shyly want to find a seam to drill in, he hate to look at Lin Feng, cover the key place, a slip of smoke ran away.

Lin Feng threw Yunfeng's clothes aside. "Even if you're still playing cool, how dare you play Cosplay? Cut

At this time, the most difficult is leopard brother.

He lost his mother again. Lin Feng had more than one million chips in his hand, and the contract was won by him.

It's really a loss to my wife and a soldier!

Brother Bao, I hate you. Why do you owe me so much money? Why did you lend him money? How nice it was to let him go with his one yuan!

At this time, all the people around him gathered around Lin Feng and worshipped him one after another.

"God, you even bet so much, and you didn't lose a single one. It's amazing!"

"God, do you have any secret?"

"Can you teach us? I lost miserably, my wife ran away with others, and my child didn't have money to go to school. God, I want to turn over! "

"God, please teach me! My house was taken away a few days ago. If it goes on like this, my old father and mother will live in the street with me. I have to, God



for a while, there were more and more people who were miserable than before. Everyone begged Lin Feng to teach them how to gamble.

Lin Feng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. These people are really getting deeper and deeper!

"Do you really want to learn?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes Everyone said.

"Well, I'll give you a lesson!" Lin Feng said, suddenly turned to look at leopard brother, said: "I finally give you a chance to bet with me, only this one chance, if you win, I win today all belong to you, dare you?"

When brother Bao heard this, he quickly said, "dare! Come on, gamble, bet on my life

The reason why brother leopard is like this is that he hasn't used his ultimate killer mace yet! As long as he studies extremely must kill a use, you Lin Feng even if will bet again, also must obediently lose to me.

He also suffered from how to lure Lin Feng to gamble. As a result, Lin Feng himself came to the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!