The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 196

At the moment when the dice clock fell to the ground, Lin Feng recognized the oddity.

This die clock has only one die landing sound, the other two dice, there is no sound.

No wonder this leopard brother dares to bet with himself. It seems that he has two sons.

The people around him only looked at the surface phenomenon. They thought that brother leopard just rolled the dice just now. Moreover, he looked confident. It seems that the boy is in trouble!

But the corner of Lin Feng's mouth is covered with a hard to detect bad smile.

Although you roll the dice very 6, but, I'm sorry, you met my brother.

Lin Feng suddenly drank: "small skills, also used to show off!"

"Pa --"

as soon as Lin Feng patted the table, he heard a crash, and the dice clock rang.

Leopard's face changed, but Lin Feng didn't give him a chance to react. He yelled:

"six six six, eighteen o'clock! Open the dice clock

Leopard's face was red and white, and his breath began to become restless!

"If you don't open the dice clock, you have a ghost in your heart." Lin Feng said.

"Open, leopard!"

"Brother leopard, open it. What are you afraid of? Show him!"

Leopard brother has been driven to the shelves, had to open, he gritted his teeth to open the dice clock.

Sixty six, eighteen!

"Lying trough!"

This time, people around were shocked!

What's the situation? Can the boy see through his eyes? Guess the numbers of the three dice? This is too ghost animal, it's unbelievable!

The reason why Lin Feng guessed accurately is that he knew the trick of brother Bao.

There is a win-win game in dice guessing, that is, how you guess, you can't win the other side.

This win-win situation relies on the principle of physical inertia. When Yao dice clock is made, the dice are shaken together, standing together and leaning on the dice clock.

There are three ones on one side of the dice and three sixes on the other side. If you guess the big one, he will swing the dice clock gently when you don't pay attention to it. The dice will fall towards the smaller side, and the number is three ones.

If you guess small, on the contrary, he will swing in the other direction, the dice number is three sixes, big!

This is brother Bao's ability to control dice, but he didn't want to, but Lin Feng heard that. He slapped the dice in advance and knocked the dice down.

It seems that I really met a master today!

, ah Bao, you dice cramp, old fellow iron 666. Do you want to give you an airplane rocket? Ha ha ha Lin Feng laughed.

"Stinky boy, you..."

"don't you, you, you're willing to gamble and admit defeat. Take the contract!" Lin Feng hooked his finger.

Brother leopard's teeth clenched, he hated ah, too much.

For so many years, he did not lose, but lost to this young boy.

What's more, what's more, Chu Yuqi is on the tip of her mouth and just flies?

At the thought of Chu Yuqi's attractive figure and tiny pink lips, brother Bao was not reconciled. Besides, he not only took the contract, but also made more than 500000 yuan. How can we do that? We can't let this boy go like this!

Leopard brother said: "Lin Feng, I also want to bet with you."

"Oh? Is it? " Lin Feng Road.

"Yes Leopard looks serious.

"But I don't want to bet with you, hehe!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

This smile, but the leopard brother to anger, he angrily cried: "you coward, won a run, you this kind of gambling goods, really rotten home!"

"It's useless for you to stir up your tactics. I don't want to eat your set. Ah, leopard, you don't know how funny you look when you are so angry!" Lin Feng laughs: "la la la la la la!"

Lin Feng looks like a naughty child, but this leopard brother is really angry and almost vomit blood.

The people around, but scared as if cold cicadas, this boy, dare to talk to brother leopard like this, this is not looking for smoke?

Leopard's face was red and his neck was thick, but at this time, a man appeared beside him.

It was the young man in a black suit, sunglasses and a white collar.

He took off his sunglasses, looked at Lin Feng and said, "brother, you are so cowardly, and dare to say that you are the God of gambling? Do you dare to gamble with me

Lin Feng knows that this is all Bao elder brother's means, let this boy to stimulate himself again.

However, he just talked to this boy, and the boy didn't pay attention to it. The cool strength made Lin Feng a little unhappy.

"If you ask me, if you ask me, I'll gamble with you!" Lin Feng Road.

Lin Feng looked at the young man with a smile. He said that he didn't make any noise when he asked you just now. Don't talk to me. You keep playing cool!

The young man blushed and bit his teeth.

Leopard brother met the young man in the back and said, "Yunfeng, bet with him!"The young man, quite helpless, frowned and said, "please! Have a bet with me

"What are you saying? I can't hear you!" Lin Feng called out.

The young man gnawed his teeth and said, "I said, please, have a bet with me."

"No sincerity, please kneel down and beg me!" Lin Feng said.

The young man was furious, his eyes staring at Lin Feng angrily.

"What do you think of me? Of course, there is sincerity in asking for help. " Lin Feng Road.

"Yunfeng, kneel down for him The leopard brother on the side said to the young man that Yunfeng was hired by him and would naturally listen to him.

"Poop The young man knelt on the ground: "please, have a bet with me."

"For your sake, I promise you, come on, bet!" Lin Feng smiles.

As soon as he said this, there was a sigh around him.

"He actually agreed. This time he will be abused."

"Oh, how good it is to take money and go, you have to gamble. It seems that greed is not enough to swallow the elephant!"


the reason why we say this is because this young man named Yunfeng is the master of sitting in the town invited by brother Bao. Brother Bao is only proficient in dice. However, it is said that this young man, who is proficient in various gambling skills, is more powerful than brother Bao.

It seems that brother leopard is a big move!

"Tell me, what are you going to bet on?" Lin Feng asked.

"Playing cards, Soha!" Yunfeng is full of confidence.

This is his best project. He was humiliated by Lin Feng just now. He vowed to find his face back. Then, he gave Lin Feng a good humiliation.

However, Lin Feng waved his hand indifferently: "whatever you do, you must be the God of gambling on the Shanghai beach. If you watch too much, you like to play with them. However, I will accompany you! Now let's talk about the stakes. "

At this time, leopard said, "the bet is, if you lose, give us the contract and 540000 chips back to us."

"What if you lose?" Asked Lin Feng.

"If we lose, we'll pay you double the price, one million!" Said brother leopard.

"Not enough!" Lin Feng said.

Leopard's heart sank, the heart said this boy, the appetite is very big!

But the next second, Lin Feng turned to look at Yunfeng and said, "I hate him. Cosplay is more like me. If I win, one million plus his clothes! How about it? "

"Poof!" Someone laughs out loud, this boy uses the strength of half a day, unexpectedly asked for an extra suit of clothes, what thought this!

But at this time, Lin Feng was indifferent, sitting on the stool with a toothpick in his mouth, his legs cocked up and the white paper towel on his neck fluttered with the air, "how about? Talk, will it be or not? "

Leopard brother looked at the cloud wind and said directly, "yes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!