The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 195

The maker of dice is a young man in his twenties. He is a member of Bao Ge's gambling house. He stands on the side of the round table, grabs the dice clock, shakes it a few times and drops it, and then waits for others to place their bets.

Lin Feng smile, his only 5000 chips, all buy small.

When the dice clock is on, one, two, four, seven o'clock is small.

Lin Feng was happy to collect money, picked his eyebrows and said to himself, "I haven't played for a long time. I didn't think it was good!"

The reason why he likes playing dice is that dice are the easiest for him.

There are 1 to 6 different dice points. Because each face has different points, the sound of each face is slightly different when it collides with the die clock.

Of course, ordinary people can't hear the difference at all. Only Lin Feng, who has received inhuman professional training, can hear the clue.

Lin Feng's original training level was much more difficult than this. When he walked in front of him and listened to the voice, he knew how many enemies were behind him and how many meters away from him. It was not bad at all.

This kind of anti detection ability is so terrible. It is not only the result of hard training, but also has something to do with talent.

Lin Feng is indeed a gifted person. Otherwise, he would not have been able to stand out among the nearly 1000 special forces kings and join the high-end organization.

Of course, these have passed. Now that I'm retired, let's enjoy the city life.

Lin Feng smile, the money won, all pressure in the big.

"Five five six, 16 o'clock!" The dealer reported the point.

Lin Feng collects money with a smile. If the NIMA's is not capped, I can win his gambling house.

Brother Bao, the underground gambling house, is to prevent people from copying the bottom. He only chooses every bet with a maximum limit.

Lin Feng and patiently bet a few times, and these times, Lin Feng all guess right.

During this period, Lin Feng's chips are more and more. The front desk lady on the edge of the room is surprised. This boy, it seems, has never lost since the beginning!

The dealer also noticed that Lin Feng, this boy is very fast every time, and every time he is a confident look, he can not help but make a murmur in his heart.

But Lin Feng looked at the chips in his hand. I wiped them. If I didn't pay attention to them, they all won 550000.

I heard that the contract was only 500000 yuan. That's enough!

Lin Feng waved to the front desk girl: "you come, you come!"

The front desk miss a Leng: "call me?"

"Yes, just you!"

The front desk miss completely did not have that arrogant posture just now, quickly small ran to Lin Feng side.

"Help me contact your boss, I have something to talk to him!" Lin Feng said.

Then he took out a thousand dollar chip and threw it to the receptionist: "by the way, am I handsome?"

The receptionist happily accepted the tip and said, "handsome, handsome!"

"Am I a god of gamblers?"

"Yes, you are the God of gamblers!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng laughed, spit out the toothpick in his mouth and replaced it with a new one in his mouth. He stroked the tissue hanging from his neck with one hand, but his eyes were always looking at a camera on the ceiling.

On the camera side, brother Bao is also watching Lin Feng in the background.

At this time, brother Bao was furious. He was very angry when he lost money. In addition, he was flattered by his mistress.

The little front desk is a little mistress he keeps. Today, he can see the real face of this bitch.

At this time, the front desk lady called.

Brother Bao bit his teeth and picked up the phone!

"Brother leopard!" A sweet and greasy voice came from his heart: "that handsome boy is looking for you again!"

"A picky whore, how cheap are you for a thousand dollars?" Leopard elder brother anger way.

How does leopard know this when the front desk lady shakes?

She didn't know at all that there was a secret door under the casino, which contained hidden secrets.

Brother leopard can not only monitor everything in the casino, but also secretly control the outcome of every gambling. However, he will not resort to such means until he has to.

This is the secret of ten bets and nine losses. No matter how lucky you are when you come here, no one can win.

Brother leopard said to the phone angrily: "Damn it, bitch, I'll deal with you later!"

With that, he walked out of the secret door and walked into the hall.

"Oh, leopard, come on, I'm looking for you!" Lin Feng waved to brother Bao.

Brother leopard took a cigar in his mouth, took a puff, shook his head and said haughtily, "what do you want from me?"

"I'll pay you back!" Lin Feng said, took a 5000 chips, threw it to brother Bao, and then said, "ah Bao, you see, I have these chips left, enough for the contract? What, nothing, just change it for meBrother Bao took a deep breath and said that the boy had made so much money that he could not only change the contract, but also get more than 40000 yuan from his gambling house. How can such a thing be done? No one can make money from Laozi.

What's more, brother Bao's contract of 500000 yuan is actually Chu Yuqi's person.

He's had enough of this front desk junior. It's time to throw it into the kiln to make money for him.

"Is that how you want to take the contract? I think you've had a good time. Play again Said brother leopard.

"Oh, that's enough. No more playing!" Lin Feng said: "either give me a contract, or give me cash, I'll take it when I'm good!"

Brother Bao's teeth clenched, and he was not wanted by Lin Feng. But there is no way. If you write it in black and white, you owe half a million yuan. It's only natural that people pay back the money.

Leopard's eyes dripped around, and suddenly said, "you can take the contract, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?" Lin Feng asked.

"Make a bet on me! If you can beat me, I'll give you the contract. " Said brother leopard.

"I don't want to gamble!" Lin Feng said, "it's meaningless! I'm afraid I'll gamble you down! "

Leopard elder brother endure inner anger, said: "don't talk big, if you win, I will give you the contract and the money you win!"

The reason why brother Bao said this is because he has enough confidence to win Lin Feng. Brother Bao's dice is a must.

The reason why brother Bao can open a gambling house is that he is proficient in gambling. Before opening a gambling house, he was a cheat gambler.

This one of the people know, see leopard brother to show a hand, around the people also do not bet, have surrounded.

They want to see who is going to suffer.

"I bet with brother leopard, and I won't lose."

"Yes, brother leopard, can the other side win?"


brother Bao is very satisfied with everyone's performance. Although he has not gambled for a long time, we still like this!

"Well, I'll bet you!" Lin Feng Road.

Leopard brother's mouth across a smile, said: "good, then we'll roll dice, a game will win or lose!"

"Whatever you want to bet on, just be happy!" Lin Feng spread both hands, that I don't care.

"Well, roll the dice!" Leopard brother cold smile, Lin Feng, you are very rampant ah, do not know you for a while, can also be crazy up.

Leopard brother went to the table, picked up the dice clock, said: "you look after it!"

Then he began to swing the dice clock.

At the beginning, he moved slowly. After shaking for a few times, he suddenly accelerated. The dice clock seemed to have life. It flipped back and forth around his palm. People were dazzled.

After shaking for a few seconds, the leopard's mouth scratched an imperceptible smile, "bang" once, and buckled the dice clock to the table top.


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