The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 194

North of the city, there are many large and small gambling houses, many of which are unlicensed underground casinos.

The gambling house of brother Bao is also an underground gambling house.

This is the basement of a large building. The building is a business building, but this basement has a special hole.

There was a group of gamblers gathered here during the day and at night, each with wide eyes, red faces and loud voices, as if all their hopes were on the gambling table a few feet square.

However, today, leopard's underground Casino has ushered in a strange guest.

His hair was a little messy. He was dressed in street clothes, with a pair of flip flops on his feet. On his delicate face, he had a kind of ruffian smile.

This person is Lin Feng. He came out of Chu Yuqi's house and came to the underground gambling house opened by brother Bao, "don't you like to use gambling houses to extract money from others? Well, I'll play with you then

When Lin Feng entered the gambling house, he listened to the noise, laughter, and shouting inside. It was very noisy.

It's a small casino, but Sparrow has all kinds of big roulette, 21 o'clock and gambling machine.

Lin Feng or prefer a simple and direct point, roll dice guess size.

There is a big round table in the field. When the makers shake the dice clock, the group of people are staring at the dice clock. The scene looks very tense and exciting.

Lin Feng took out his pocket, took out half a day, but only took out a yuan RMB.

"Oh, yes, I have a dollar on me! I thought I was broke Lin Feng looked at that one dollar with a smile, "a dollar, a dollar, you are my old capital, I rely on you to make a fortune!"

Lin Feng went to the bar and said to the girl, "Hello, little sister."

Because he saw that other people bet on chips, not money directly used, so Lin Feng also understood the rules and came directly to the bar to exchange chips.

At first glance, Lin Feng's dress up, that front desk beauty a Leng, this dress up, is not to beg?

"What are you doing?" The beauty of the front desk looked at Lin Feng with disdain.

"I'll try my luck, hey, hey, hey, so, change some chips!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"How much The bartender didn't look at Lin Feng.

"1 yuan!" "Lin Feng said:" change too much also can't use. "

"Poof!" The front desk lady laughed and said, "1 yuan? Are you funny? Let's change chips from 500. Children should go home and sleep. It's not suitable for you! "

"You look down on people, don't you? I tell you, I am the God of gamblers Lin Feng said with pride.

"You're the God of gamblers?" The front desk girl snorted and shook her head with contempt.

Lin Feng said, "Oh, you must have misunderstood my dress. In fact, I have a lot of noodles!"

"Noodles?" The front desk lady's eyes lit up. Is it possible that the boy is rich and deliberately disguised as such?

"Yes, there are noodles. I don't believe it!" Lin Feng said, took out a toothpick in his mouth, pulled out a meter long toilet paper, hanging on his neck.

A breeze blew through the door, white paper towel fluttered with the wind, and Lin Feng stroked his broken hair back, and his face was rebellious.

Then he tilted his mouth and raised his face and said, "well, nowadays, people judge people by their appearance. This time, do you have a look? Do I arrange noodles? Is it like the God of gambling in Shanghai

Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped past the front desk lady's mind.

"Where are you? Get out of here!"

"Customers are God. How can you drive God away?" Lin Feng has a proud face.

"Why should I drive you away? Don't you have a B number in mind? What's a dollar bet? " The receptionist scolded angrily.

Lin Feng was not angry but said with a smile: "Oh, I forgot to bring money. Why don't you lend me some first?"

The front desk lady shook her head in anger. The boy was just bullshit. "Get out of here. You don't have money to gamble. You're a poor man!"

"I'm not poor. I'm rich. I have more than 20 years' savings." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Get out of here. If you don't, I'll call security." The beauty at the front desk couldn't bear it.

But at this time, leopard brother happened to come from the backstage. Seeing this scene, he was suddenly stunned.

"Lin Feng? How dare you come to me? What are you doing here? "

Lin Feng a smile: "you see, I dressed up as a god of gamblers, of course, to gamble!"

Leopard brother is the corner of his mouth across a smirk, said: "you dare to come to me this gambling money, who gives you the courage?"

Lin Feng said, "I don't owe you a lot of money. I want to try my luck."

Leopard brother cold smile, the heart said, good you boy, come to my gambling house to earn money to return me, the loss you think out!

He looked at Lin Feng carefully. He saw that he was holding a toothpick in his mouth and humming a tune. He had a white paper towel around his neck, which looked like a big bib. The boy was really dirt. He was a real cashmere knitted bib. He didn't have money to buy a paper towel to replace it. It was so hot!However, since you are here, I will not let you go easily!

"Good, then you play!" Leopard brother said with a smile.

"Play a chicken, you don't change chips for me at the front desk!" Lin Feng said.

"Brother leopard, he's only one dollar!" Said the receptionist.

"A dollar is not money?" Lin Feng didn't agree.

Leopard's eyes turned and he said to the lady at the bar, "lend him 5000 yuan first and give him ten 500 chips in exchange."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "brother leopard, I thank you first. You are so kind to me. Even if I win more here, I will leave you a coffin! By the way, my white bib, I'll give it to you later, so that you can be handsome too

"Stinky boy, don't talk to me. Your deadline is coming. I see how long you can last!" Leopard elder brother said maliciously.

He is to lend money to Lin Feng, and then look at Lin Feng like Liu Peng deeply involved, unable to extricate himself, he bit by bit torture Lin Feng.

"Yunfeng, let's go!" Leopard called to his back.

At this time, Lin Feng saw that there was a young man in suit and leather shoes behind him. The young man was wearing sunglasses and a white scarf around his neck. He was serious and looked like a modern gambling God!

"Sleeping trough, young man, you're well dressed." Lin Feng blinked his eyes and asked the young man named Yuntian: "are you a Cosplay gambler? Go with me! Where did you find it? How much is it? Is there a discount now? Why don't you talk? Is it so cold? "

The young man who followed brother Bao looked at Lin Feng with disdain, then turned around and walked with brother Bao.

"Cut, one by one, it's really cool. Wait a minute, I won a lot of money, and I'm going to be a hell of a cool guy!" Lin Feng said.

The front desk lady listened, but she gave Lin Feng the loan contract and the changed chips to Lin Feng and said, "the people who come to gamble are all of your ideas. But when you leave, you are poorer than you. Don't dream. Sign your words, take your chips, and lose and go away!"

"Well, little sister, if you believe that I am the God of gamblers now and give me a kiss, I may give you some money when I win!" Lin Feng said while signing.

"Go away!" The receptionist was too lazy to say one more word.

"You will regret it!" Lin Feng said, also did not pay attention to her, but turned to the big round table to walk past.

There's his favorite dice roll. This time, he'll start with the dice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!