The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 193

Lin Feng looks at Liu Peng's eyes with endless cold, as if two ice cones, straight into Liu Peng's heart.

Liu Peng was frightened for a moment. He quickly hid behind brother Bao and said in panic: "brother leopard, he threatens me! Help me

Liu Peng had been in collusion with brother Bao for a long time, so he had to rely on brother Bao at this time.

Leopard brother just looked at Lin Feng's back, it can be said that it's not bad, it can be said that he will fight.

But for him, what he has more is that the two younger brothers around him are fiercer than him, and they are all less than him. So brother Bao, seeing Lin Feng's performance just now, can only be regarded as a child's caretaker.

"Are you afraid of a loser? No wonder you'll lose your money and you won't make a lot of money! "

He said to big dog two dogs: "you brothers, give this boy to me, don't let him be arrogant again, damn it!"

Big dog two dogs are leopard brother's two legs, nicknamed big mad dog little crazy dog, fight to kill, extremely ferocious.

Their two brothers looked at Lin Feng, as if they had seen the prey. They rushed towards Lin Feng fiercely.

However, the big dog did not wait for Lin Feng, Lin Feng but a fierce kick out, "bang" a dull sound, on the big dog's stomach.

"Ah -" the big dog screamed and knelt down on the spot.

"Big brother!" Two dogs are angry, a punch to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodged away easily, but his hand was like a pair of tongs and grabbed two dogs' throat.

"Ah, cough --" two dogs struggled, but suddenly felt that their feet were off the ground, a strong force to support themselves.

"Hit you, dirty my hands!" Lin Feng said, directly threw two dogs toward the leopard brother in the past.

"Oh, my trough!" Leopard brother was knocked down by two dogs' body, and even Liu Peng in the back also fell.

The two dogs touched their necks, trembling with fear.

Just now, if Lin Feng moved his finger a little, his neck would be broken.

Before watching Lin Feng beat Liu Peng, I didn't think it was so powerful. I only knew how strong this man was when he really had a fight. He had no strength to fight back with one move.

He didn't dare to fight with Lin Feng any more. He had never met such a strong opponent.

Seeing that the two younger brothers were easily settled, brother Bao felt guilty. Seeing that Liu Peng was still hiding in the back, shivering, he called out: "you can also go up to me! What are you afraid of? "

"Liu Peng, come on, I want to kill you now!" Lin Feng said fiercely.

He is already in control. If Liu Peng dares to cross the border again, he will really abolish Liu Peng.

Liu Peng almost peed his pants and begged him, "brother leopard, I'm not good at fighting!"

"Waste!" Brother Bao scolded Liu Peng. He turned around and took his machete back to the door. He pointed to Lin Feng and said, "you are arrogant, right? You hit my man. I want you to look good now!"

Finish saying that, a knife toward Lin Feng to chop over.

This leopard brother is really not a street punk, because he dares to use weapons, and really dare to kill.

He was about to chop Lin Feng's head with a knife, but the next second, brother Bao himself screamed "ah -" and limped back to the back.

Because the moment he cut Lin Feng with a knife, Lin Feng stepped on his foot.

Looking at his shoes, as if there were blood stains seeping out from the shoes, brother leopard cried out in pain: "do you dare to beat me

Lin Feng a smile: "of course I dare, I dare to kill you!"

Finish saying, Lin Feng swings his fist, toward leopard elder brother's face is about to hit in the past.

At this time, Chu Yuqi quickly came up to stop: "Lin Feng, don't fight!"

Chu Yuqi knows the background of brother Bao. He is afraid that Lin Feng will make a big fuss.

The reason why brother Bao is so arrogant is that he is under the support of the fourth master Tian.

The mountain gangs are in the north of the city, but they exist like gods. The Longkou group in the west of the city, the phoenix order in the south of the city, the drag racing party in the east of the city, and the mountain leaning gang in the north of the city are all true portrayals of the Jincheng community.

Third master Cui is the boss of the mountain group, and fourth master Tian is the second. The gambling house opened by brother Bao is covered by the fourth master Tian. Therefore, brother Bao can walk horizontally in the north of the city, and no one dares to offend him.

Seeing Chu Yuqi worried, Lin Feng took back his fist and said to brother Bao, "it's Chu Yuqi who saved your life today. Do you know?"

"You're so fuckin 'crazy!" Leopard elder brother anger way.

"I've always been wild with unreasonable people!" Lin Feng grinned.

The meaning of his words is very obvious, your brother leopard is that unreasonable person.

"I'm unreasonable?" Leopard spat: "it's natural that they owe me money. Their mother and daughter owe me money and signed a contract. Why should I not be reasonable? If you have something to do, you have to go to him."

Brother Bao points to Liu Peng.

Lin Feng said: "you can rest assured, this guy, I will not let him feel better, but now I want to solve your problem! As far as I know, the contract owes you 500000, right? And it's today, isn't it? ""Yes Said brother leopard.

"Isn't there more than half a day before the end of today? Are you in a hurry for a hammer Lin Feng said, "don't you just pay back the money before 12 o'clock tonight?"

"Can you pay back the money?" Leopard elder brother a face disdainful looking at Lin Feng: "you a hairy boy, how can I believe you?"

"Chu Yuqi's house is here. You can't run away from the temple. You've been waiting for three days. Can't you wait for the next half of the day?" Lin Feng said.

Leopard thought for a moment, if you really send people to make trouble, it will not have any good effect. Moreover, the boy is very skillful, and he has to spend some effort to get rid of it.

Now this guy said he could pay back the money? It's better to let him return, or kill him.

Thinking of this, brother leopard made a decision and said, "OK, I'll give you half a day, but if you don't go on, I want you to look good. You don't want to run!"

"Don't worry. This is our home. We don't run with you!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Hum!" Leopard brother did not have a good breath of hum, limping with two wounded, turned away.

See leopard brother out of the door, Liu Peng angrily touched his face, went back to the room to find something to bandage.

After bandaging, he came back again and asked Chu Yuqi:

"your friend is rich, isn't he?"

Before Chu Yuqi answered, Lin Feng said, "I don't have any money. I don't have a dollar!"

"What do you do?" Liu Peng asked.

"Security!" Lin Feng said, "the little guard at the door!"

When Liu Peng heard this, he immediately felt confident. Just now this boy beat himself and two of brother Bao's men. Then he said with great arrogance that he would pay back the money today. He thought he was a real security guard!

He immediately changed a face, said to Lin Feng: "you hit me, I also recognize, but you are not crazy? You can beat three or two people, and it's awesome, right? You are a little security guard. How can you repay 500000 in half a day? If we don't pay, we'll all suffer. Don't you push us into the fire

"Liu Peng, don't blame Lin Feng!" Liu meihui said, "Lin Feng is also good for us."

"He doesn't know the height of the earth." Liu Peng exclaimed excitedly.

"What are you going to do? Do you really want to pay off my daughter? " Liu meihui looked at Liu Peng, angry and sad. Tears ran down.

She also knew that this half a day certainly can not get, but Lin Feng is also a kind hearted, naturally can not blame others.

"Auntie, don't be afraid. I'll get the money!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "I will be responsible for what I said!"

When Liu Peng heard this, he became angry again and roared: "do you want to make it? What do you do with it? Do you think half a million words will come? Are people so crazy now? A little security guard dares to brag like that B? "

The reason why Liu Peng was angry in his heart was that his abacus was disturbed by Lin Feng.

He originally wanted to pay off Chu Yuqi's debts to brother Bao as a concubine. He not only paid back the money, but also made a profit in brother Bao's gambling house by virtue of his being Chu Yuqi's cousin.

As a result, when this boy comes, he's all fucked up!

"Liu Peng, you should be glad that you are Chu Yuqi's cousin, or I will kill you!" Lin Feng said: "but you do these rotten things, I will find you sooner or later, you wait, don't worry, soon it's your turn!"

"You're very good, aren't you? You come and kill me Liu Peng said angrily: "if you want to move me again, I will blackmail you!"

"Liu Peng, shut up! Lin Feng is helping us. Please don't make trouble here! " Liu meihui forced a breath to drink, and then turned to Lin Feng and said: "Lin Feng, I thank you first, but I really don't want to implicate you. You can take advantage of the time now, go quickly, how far, remember, do not be caught by brother Bao, otherwise it will be miserable!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I don't go, I have to help you pay back."

"500000, half a day. Where can I get it?" Liu meihui said with a sad face.

Lin Feng thought about it and said with a smile, "it's easy. You wait. I'll go back." , the fastest update of the webnovel!