The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 192

Brother Bao's social background is very strong. He heard that he had something to do with the mountain gangs in the north of the city, so he was very arrogant. He also said that if he called the police, they would kill Liu meihui's women.

Liu meihui was too scared to call the police. Seeing Liu Peng back, she asked Liu Peng what happened to the contract.

Liu Peng knelt down to Liu meihui and said, "I'm sorry, cousin. In fact, I've been in Jincheng all the time. A few days ago, I lost my gamble and borrowed 500000 yuan in brother Bao's gambling house. If I don't do this, brother Bao will chop my hand!"

Liu meihui knew that she had been cheated by Liu Peng. She was so angry that she fainted and became seriously ill.

However, Liu Peng didn't mean to repent, and said to Liu meihui, "cousin, my daughter is going to get married anyway. If brother Bao is rich and powerful, he will marry him. In this way, you and your wives will be very popular. I won't have to spend money on gambling in brother Bao's gambling house."

Because Chu Yuqi has a beautiful figure and is very hot. It's known that brother Bao is here to mix with her. She's not a little spoiled. He knows that every girl has grown up. He's been interested in Chu Yuqi for a long time, but he hasn't found a chance to do it.

This time, some people take the initiative to lead the line, and it is reasonable to deal with Chu Yuqi. If one day, you are tired of playing, you can put it in the club and let her continue to make money for herself. It's really a double harvest.

So brother Bao agreed to Liu Peng's proposal, and Liu Peng made such a play.

After hearing this, Lin Feng's teeth clenched.

Half a million would like that person to pay off the debt? Are people so worthless?

Liu Peng is really a scum. He cheated his relatives. Moreover, he made such a big mistake and had the cheek to wander around in the yard. How could he do such a thing?

What a dog!

Lin Feng hates this kind of scum, especially bullying such weak mother and daughter.

But at this time, listen to Liu Peng shouting in the yard: "cousin, brother leopard is coming, he is coming to ask for money!"

After he said that, Lin Feng heard someone smash the door crazily outside the gate. He threw it back and yelled, "if you don't pay back the money today, you can take Chu Yuqi to pay me the debt!"

Before Liu Peng opened the door, the gate was kicked open with a bang.

A strong man with bare arms came in, followed by two sharp faced young men.

The man was in his thirties, with a bald head, a leopard tattooed on his left arm, and a machete in his hand. He looked very fierce.

"Liu Peng, why don't you open the door for me?" Cried brother leopard.

Liu Peng settled down and immediately squeezed out a smile. He went forward and said, "brother leopard, you are so brave and powerful that you have kicked the door open. I have no time to open the door for you!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Brother Bao scolded: "the money you and your cousin owe me is due today. Please pay it back quickly. Otherwise, you will take your niece to pay off the debt! What about your cousin and daughter? Can't run? If you run away, I will catch you dead! "

"Brother leopard, brother leopard, what do you say? They dare not run, they dare not run!" Liu Peng said with a smile on his face.

Said, he called into the room: "cousin, Yuqi, come out quickly, brother leopard is coming!"

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, brother leopard cut the knife on the doorframe, opened his mouth to show his big yellow teeth, and spit out a mouthful of yellow phlegm towards the side of the door: "grass you, still hiding from me? I tell you, if you are the concubine of Laozi, it's your honor to play with me once. You are blessed, you know? I'll play and sell you clubs to make money for me. I'll let you taste men all over the world. Ha ha, I'll do my best to you! "

After two young people listen, ha ha ha of lascivious laugh.

Liu meihui's body in the room trembled. She was already weak without wind. At this time, she was even weaker. Her face was full of sadness and sorrow.

She looked at Chu Yuqi affectionately and said: "Yuqi, you and Lin Feng go, you go first from the back door, that leopard brother is too not a thing, mother is an old age, not afraid of her, you are still young, must not fall in his hands!"

With that, she looked at Lin Feng with tears in her eyes and said, "Lin Feng, you are a good child. Auntie will not be wrong. She will entrust Yuqi to you, and she will repay you in the next life."

"Mom Chu Yuqi knelt on the ground and cried: "I'm gone. What do you do? I'm not going, I'm not going! "

"Silly child, mother is OK, you go quickly, it's too late to leave!" Liu meihui pushes Chu Yuqi hard. She lowers her head and doesn't let Chu Yuqi look at her face.

But her tears are Susu of the fall on the ground, see Lin Feng a burst of anxiety.

At this time, but listen to "ha ha ha" a laugh, that leopard brother has already entered the room.

"Why don't you push and push? Do you have enough money? If not, my daughter will be mine Then he reached for Chu Yuqi.

"Ah, ah, what is the proper way to do it?" Lin Feng "pa" for a moment, beat the leopard brother's hand.

"Lin Feng!" Liu meihui looks pale with fear. He didn't expect Lin Feng to take brother Bao's hand.You know, brother Bao is not a street thug. He has a good background. It is said that brother Bao is the boss of the underground casinos in this area, and there is a mountain Gang behind him. If he offends brother Bao, he will suffer.

At this time, leopard brother's back of his hand felt numb, and immediately became angry: "I grass you, where do you come from the wild boy?"

"Didn't your mother teach you how to talk?" Lin Feng coldly looked at brother Bao: "do you want me to teach you?"

Lin Feng's eyes are very sharp, with a murderous intent.

Brother Bao's heart trembled. The boy's eyes were so terrible that he felt that he would have the eyes of a knife licking blood.

But if you look at him again, how can he say that he is a child of about 20 years old, what can he do?

"You son of a bitch, do you want to die, don't you?" Leopard said.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "take a daughter, you are looking for death!"

"You and he? It's true that you can't see the coffin and cry. Big dog and two dogs, kill him for me!" Brother leopard's glasses stare like cow's eyes. In this area, no one dares to speak to him like this.

"Leopard, no!" Liu meihui got up from the bed and reached for help.

"What did you stop him for?" Liu Peng scolded: "this smelly boy dares to offend brother Bao. He asked for it by himself. Don't let him implicate our family. Let him kill him!"

Lin Feng sneered and said, "well, you can kill me if you have the ability, but I can tell you, if you can't beat me, you will suffer!"

"Crouch, you dare to threaten me, don't you? I don't know what the hell is going on. Give it to me and kill him With a wave of his hand, brother Bao is very natural and unrestrained. He feels that human life is in his mouth, which is not worth money.

Those two young people grinning and grinning are about to rush towards Lin Feng.

"Please, don't hit people!" Liu meihui came out of bed crying and wanted to stop him: "he is just my daughter's friend, and this matter has nothing to do with it. Please have mercy on brother Bao!"

Liu Peng, however, held Liu meihui down, pulled hard to the side, and scolded: "what the hell do you have to do with him? Let brother leopard shoot him, you come back to me, damn it

"Don't pull my mother!" Chu Yuqi pulls Liu Peng forward.

"Go away!" Liu Peng pushes Chu Yuqi away.

"Ah -" Chu Yuqi was about to fall, but he was hugged by Lin Feng from behind.

Lin Feng held Chu Yuqi steady. His teeth clenched and he said, "Liu Peng, I've been patient since I entered the door, but I found that you are really looking for death instead of face!"

Without saying a word, Lin Feng slapped Liu Peng in the face.

"This slap is for your cousin to reward you!" Lin Feng cold channel.

All of a sudden, Liu Peng's face was swollen as high as steamed bread, and the corners of his mouth flowed blood. It seemed that his cheek was broken.

"Do you dare to beat me Liu Peng is also a bastard. He has never been beaten by such a hairy boy. He is so angry that he pounces on Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng grabbed his hand and pulled it to the other half of the face, slapping him again!

"Pa --"

"this slap is to reward you instead of Yuqi!" Lin Feng Road.

Liu Peng screamed. He felt that his face was not his own. Then he spat blood out of his mouth, with several teeth.

"Ah -" Liu pengshun picked up a stool beside him and smashed it on Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng kicked the wooden stool to pieces. He did not stop. He kicked Liu Peng in the chest and kicked him out of the way.

"I give you this kick Lin Feng cold channel.

Liu Peng was lying on the ground, feeling chest pain to death, and then in the throat scarlet sweet, a mouthful of blood and vomit out.

Lin Feng coldly said: "you bully the helpless mother and daughter, really not a man, today I will scrap you, let you never be a man!"

With that, Lin Feng walked towards Liu Peng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!