The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 191

Lin Feng has been listening to the news here. Who is the man? Who is brother Bao?

He bit his teeth, a pair of poor mother and daughter, why is there always someone bullying them? This society is so fucked up!

Lin Feng grabs the phone. This time he doesn't call the mouse. Instead, he inputs a caption into the phone. Then, a map pops up to show the location of Chu Yuqi when he calls.

Lin Feng taught the ability of mice. For this kind of telephone positioning, the mice all closed their eyes on the operation of Pediatrics, and Lin Feng was naturally not at a loss.

He put on his clothes and went out to Chu Yuqi's position.

Lin Feng's bike is very fast, like flying in general, soon arrived at Chu Yuqi's position.

This is a very remote residential area in the north of the city. Every family has its own family and courtyard, but the houses are very old and dilapidated. At a glance, they are all low bungalows.

When he first arrived here, Lin Feng's heart was filled with memories.

I remember when I was a child, Jincheng was still an unknown small town. He lived in this kind of house.

But at that time, they were very happy. The surrounding neighborhood was very warm, and the children were playing happily together.

The sun shines through the leaves on the ground, speckled, reflecting the happy memories of Lin Feng when he was a child.

But at this time, he did not have time to enjoy the memory. Chu Yuqi called him on his own initiative, which must have met with great difficulties. Moreover, Chu Yuqi really regarded him as a friend to rely on.

Since Chu Yuqi trusts himself so much, he must also be worthy of the trust of others.

Lin Feng found Chu Yuqi's home according to the exact location.

This is a low bungalow with a small yard of more than ten square meters. Lin Feng went to the front door and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A man's voice came out.

Lin Feng frowned, this man is the man in the phone.

"I'm looking for Chu Yuqi!" Lin Feng said.

After listening, a man opened the door and looked up and down at Lin Feng.

The man was in his forties. He was very thin, with some black skin. His eyes were full of greed and greed.

"Who are you?" the man asked

"Lin Feng!" Not waiting for Lin Feng to answer, Chu Yuqi came out of the room, saw Lin Feng, she was immediately overjoyed.

She wiped her tears, ran to Lin Feng and said to the man, "he is my friend Lin Feng!"

"Your friend?" The man, with a heavy gloom on his face, said, "what do you call a friend for?"

Lin Feng frowned and asked Chu Yuqi, "is this handsome guy?"

Chu Yuqi was embarrassed and said, "this is my cousin Liu Peng!"

"Oh? Do you have a cousin? " Lin Feng asked.

He thought Chu Yuqi's mother and daughter had no relatives at all.

"Why do you ask so clearly? Don't come into our house if you have nothing to do Chu Yuqi's cousin Liu Peng looks at Lin Feng with a fierce look.

"Oh, how angry "Don't worry, I didn't come to see you!" said Lin Feng

Liu Peng heard, immediately a burst of anger: "get the hell out of the egg, this is my cousin's home, you should dare to come in, careful I hit you!"

Lin Feng smiles with a cold smile, but Liu Peng doesn't notice. He thinks that Lin Feng smiles to ease his embarrassment. He plans to drive Lin Feng away. However, someone in the room says, "Liu Peng, let Lin Feng come in!"

Listen to the sound, is Chu Yuqi's mother, but the breath is weak, seems to have a serious illness.

Listening to her mother said so, Chu Yuqi plucked up her courage and said to Liu Peng, "this is my home. Get out of the way and let my friend come in!"

Liu Peng looked at Lin Feng coldly, but he gave in.

Lin Feng followed Chu Yuqi into the door, and Chu Yuqi took him into the room. The ceiling of the room was very low, and there was a very depressing feeling. The house was also simple, but clean, and the furniture was spotless.

A total of two rooms, Chu Yuqi took Lin Feng into her and her mother's bedroom.

Liu meihui, mother of Chu, was lying on the bed. Seeing Lin Feng coming, she struggled to get up, coughed twice, squeezed out a smile and said, "Lin Feng, here you are. Sit down, Yuqi, pour Lin Feng a glass of water!"

"No, auntie. You're welcome." Lin Feng couldn't bear to see this scene. He felt a kind of inexplicable heartache.

"Lin Feng, don't laugh at auntie. She's poor and has nothing good to entertain you. You have to..." Liu meihui said embarrassed.

Lin Feng said in a hurry: "Auntie, what are you talking about? You have such a precious daughter as Yuqi, which is the greatest wealth. She is a beautiful woman loved by everyone!"

Originally, Lin Feng thought that this could amuse Liu meihui, the mother of Chu. However, as soon as she said this, Liu meihui was full of melancholy and her eyes were covered with tears.

"Lin Feng, it's all I'm sorry for my Yuqi!" Liu meihui lay on her bed and sobbed.

"Auntie, don't cry. What's the matter? Tell me about it Lin Feng said.Chu Yuqi looked out and saw that Liu Peng was smoking in the yard. She whispered to Lin Feng, "we owe foreign debt, but my mother can't pay it back. Then it was written in the contract that if you can't exchange money, you can take me to pay the debt. So we plan to go out and hide! "

Lin Feng was surprised and said, "how can you be in debt?"

When Chu Yuqi talked about this, her pretty face was full of anger.

"It's not because of my cousin Liu Peng," she said

It turned out that just a few days ago, a distant cousin of my mother Liu meihui suddenly came to see her, that is, Liu Peng.

On the day of Liu Peng's coming, he was well dressed and said that he had made a fortune and gave Liu meihui tens of thousands of yuan.

Liu meihui doesn't want to, because she hasn't seen her cousin for many years. Although she is short of money, she is not good at collecting money from others.

Liu Peng said that if you don't charge money, you and I can make money in partnership projects. I'm going to Jincheng this time to do business.

When Liu meihui heard this, she felt good and asked Liu Peng what business he was doing.

Liu Peng said that the vegetable market contracted business.

As soon as Liu meihui heard this, she was familiar with this line. She was also a shopper, so she agreed to Liu Peng.

The next day, Liu Peng got a contract, saying it was a contract for transfer, and asked Liu meihui to sign it.

Liu meihui wanted to see the content of the contract, but Liu Peng urged her all the time, so she signed because of her affection.

But unexpectedly, the next day after signing, a group of strangers came to the door.

The leader was a bald man in his thirties, with a spotted leopard tattooed on his arm. Others called him brother leopard.

When brother Bao came, he asked Liu meihui for money, 3.6 million yuan.

When Liu meihui heard something wrong, she asked if you were looking for the wrong person?

As a result, brother Bao took out the contract and said that the money you owed us was written in black and white. If it was not paid, he would take his daughter to pay off the debt.

Liu meihui was flustered at that time. She took a look at the contract, which was signed yesterday.

But after a careful look at the contents, she knew that the contract was selling dog meat with sheep's head. The content behind it was a loan contract, and there were indeed contract terms for taking her daughter to repay the debt.

Leopard brother said that within three days, if he doesn't pay back the money, he will take his daughter to pay off the debt.

And today is the third day! , the fastest update of the webnovel!