The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 190

Su Jing's heart warmed with his smile, but she was even more embarrassed.

"I'll help you." Su Jing said.

"No, no!" Lin Feng waved his hand: "it's a pity, a man's husband, bleeding... Oh, roaring...

it turned out that Su Jing couldn't help but tear his foot over and pulled out the biggest piece of glass.

"Be gentle Lin Feng said: "so rude, careful not to find a male basin friend!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Su Jing put out her tongue lovingly: "I thought you were not afraid of pain at all."

"Nonsense, I'm not a human being?" Lin Feng said.

Although he said that, Lin Feng was not afraid of pain. The injury on the soles of his feet was not as good as tickling.

He just yelled like that on purpose, showing that he was no different from other people. Su Jing, a provincial, was suspicious of herself.

After all, Lao Hu only told Tang Dongsheng that he was just a retired ace special soldier. In fact, his real identity was far more than that of a trump special soldier.

At the beginning of his career, Lin Feng was forced to confess by the enemy. He used a bamboo stick with ten fingers and a coin to clip his eyelids. Under all kinds of torture, he didn't even hum. At this time, he naturally did not pay attention to this kind of Pediatrics.

He watched Su Jing half kneeling on the ground, holding alcohol swabs and tweezers in her hand. She was cautiously helping herself with her wound. He couldn't help laughing.

He leaned back on the wide sofa and said, "left foot, there's another piece under the toe of left foot!"

"Oh Su Jing took out the broken glass with tweezers.

"Right foot, right foot and so on!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh Su Jing went to see her right foot again.

"Oh, my left foot is bleeding. Help me stop it!" Lin Feng Road.

"Oh Su Jing went to see her left foot.

"Ah, the glass on your right foot is so big. Take it out first. It hurts!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing was dizzy and dizzy. She looked up and saw Lin Feng sitting on the wide sofa smiling at herself. She was suddenly angry.

"You're playing me!" Su Jing said, "do you take me as your servant?"

"No, you said you helped me. You are not sincere in helping people!" Lin Feng Road.

"Why am I not sincere? You're left and right. Where am I going? " Su Jing said.

"It's up to you. If you don't hold on, my blood will drain away." Lin Feng Road.

Su Jing looked down and saw that Lin Feng's feet were still bleeding. She had no time to argue. She quickly helped Lin Feng pull out the remaining glass, disinfected it with alcohol, and wrapped a bandage on him.

In the whole process, Lin Feng leaned on the sofa and groaned incessantly with his mouth "ah - ah - Oh roar". The sound was like the voice of an island action movie. It was as obscene as it was.

Hearing this, Su Jing blushed and felt sick. She said, "can you stop shouting?"

"I hurt!" Lin Feng said, "do you cry when you feel pain? You not only cry in pain, but also when you are comfortable! Ah - you're light - Oh, roar, comfort, ah - Oh, roar

Su Jing bandaged Lin Feng and said, "you don't have to go to the company these days. You can go now when the wound on your foot is healed."

"Thank you very much, then." Lin Feng said with a smile: "by the way, remember to drag the floor. I'm the patient now. You have to take good care of me. Eat three meals a day, eat, drink and Lasa. Oh, by the way, I still have a habit. I like to listen to stories before going to bed...

" get out - "Su Jing roared.



the moon is charming.

Su Jing's roar came out through the window.

A man in a black suit and a cap happened to walk downstairs of the hotel. Hearing the roar, he stopped and analyzed it in an instant.

The voice suddenly, full of air, the atmosphere with a thick ambiguity, the original is a small couple quarrel.

The cap man shook his head and headed for the hotel lobby.

From the first day of his arrival in Jincheng, he stayed in Dongsheng international hotel. He just went out to do some business, and now he comes back.

He walked into the hall and took the elevator to go upstairs. He happened to meet Su Jing downstairs.

Lin Feng's foot was broken, so she couldn't go downstairs to have breakfast, and she ordered instant noodles with pickled vegetables flavor, so Su Jing was forced to buy them.

As soon as Su Jing got out of the elevator, she passed her cap and frowned instantly.

"The smell of blood!"

Cap puzzling, how does this woman have a smell of blood?

Of course, the cap didn't know that the smell of blood was from Lin Feng's feet.

Su Jing also took a look at the cap. She was dressed strangely and the brim was low. It was a strange person.

The two sides only thought for a moment, then they went in their respective directions.When the cap went upstairs, he felt a stronger smell of blood.

He lives on the same floor as Su Jing and Lin Feng, but one is in the East and the other is in the West.

He walked in the blood all the year round, and he was familiar with the smell of blood. Is there any secret in this hotel?

He followed the smell and stopped in front of Lin Feng and Su Jing's room.

Put your ears close to the door and hear what's going on inside.

However, to his surprise, the door opened suddenly. Lin Feng stood at the door and looked at him with a smile: "Hey, brother, what's the matter? Why are you sneaking around?"

"Sorry, I went to the wrong room!" she coughed

Said, bitterly toward their own room.

Lin Feng's mouth was covered with an imperceptible smile. He said, "brother, you're wearing such a strange dress. I've noticed you for a long time. In the order of Phoenix's Poetry Festival, I noticed you. If you're not wrong, are you the person of that mysterious organization? Interesting!

The cap went back to his room, took out the crystal phone and dialed a number.

Cap's voice is low and hoarse, he said to the phone: "ask the headquarters to help me check a person's information, his name is Lin Feng!"


"he has appeared in the assembly of the order of Phoenix and the drag racing party, and he has played an important role. I don't know whether he is an enemy or a friend. Help me find out his background as soon as possible!"


"OK, I will try to be careful! When will the boss arrive in Jincheng


"OK, I see. The boss is not satisfied with my progress, is he? Then tell him that I have selected two forces as candidates. One is the backers of Jincheng. They are located in the Northern District of Jincheng and mainly engage in gambling business. There is another one, the drag racing party in the Eastern District of Jincheng. It is an organization of a group of racing enthusiasts. However, it has not yet been determined who is the leader. Therefore, I will decide which force to support after the drag racing party is over! "


"OK, I'm waiting for the boss to come! Goodbye

Finish saying, duck cap hang up the phone.

He took a deep breath and sat motionless in front of the window for five minutes. Then, without taking off his clothes, he directly lay down on the bed, covered his face with the brim of his hat and breathed evenly.

And here, Lin Feng lies on the sofa eating snacks, watching the swimsuit Miss Model Contest on TV with great interest.

Su Jing came up from downstairs, threw the noodles she had bought on Lin Feng and said, "just for once, remember to order takeout later."

"Take out?" "What take out?" said Lin Feng

"Take out is not takeout? What else can I take out? " Su Jing asked.

"No, no, no, many times, door-to-door service, also known as takeout!" Lin Feng said, "300 times, 500 night package! Hey, hey, hey

"Lin Feng, you are enough!" Su Jing blushed and scolded.

After that, she added before she entered the bedroom: "if you dare to ask that kind of 'take away' dirty my room, I will fight with you

"You didn't say that kind of take away just now, and you were so excited, I really convinced you!" Lin Feng rolled his eyes and continued to watch TV.

There was no word all night.

The next morning, Su Jing went to work.

Lin Feng stayed in the hotel all morning. He analyzed the current situation.

It is likely that the cap is a mysterious organization, and through yesterday's interview, it seems that the man has been on guard against him.

But it doesn't matter. For blood jade, I have two clues. One is under the mine of the East District Branch mine, and the other is Chu Yuqi. Because Chu Yuqi's father will come back for reunion in the Mid Autumn Festival, he must take the opportunity to find out what happened in those years.

The Lin family was also a big family in China. Why did they disappear when they came to their father's generation? How many unknown secrets are hidden in it?

As a descendant of the Lin family, he must make it clear that he must recover their glory for the Lin family and his parents.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a strange light.

However, we still have to start with two clues to find the blood jade, in order to solve the secret of that year.

Or, go to talk to Chu Yuqi first. After all, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm getting rusty.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng got up and took a bath in the bathroom and changed his clothes.

Not out of the door, the phone rang, he looked, immediately shook his head and began to laugh.

The phone call is from Chu Yuqi. They are quick to have a good feeling.

Lin Feng laughed and answered the phone: "Hello, Yuqi baby, do you miss me?"

But on the other end of the phone, Chu Yuqi said in a panic: "Lin Feng, do you have a place to live? Can my mother and I go to your place for a while? ""What's the situation? What are you hiding for? " Asked Lin Feng.

"We've been trapped, and my mother has been signed a deed of sale!" Chu Yuqi sobbed and said.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "Yuqi, don't worry. Slowly say, what era is this? Where are the sales contracts? What difficulties have your mother and daughter met?"

"Yuqi, who are you talking to?" At this time, a man's voice appeared on the phone.

"Oh, it's my friend..." Chu said.

"Your friend? What kind of friend are you? Those friends and friends should not be associated with each other, and they will follow brother Bao to mix. Do you know what they like to drink

"I don't!" Chu Yuqi cried.

"Give me the phone!"



There was a sound from the other end, and then the phone was forced to hang up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!