The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 189

Lin Feng bit his teeth and held back.

Su Jing was obviously confused. She took advantage of others' danger and was not a gentleman.

In any case, this woman will conquer sooner or later. She is not in a hurry for this moment. She will be open and aboveboard, and will be a hundred times better than being furtive now.

Thinking of this, he wanted to help Su Jing lie on the bed.

But at this time, Su Jing spat out with a "wow" sound.

Because she didn't eat much, all she vomited out was wine!

But still vomited his whole body, another Lin Feng helpless is, also vomited a crotch of Lin Feng.

"You can't drink so much. It's spitting out. It's a waste of wine." Lin Feng wants to help Su Jing lie down.

But he thought, this can't do ah, this all vomit a body, throw people on the bed like this, how dirty! Somebody else is a beautiful president. Don't treat people like this!

"Well, I'm in bad luck." Lin Feng picked up Su Jing and walked into the bathroom.

He turned on the nozzle and tried the water temperature. It was not cold.

Put Su Jing in the bathtub and spray on Su Jing with the nozzle.

The water washed the filth down, but Lin Feng's eyes were straight.

That wet clothes, close to Su Jing's skin, the whole body at a glance.

What's more, under the clothes, the black hood and T-shaped trousers are clearly visible.

"Oh, sin!" Lin Feng didn't dare to look at her. He was afraid that he could not control her again.

He took off his trousers first, and then washed them with water. There was no wine on the top of the trousers that Su Jing vomited.

But now, Su Jing is so wet that she can't just carry her back to bed?

Lin Feng has no choice but to help Su Jing take off all her clothes.

Suddenly, a burst of white temptation, rushed to the face.

What's more, the black T-shaped trousers are on Su Jing's body.

When Lin Feng first came into Su Jing's room, he saw that.

Su Jing is such a cold queen, President fan, who actually wears such interesting things behind his back. Lin Feng only feels that the blood is surging up and he almost has nosebleed.

But fortunately, he is much more self-control than the average man, so this extremely tempting scene is placed in front of him, and he still holds it.

He took off Su Jing's clothes, put them aside and washed her with water.

The water flowed down Su Jing's body. Every time it flowed, Lin Feng had to admire Su Jing's perfect figure. Every place was just right. It was so beautiful.

Lin Feng can be sure that Su Jing's figure is countless times more standard than those swimsuit models on TV just now!

Resisting the palpitation of his heart, he helped Su Jing to recover. Seeing that Su Jing was still in a coma, he took Su Jing out of the bathtub and wanted to take her back to her bedroom.

But when he looked back, she couldn't do it. Su Jing was wet all over her body. She was also wet in the fun mask and trousers. She would catch a cold when she went out.

What to do? Help people to the end! You have to dry Su Jing's body.

He looked around in the bathroom and found a hair dryer for blowing her hair. He turned it on and blew Su Jing all over her body.

The whole body is blown dry very quickly, but small trousers head is still wet, how to do?

Lin Feng bit his teeth, since they have done so much, it's not bad!

He put Su Jing on the stool in the bathroom, split her legs a little, then picked up the hair dryer and blew it towards Su Jing between her legs.

"Buzz!" Lin Feng is afraid that Su Jing will be hurt by too much heat. He can adjust the low temperature, lie down below and help Su Jing blow conscientiously.

Suddenly, a cool wind made Su Jingjiu wake up in an instant.

It's just that the first act after she wakes up makes Su Jing confused.

She found herself sitting in the bathroom while Lin Feng was blowing at her with her head buried.

"Hum, hum, hum" Lin Feng still blows with great strength!

In a flash, Su Jing became angry.

"Ah - pervert -" Su Jing kicked Lin Feng in the past!

"Be careful!" As soon as Lin Feng dodged, he was afraid that the bathroom would be too slippery and fall over. Su Jing was hugged.

In an instant, two people skin intimate, Lin Feng's below, immediately had a reaction.

"Lin Feng, you rascal, pervert, how can you do this?" Su Jingmeng pushes Lin Feng away. She accidentally breaks the vase on one side.

"Pa --" the vase broke, and the sharp glass debris spilled all over the floor.

"President of Jiangsu University, I'm helping you!" Lin Feng said.

"Did you help me? Take me off and face me under... "Su Jing said, blushing like a traffic light on the road!

"You drink too much, vomit all over, I just help you..." Lin Feng said.

"That's enough for you!" Su Jing pointed to the bottom of Lin Feng and said, "you took off your pants and reacted. Is that what you are helping me with? If I didn't wake up in time, I couldn't imagine what would have happened! ""Oh, you think too much! What's going to happen? It doesn't exist at all! " Lin Feng comforted Su Jing and said, "you should pay attention to the broken glass here. Come on, I'll help you!"

He was going to help Su Jing.

"Go away Su Jing pushes Lin Feng hard.

"Ah -" but she was not careful. She slipped her hands and feet at the same time, and fell down to the ground with glass debris.

At this time, Lin Feng a flash, but both hands hold her up, steady in the arms.

"I told you to be careful. If I wasn't here, you would be disfigured." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You let me down!" Su Jingsheng airway.

"Yes, don't worry!" Lin Feng took Su Jing out of the bathroom, stood at the door of Su Jing's bedroom, threw Su Jing on her bed and said, "go to bed early!"

"You're crazy!" Su Jing scolded.

This Lin Feng, embrace all to here, still don't throw oneself from the door two or three meters to throw on the bed, fortunately own bed is soft, otherwise certainly injured!

"How can there be such a person as you? It's shameless and psychopathic to the extreme Su Jing picked up her pajamas and put them on. She walked out of the bedroom and continued to scold Lin Feng, who was sitting on the sofa.

But she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Lin Feng's feet are covered with blood. He is sitting on the sofa, pinching the broken glass on his feet with tweezers.

It's terrifying to see that there are glass debris in ten places on both feet.

And the outside is also a long string of blood footprints.

It turned out that Lin Feng was in the bathroom. In order not to let himself fall on the glass, he chose to keep himself, but he stepped on the glass.

"You..." Su Jing didn't know what to say. They were barefoot in the bathroom just now. Lin Feng stepped on the broken glass in order to save himself. How painful it was!

But look at Lin Feng, but a face of calm, as if those injuries, is the same as the usual, no feeling.

Seeing Su Jing looking at her, he asked Su Jing, "are you ok? What are you looking at me like that? Why did I throw you on the bed? I'm just afraid my feet will stain the floor of your bedroom

With that, she grinned at Su Jing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!