The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 188

Chai dog was in the police station at that time. One of his teeth was broken. Digoxin came out and died in a short time.

Until now, this case is still a pending case, and the murderer behind the scenes has not been found.

This man is the same as Chai Gou, which means that he and Chai Gou were killed by the same person. Then, why did that person send him to kill himself?

Is it where they offended the enemy to come to the door?

No way? The enemies that he offended are all international big owls. How can we send such small fish and shrimps to deal with ourselves!

Then there is only one reason. The goal of these people is not themselves, but Dongsheng Group. They have been helping Dongsheng Group, which hinders them from dealing with Dongsheng Group. Therefore, these people begin to attack themselves.

Lin Feng nods. It seems that he has begun to take action against the behind the scenes gangster of Dongsheng Group. The affair of the drag racing Party of Dongsheng Group has just calmed down, and he has to deal with the behind the scenes gangsters. This is enough for Tang Dongsheng to drink.

He said to Su Jing, "it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go."

Su Jing picked up her mobile phone and walked out of the black alley with Lin Feng.

They paid and went back to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Su Jing was still in a state of shock. Lin Feng said, "I don't think you've drunk enough. I still have wine, good white wine, and a bag of peanuts. It's just enough for both of us. Would you like some more?"

Drinking is a good way to relieve tension.

But Su Jing shook her head and didn't want to drink.

Lin Feng said, "whatever you want. I don't drink enough anyway. It doesn't matter if I drink it myself."

He took out the peanuts and white wine from his backpack, put them on the tea table, turned on the TV set, adjusted to the swimsuit model channel, ate and watched.

"Zi --"

Lin Feng uses small cups, one sip at a time. The liquor is quite strong. Every time he drinks, he purses his mouth and makes a "Zi" sound. It sounds like a good drink.

"I said," can you be quiet! The sound of your drinking is disgusting, you know Su Jing said.

"President of Suzhou University, I saved you just now. Do you treat the rescuers like this?" Lin Feng said.

"Well, I think the killer is running for you!" Su Jing said, "you should be careful in the future. Don't walk around at night!"

"I'm sorry, I'm a night owl. I can't change this habit. Even if there are 110000 people who want to kill me secretly, I still have to go out to wave. I can't help it. This is my character!"

Lin Feng said, raised the glass, "Zi" a, and drank a small cup.

"Tut Tut, good wine!" Lin Feng shook his head and then looked at the models in Swimsuit Bikini on the screen. He praised: "Hey, these one by one, the figure is very good! Oh, look at that nice one. Look at the figure. The ratio is perfect. By the way, President of Jiangsu University, if you take it off, show me a look. I'll see which one of you and them has a good figure! "

"Go away!" One of Su Feng threw it at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng caught it: "give it to me!"

"You think so!" Su Jing came up to grab it.

Lin Feng didn't give it to her. They pulled and pulled. With a little effort, Su Jing said, "ah," and went into Lin Feng's arms.

"You rascal Su was angry.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "you stabbed yourself, but I blame you. Tut Tut, woman, that's it. You don't want it, but you want it in your heart."

Is Su Jing very good at being a man? Are not all big liars? There is not a good thing

"President of Jiangsu University, I feel that you are biased against men!" Lin Feng said: "this must be related to your childhood environment?"

As soon as she said this, Su Jing was stunned because of Lin Feng's words.

Indeed, she lived with her mother in the United States since she was a child. No one around her is really kind to their mother and daughter. The men's hypocritical courting is nothing more than their mother's desire for her mother Su Qing.

So Su Jing has been so biased against men since she was a child that she has never looked at any man with a straight eye.

Of course, Lin Feng is the exception, because Lin Feng is shaking under her eyelids all day long. If you don't look straight at her, you're afraid of bumping into it.

But Lin Feng these words, actually let her recall to the past.

Seeing that Su Jing was silent, Lin Feng took a sip of wine and asked, "President of Jiangsu University, I want to ask you a question!"

"You ask!" Su Jing said faintly.

"You are so rich, why do you go after gangsters at all costs to get a mobile phone and buy another one?" Lin Feng Road.

"Different!" Su Jing said: "this mobile phone is more important than my life. My mother gave me the mobile phone. In addition, there are photos and videos of my mother in the mobile phone, which records the most happy time between me and my mother. If this mobile phone is lost, I will never see my mother again!"

"Oh, so it is!" Seeing Su Jing's lonely and sad appearance, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling hurt.Su Jing's seemingly cold exterior hides a fragile heart.

"Unfortunately, the case is broken!" Su Jing said, caressing her mobile phone. It was a very ordinary old smart phone. The shell of the mobile phone was very thick. Just now she fell on the ground, and the shell had been broken. Fortunately, there was no damage inside.

"Is the case from your mother?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes Su Jing said.

"Then treasure it. It's not bad. It's just tired and wants to have a rest." Lin Feng smile: "maybe after that, there will be another mobile phone case to replace it to protect you!"

"Maybe, but not necessarily!" Su Jing said.

It has been nearly ten years since her mobile phone was manufactured. In the era of mobile phone updating, it has been changing with each passing day for ten years. How could a manufacturer produce the case of this mobile phone? You can't pay for it?

Lin Feng is a smile, secretly sent a message to the mouse: "mouse, help me check the case of this mobile phone, as long as there is, no matter how much money, I will buy it!"

At the back of the message, a photo of Su Jing's mobile phone was attached.

The mouse replied: "OK, give it to me. I can make one for you without me!"

Lin Feng laughed and said to Su Jing, "or, have a drink?"

Su Jing was so depressed that she could not help nodding.

Lin Feng took out a small cup again, two people drank up.

Because she had drunk a lot of beer before, Su Jing was so drunk that she began to talk nonsense.

She was lying on the sofa, crying and laughing, shaking and falling on Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng... You can do magic, but you... Can't even separate yourself!" Su Jing's five fans pointed to Lin Feng three times: "I see you, how many points are divided, i... I'll... Count, one, two..."

"you drink too much, it's time to go to bed!" Lin Feng picked up Su Jing, endured the impulse of soft touch, and put Su Jing back in his bedroom on her bed.

"You don't go, I'm so lonely, I'm so lonely!" Su Jing sits on the big bed and hugs Lin Feng's thigh.

"It's time to go to bed!" Lin Feng advised.

"No!" With her eyes closed and her hair spread out, Su Jing put her arms around the root of Lin Feng's thighs. Her head rubbed back and forth between Lin Feng's legs. She closed her eyes and said, "don't go, don't go!"

Lin Feng all reacted. He quickly took a deep breath and adjusted it. If he changed to another man, I'm afraid he can't stand it at this time.

This big beauty is also drunk to rub around, a wave after wave of stimulation let Lin Feng have some control.

"President of Jiangsu University, I can't bear it if you do this. I can't bear it any more!" Lin Feng said.

"Come on, come on!" Su Jing said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!