The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 187

"Kill?" Lin Feng looked at the man carefully. He was sure that he did not know the man.

"Sir, are you mistaken? I have no hatred with you... "Said Lin Feng.

"Can't you be killed without injustice or hatred?" The strange man said, "it's others who want your life, but I just want money!"

Lin Feng understood that he was a bounty killer. He was hired to kill himself!

He just used Su Jing to introduce himself, and then he wanted to kill himself quietly here.

"I said, brother, you should know that killing and breaking the law, don't do stupid things, so, how much money he gave you for my life, I'll give you double, you that what, you let me go!" Lin Feng tried to ease the mood of the man and approached him slowly.

"You stop, you go forward, I'll kill her first!" The man's knife was a little closer to Su Jing's neck.

This is not the first time that the killer has killed people. It can be said that he is a veteran in the world. He has been on the road for more than ten years and has never failed.

That's why he's been paid a lot of money.

So for Lin Feng these words, he has long been immune.

"Brother, I want to tell you that I often walk by the river and wet my shoes sooner or later. I'll give you a chance to put down the butcher's knife. If I insist on my own way, I will not forgive you!" Lin Feng Road.

"You don't talk nonsense. I just need to move my finger now, and your head will explode immediately!" Said the killer.

"Yes, the pistol you use is the desert eagle. The first 0.357 caliber pistol is powerful. It can knock down an elephant in a short distance. It's stronger than M9 and M1911, so it's not empty talk if you shoot me in the head Lin Feng said: "you should have chosen such a fierce pistol. Thank you so much for looking up to me!"

With these words, the killer was very surprised!

At the moment, he is at least seven or eight meters away from Lin Feng, and the light between the two buildings is very dark. How can he know what gun he used?

In such a vague situation, he can determine the type of gun he uses, and give a clear description of the performance of the gun. Is he an expert in firearms?

The killer doesn't know. Lin Feng is more than a gun expert. He doesn't know much about it.

Even if it's just a part for Lin Feng, Lin Feng knows which model and what part of the gun it comes from.

What's more, Lin Feng's use of firearms is a must.

Among Lin Feng's younger brothers, there is a so-called God shooting sniper, named eagle.

When the eagle is carrying out arduous tasks all over the world, the enemy is terrified by a Barrett sniper rifle. The effective range of the "Barrett" is about two kilometers. The eagle can easily blow the moving enemy in the head within 1500 meters.

What a terrible strength it is! It's thousands of miles away. It's invisible!

However, all the skills of Shenying were taught by Lin Feng. He trained hard every day according to the courses arranged by Lin Feng. It took five years to practice this skill.

But when others praised the eagle as a sharpshooter, the eagle would smile bitterly and shake his head and say, "my eldest brother, Lin Feng, is less than a drop in the bucket!"

Enough to see, Lin Feng's shooting ability, how strong.

Therefore, this killer is just like teaching the hatchet in front of Lin Feng.

At this time, the killer has calmed his surprise. He doesn't care whether the other party is a gun expert or not. In short, he shoots down and takes his own money.

He pulled the trigger with a strong hand.

But in this moment, I saw a flash of shadow in the dark, but Lin Feng disappeared out of thin air.

"Why? Where are the people? "

The killer thought he was dazzled. He squeezed his eyes and looked forward. He was still here. How could he disappear?

Looking at the dark and empty street, the killer felt so nervous for the first time that he could hear his heart beating.

"Where are you? Come out? Don't hide, I've seen you The killer began to look around for Lin Feng's figure. He felt that Lin Feng must be hiding in a dark place.

But unfortunately, the streets ahead are bare and there is no place to hide.

Just then, someone patted him in the back.

"Hello! Please turn back A banter came from behind.

The killer was so scared that she threw Su Jing away and turned back with her gun.

But as soon as I turned back, my wrist was pinched.

Then, listen to a "click", the killer's wrist was crushed.

Then, Lin Feng fiercely hit the killer's forehead with his head.

The killer screamed and fell on the ground. He felt as if his head had been knocked unconscious by a hammer. He couldn't tell the southeast, the northwest and the Northwest for half a day.

"How dare you come out and kill people at your level?" Lin Feng picked up the pistol on the ground and pointed it at the killer's head: "I said that I'll give you double price. It's because you don't cherish the opportunity, but also start to my friends. You've already made me very angry, so today, I won't let you go easily!"With that, he picked up one of the killer's ears and shot it out.

"Ah -" the killer was heartrending with pain. His hand covered his ears, and a pool of blood flowed down from his fingers. It was terrible.

Because the pistol was equipped with a muffler, Lin Feng fired a shot. In fact, the noise was not very loud. In addition, the killer was very good at choosing places. It was very remote. There was a certain distance from the barbecue stand at the entrance of the street. It would not attract the attention of the barbecue stand on the street.

The shooter was really afraid. He never thought that he would become the target of others one day. He repeatedly begged for mercy: "brother, I am wrong. Please let me go. My hand has been broken and my ear is missing. I only ask you to give me a way to live. I will never do this in the future."

"Well, I can let you go, but you have to tell me who sent you to kill me!" Lin Feng said.

"I said, I said, that is..." said here, the killer suddenly choked, and then, as if he had a certain disease, coughed violently, and then suddenly rolled his eyes and fell on the ground directly, without breathing.

The scene scared Su Jing back to Lin Feng, shivering all over her body.

She had just been frightened by this scene, and she was even more frightened at this time.

But Lin Feng stepped forward and broke the man's mouth. After a careful look, he could not help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

"What's going on?" Su Jing asked in the back, "he, why did he die suddenly?"

Lin Feng said: "this man was seriously poisoned. He had a tooth, which was made by man. The pulp of the tooth was filled with digoxin poison. Just now he wanted to tell who ordered him to come, but because digoxin was released by remote control, he immediately died!"

"That's it Su Jing was shocked.

Raymond Lam is as like as two peas to himself: "this man's death is exactly the same as that of the racing car." this time it's interesting for him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!