The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 186

Because Huoshen lost the PK, he still has to fulfill his promise and give Lin Feng 5 million as compensation. Moreover, his people can not set foot on the chassis of Dongsheng Group.

Lin Feng took the money and went back to Dongsheng Group. First, he gave a million yuan to Xia Ming and his father.

Xia Ming's father was moved to tears on the phone, and he said: "no, we don't want it. The money we pay for seeing a doctor is from the company. We can't take it!"

Lin Feng said: "this money is the medical expenses that I went to the drag racing party to get back for you. The drag racing party knew that it was wrong and said that it should not have beaten you, apologized to you, and paid back the money. Take it!"

Xia Ming and his son are shocked after hearing this. Has the drag racing party reformed?

But Xia Ming knows that as long as Lin Feng comes out, it seems that there is no injustice.

After Xia Ming received the money, Lin Feng handed the rest of the money to Su Jing and said, "there are too few people in the eastern mining area. Here's the money. First, recruit more young and strong security guards. They used to guard there in case of emergency. Secondly, it's not easy for some employees there. They're scared every day. Give them more wages, or they'll all resign!"

Lin Feng really felt that the God of fire was unreliable. He planned to ask Su Jing to send more people to guard the mine, and then he was sending people down to look for blood jade.

At this time, Su Jing was confused.

"Where did you get the money?" Su Jing asked.

"The drag racing party gave it to me. I went to find the theory of the drag racing party and gave them great reason and values. The fire god of the drag racing party thought I had a good character and a great eloquence. He also understood my outlook on life and values and said that I was handsome and talented. They liked me very much. In order to show their respect for me, they gave me five million and one million to Xia Understand, the rest, give it to the company! "

"Ah Su Jing is even more ignorant. She talks to a group of hooligans and talks about their outlook on life. They give you five million yuan?

Great, Lin Feng!

Seeing Su Jing half convinced, Lin Feng said with a smile: "Oh, hurry up and do as I said. The eastern district needs to work harder." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Don't you need money yourself?" Su Jing said, "if you make your own money and give it to the company, how can you do that?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I am very rich, and I have no idea about money, no more, all for you!"

Finish saying, Lin Feng head also did not return to go.

Only Su Jing was left in a daze.

This Lin Feng, a good idea of money, this person is crazy to what extent?

Invisible force, the most lethal ah!

But Su Jing didn't know that Lin Feng wanted to use money and could get it in minutes. So he had no idea about money. What he said was rich, which means that he was very rich in spirit.

After that, Lin Feng took a rest in his office and went back to the hotel after work.

Back at the hotel, he found that Su Jing was also back soon. He joked: "Yo, my president of Su University, why did you come back so early today? It's just seven o'clock in the evening? With your personality, if you don't work until 11 o'clock in the evening, how can you come back? "

"You have done a good job today. I'm going to invite you to dinner

"Ha ha ha, that's a good relationship. How about we go to drink and get drunk to relieve our worries?" Lin Feng Road.

"Good!" Su Jing suddenly thought of the barbecue stand in Shengguang street. "How about having a barbecue?"

"It's rare that you want to go, so let's go!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

They went downstairs and walked past because they were not far from the barbecue stand.

When we arrived at the barbecue stand, the boss was familiar with Lin Feng. However, he was impressed by Su Jing's sexy pace, cool face and beautiful temperament.

Su Jing's arrival immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What do you want to eat, handsome and beautiful?" Asked the boss.

"Cow, treasure and sheep's eggs! Same string Lin Feng said, then sat down, picked up the menu, is a burst of crazy point.

After the order was ready, it was handed over to the boss, and he and Su Jing began to drink.

Su Jing, a woman with a lot of wine, began to talk more after drinking. Then they chatted while eating string.

After a few bottles of wine, Su Jing was no longer a goddess at all. She was almost promoted to a madwoman.

she talked too much and his voice was loud. He heard Raymond Lam make complaints about it. Raymond Lam looked at her with a smile and made a quiet listener.

At this time, the barbecue stall owner called out: "handsome boy, your Niubao and sheep eggs are ready. If you are in a hurry, you can come and take them. If you are not in a hurry, you will send them to you after I put down the string in my hand."

"I'll take it myself." Lin Feng said, stood up and went to the oven.

At this time, a figure quickly came to this side from the side. As soon as she passed by, she directly picked up the mobile phone Su Jing had put on her desk and ran to the dark area between the two buildings in front of her.

"Oh, stealing! My cell phone! " Su Jing yelled.Regardless of her, she stood up and ran after the man with all her life.

Because Su Jing drank too much, she couldn't stand still. She staggered and knelt on the ground and scraped her skin. But she still stood up and ran after the thief with all her life.

"Su Jing, what are you doing?" Lin Feng cried, and he wanted to chase after him.

But at this time, the shop owner grabbed Lin Feng and said, "handsome boy, you haven't paid me yet! You two want to get away with it? "

"What are you talking about? I am your familiar guest, which time escaped single, you let me go, my friend is in danger Lin Feng said.

"This..." stall boss looks at Lin Feng suspiciously.

"I don't have money with me. I can't pay until I get my friend's mobile phone back!" Lin Feng said, breaking away from the shop owner's hand and chasing after Su Jing.

But after such a short delay, Su Jing has already chased into the black alley.

Lin Feng did not dare to neglect, but also followed in.

Not far away, Lin Feng heard a shrill cry in front of him. He stepped up to the source of the scream, but found a strange man with a knife in his hand, which was on Su Jing's neck.

"Friends, robbing money is not harmful. Take away your mobile phone and don't hurt others. Please have some professional ethics, OK?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said.

"No, don't take it away, my phone!" Su Jing was already awake.

Lin Feng frowned.

The president of Su university is a luxury car in and out of the door. The hotel alone costs thousands of yuan a day. Although Dongsheng Group paid for the money, it is enough to show that Su Jing is very aggressive and does not lack money.

But in the face of danger, she even stingy refused to give up her mobile phone, this woman, is not drinking silly ah?

However, at this time, what Lin Feng didn't expect was that the man threw the phone on the ground, took out a gun from his pocket, pointed to Lin Feng's head, and said, "I have professional ethics. This time, I am not seeking money, but killing!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!