The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 185

Lin Huo Feng has to wait until now to announce the victory or defeat of the game, but according to the Convention, Lin Huoshen will win.

So the party waited for the God of fire at the end.

But Lin Feng's triumphant return, gave Chen Da and others enough confidence, they happily in the side of the fight, and Huoshen side of the cold and quiet scene, formed a strong contrast.

Baimao on one side felt that something was wrong, so he said to Sima Yufeng, "Uncle Sima, the boss of Huoshen hasn't come back yet. Should we send someone to look for it in the mountains?"

Sima Yufeng thought about it and said, "OK, I'll send someone to look for it."

At this time, the phone rang.

"Where are you, boss? How about it? " Baimao asked.

The God of fire almost cried as soon as he heard the phone.

Shen man blocked the signal just now. He thought it was the bad signal on the mountain road. Unexpectedly, he tried to make a phone call and got through. Now he doesn't have to go any more. His other foot is almost gone.

"Baimao, send someone to pick me up. I can't do it!" Huoshen Dao.

"Where are you, I'll send someone to drive here!" Baimao said.

Huoshen hair to positioning, Baimao and a few younger brothers drive to meet the God of fire.

In less than half an hour, the God of fire came back in a white car.

"Well, now that everyone is back, it's time for me to announce the result of this competition." Sima Yufeng said.

It's been a long time and he doesn't want to delay any more.

But just as he was about to speak again, he heard the God of fire yelling: "wait, I have a few words to say!"

The God of fire limped down from the car and said, "look, he sent people to ambush me on the road. If I hadn't been clever enough, I would have been stoned to death by him. But I still hurt my foot carelessly, which led me to fall behind him. He is so vicious that he even killed me. Is such a person worthy of winning the competition

As soon as he said this, the crowd was in an uproar.

Everyone was surprised to see the God of fire, one of his feet hanging, did not land, it seems that the ankle is broken.

"Lin Feng, you son of a bitch, you dare to give us a dirty move to the people of our drag racing party, you will give us an explanation now!" Baimao yelled.

Huoshen's eyes flashed a touch of cunning. On the way back, he thought well. He would reverse Lin Feng. I will make you not only lose the victory, but also become the shameless dregs of other people.

People around see the fire god like this, have also been confused.

No wonder Lin Feng will win. It turns out that he sent someone to ambush the God of fire on the road! How can Lin Feng win with others?

Sima Yufeng also hesitated at this time. In his impression, he thought that Lin Feng was a good young man. However, the God of fire did it by himself, so the murderer was not Lin Feng. Who else would it be?

"Hit him, break his leg, and avenge the Lord of fire!" Someone yelled.

"Scum, villain, kill him!"


for a while, the crowd was excited, and Lin Feng became the target of public criticism.

"Is that really the case, boss?" Wei Yichen looks at Lin Feng, eager to get an answer.

"Of course not!" Lin Feng smiles.

"What's the matter with that?" Wei Yi Chen points to the leg of the God of fire.

"He was careless of himself." Lin Feng said: "he was accidentally smashed, and I made a crutch for him."

Lin Feng pointed to the branch on the fire god's hand.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He tried to kill people. He tried to evade his responsibility. Let's go and tie him up to me." The God of fire yelled.

"Yes, his reason is not sufficient at all! A liar

"Listen to the God of fire, go up and kill this scum!"


the younger brothers of the God of fire were rubbing their hands one after another, while Chen Da's people did not mean to help Lin Feng obviously.

For a moment, Lin Feng fell into the siege of everyone.

But at this time, I heard someone drink: "boss, what you want, here you are!"

A young man with a green cap appeared in the crowd, holding a recording pen and throwing it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took it and said, "did you take my pa artifact?"

"Yes, of course." The mouse took out a vegetable trumpet and threw it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "gentlemen, the time has come to witness the truth."

With that, he put the recorder behind the megaphone and played it out clearly.

"You several attention, Lin Feng goes to this fork road below, listen to my order, put a stone, SMASH him to death!"

"Don't we kill people, boss

"Fool, this is a landslide that killed people. What does it have to do with us? Do as I say!""Good!"

"What's more, don't mention my name on the phone. What if someone intercepts the signal and eavesdrops on our phone? You two

"Oh, I see, boss Vulcan!"


"Ah, I was wrong!"


Lin Feng said with a smile: "well, everyone can hear the sound? Who is sinister? Who wants to kill people? "

Then, with a serious look on his face, he said, "you tried to harm me. As a result, your people were too stupid to calculate the wrong position and smashed you. You came back to spit out blood and incite the masses to attack me. Liu ah Huo, I asked you, do you want to face me?"

Huoshen's face was green at this time, but he didn't expect to say that. As a result, the call record was really monitored by others.

What a shame! What do you do now?

At this time, people around gradually realized that 80% of the people originally supported Vulcan, but after this event, their hearts changed.

The God of fire can do such insidious things, really not worthy to be their boss.

Seeing that these people were shaken, the God of fire blushed and his neck was thick: "don't listen to his nonsense. All these things are made up by him. I didn't harm him ... "

seeing Huoshen's advice at this time, Lin Feng said with a smile:" come on, everyone is not stupid, and they dare to take responsibility after they have done something. That is the wind of the general. If you are like this, you are not qualified to be the leader of the drag racing party! "

"Lin Feng, you don't have a bloody mouth. You can't tell us about our drag racing party." "Even if I give you a point in this game, the big score is only 1-1, and there is another game behind, I will never let you have the opportunity to take advantage of it again!"

Then, he incited everyone to say: "brothers, follow me, there are wine, meat and women. When I become the person in charge, you will be my confidant. Don't be bewitched by others!"

Under the instigation of his efforts, some people stayed in his camp, but others shook their heads and chose to support Chen Da.

After this incident, Chen Da's supporters were much more than those of Vulcan, and the situation overturned overwhelmingly!

Huoshen suddenly became a weak side. However, in the face of such a decline, Huoshen did not dare to say anything more. Today, he was disgusted by Lin Feng. If he got caught by Lin Feng again, he would be totally discredited.

He hid away, afraid to speak.

"All right, all right! Let's not talk about it today. Now I declare that Chen Da, represented by Lin Feng, wins! Chen Da got one point, now it's a big score, one to one! " Sima wants the wind to shout in time.

How to say, the God of fire also represents a part of the members of the drag racing party. It's really humiliating that the God of fire has such a thing to do today. He can't let his family scandal go public. He chose to suppress it in time in order not to let it ferment.

In Sima Yufeng's heart, the drag racing party is all he has. He will not consider his personal emotions. He only cares about the reputation and future of the drag racing party.

Therefore, he chose to suppress this matter first and then talk to the God of fire and punish him.

Sima Yufeng said: "the last PK will be set in a week. After a week, the final leader of the drag racing party will be determined. I hope both sides will go back and get ready. The last item is the PK of the ability project. We hope that when the time comes, we will come up with their own abilities. What we need is a person who can lead the progress of the drag racing party!"

Everyone agreed.

At this time, a man in a black suit and a cap came out of the crowd and quietly left without any notice.

After a distance from the people of the drag racing party, the man took out the crystal mobile phone with full transparency, pressed his finger several times, and sent a message out: "we can't make a decision today. We can't make the result in a week. Please know!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!