The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 184

"Lin Feng, you boy is so Yin!" The God of fire said angrily.

"Oh, compared with you, it's nothing. At best, I'm going to start with your car. You are totally against my life. So before you say this, you should weigh yourself first." Lin Feng said with a smile.

But the more fire god looked at Lin Feng's smile, the more angry he was. The blood of Qi surged up, and the blood vessels were about to burst open.

"Lin Feng, if you fight against me, I will kill you sooner or later!" The God of fire gnawed his teeth.

"Why are you so funny that you are still threatening others Lin Feng said with a smile: "to such a person as you, I am really speechless!"

With that, Lin Feng got out of the car, broke a branch and handed it to the God of fire: "you hate me, but I can't hate you. It's like a dog biting me, and I can't bite a dog. It's a matter of grade. So, I know you can't be angry. Let's vent your anger. I'll give you a crutch to wish you a smooth and smooth road behind you. Friends at the end of the line are still waiting for me. So, leave first! Take care

Lin Feng put the branch into Huoshen's hand, and rode his bicycle toward the front with a smile. When he disappeared near the corner, he also said in a loud voice:

"Comrade ah Huo, you can't go back in a few hours. I heard that there are many wild animals and tigers in the mountains. When it's dark, they will come out to look for food I have to go back before sunset, or I will die without a corpse! Come on

"I fucked you!" Trembling with fire, he threw the branch out.

But in the silent forest, no one responded to his anger.

Occasionally, there are birds and animals singing, which makes the God of fire unconsciously fight a cold war. At this time, he found that he was alone in the mountains, and he really had no protection.

He immediately panic, quickly limped to the branch of the tree, picked up, as a crutch, limped back to the direction.


at this time, the group of people at the end of the line could hardly hold back.

The end point is also the starting point, including Sima Yufeng and other forensic experts, as well as Chen Da V, Wei Yichen and others, are here waiting for the results.

According to the common sense, the motorcycle that the God of fire rides, 20 kilometers of road, that is not more than ten minutes to arrive?

However, more than an hour later, there was no movement at all.

Vulcan's younger brothers are especially nervous. They just yelled at Chen Da's younger brothers. They were very arrogant. But at this time, the God of fire appeared slowly, which made them worry.

Especially Baimao, he also thought that the God of fire won today's game, and when he became the leader, he could also follow up to another level.

Chen Da, however, hung her head and looked dejected.

"Chen Da, don't you believe my boss?" Wei Yi Chen looks at Chen Da dejected appearance, then asks a way.

Chen Da did not give a positive answer, but rather puzzled: "why can't the God of chariots listen to my advice and compare them with motorcycles? In that case, there may be a chance of success! "

"Chen Da, what do you mean? Don't you believe my boss will win Wei Yichen was angry and said, "don't forget, my boss is helping you!"

"I know the chariot God is kind, but..." Chen Da doesn't know how to say it. In short, he thinks that this matter is more disturbing.

However, v-big said with a smile: "Chen Da, your rider today, let me really see what is the God of chariots. It's really supernatural!"

Wei Yichen listened to her words and asked, "what do you mean, big v?"

"I don't mean much!" V big light way: "I just want to express Chen Da's words. He asked the car God to help him to win the race for him. But I think the car God is just playing with this matter!"

"How do you speak? My boss has always been very serious Wei Yicheng angrily roared at v.

"Bicycle PK motorcycle? Is that what your boss is serious about? " V big mouth a smile: "I'm sorry, this kind of serious I can't appreciate, can win just strange!"

"You..." Wei Yichen felt a depression in her chest, but she couldn't spray it out.

Because it's bullshit when bicycles win motorcycles.

But she couldn't bear to be insulted by others. She sat there with her red eyes and hugged her legs, sulking.

V big see Wei Yichen that way, she laughed and said: "little girl, you know, I also hate the God of fire, I also hope your boss wins, but, your boss, too do not strive for success!"

"Shut up Wei Yichen said angrily: "you are not allowed to insult my boss again. Besides, I am not a little girl. You are not a few years older than me. Don't look so old-fashioned! Hum

V big shakes his head and smiles. He doesn't speak any more.

However, at this time, I heard a exclamation: "you see, someone appeared!"

Everyone suddenly came to the spirit, only to see that mountain road, a figure killed from the corner, moving towards the key point.But after seeing the towering figure, all of us were confused.

"Isn't this the chariot God of Erlong mountain?" Someone exclaimed.

"Yes, that's him."

"Where is the God of fire?"

"I don't know."


in the sound of surprise, Lin Feng crossed the finish line.

"Boss!" Wei Yichen tears down, a few steps forward, rushed to Lin Feng's arms: "they insult you, said you can't win, great, you came back first!"

Wei Yichen is a breath is sent out, she immediately raised eyebrows.

"Ha ha ha, look at you, how old you are, still crying!" Lin Feng stroked Wei Yichen's head a few times, then said: "I said, I can win him by bike!"

At this time, Chen Da was more surprised. He couldn't believe his eyes. If his younger brothers were not all there, he would have jumped up happily: "chariot God, you really came back first. You are so good! Great

"Chen Da, you stay away from my boss. You didn't have confidence in him just now." Wei Yichen scolded Chen Da.

"Oh, Yi Chen, I'm just worried about it." Chen Da said with a smile.

"Hum!" Wei Yichen's small face raised, extremely proud.

But v big eyes are shocked, this guy, how to do it? Bicycles really beat motorcycles! This... Is too fake!

Looking at Lin Feng's languid smile, she suddenly felt a palpitation and thought of a thing that someone once told him.

The man is a member of the international underground drag racing organization. He said that in recent years, he had only seen one motorcycle racer who shocked him. He was a yellow Chinese. Others called him "Shura". His driving skills are among the best in the world.

But he likes to ride a bicycle. This man is really interesting. If you meet him one day, you must remember to ask for a signed photo for me. By the way, I adore him!

V big carefully toward Lin Feng, in the heart for a long time can not calm.

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