The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 183

"Boom" sound.

I saw a stone rolling down on the mountain and ran into Lin Feng.

The God of fire looked at this scene with a grim smile on his face, and said in his heart: "Stinky boy, your death is coming!"

However, the next second, the God of fire was panicked.

He found that the stone did not seem to go to Lin Feng, but rolled towards himself!

He wanted to avoid it, but the stone had already arrived. The God of fire abandoned his car and ran away, but was still hit by the stone and ran over his leg.

"Ah -" the fire god cried out in pain, and a burst of pain came from the ankle.

His foot, in a strange curve, was obviously broken!

At this time, Lin Feng's mobile phone received a message: "boss, I made a mistake, calibration is not enough, not hit very accurate!"

Lin Feng returned a message: "that's OK. Do you still want to hit a dead man? You've done a good job. I'll give you drumsticks for dinner

"Ha ha ha, OK, OK! Thank you, boss Said the mouse.

Then Lin Feng looked at the God of fire lying on the ground: "Oh, I said it's easy to slide. Look at you, why are you so careless?"

At this time, the God of fire was ferocious. He did not know whether it was too angry or painful. He looked at Lin Feng with red eyes and roared: "Lin Feng, I will kill you!"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrow: "tut Tut, you are almost disabled, and you still kill people? How big is your heart? "

Said, Lin Feng found a dead tree next to him, broke off a branch, threw it to the God of fire: "take it as a crutch, you can choose to call someone to take you to the hospital, or you can choose to continue to compete with me, whatever you want!"

His flaming eyes are about to burst into flames, but he is still in the race. He has spent too much time in order to be the leader of the drag racing party. If he abstains from the race, he will have to finish the race anyway.

What's more, it's not a matter of minutes to win a bicycle with no feet and gas in hand?

The God of fire made a decision, picked up the branch and pushed himself up.

"Look at your hard work. Oh, I'll help you!" Lin Feng said, pushing up the fallen motorcycle, helping the God of fire to sit on it: "quick, rush to the end of the line!"

"What?" The God of fire was sitting on the motorcycle, and Lin Feng was kind enough to help himself? What's the situation?

"You boy, don't cry about the cat and mouse. I don't want to eat your way!" Said the God of fire.

Lin Feng is a smile: "you think more, comrade a Huo! I'm afraid that you will be disabled for life, so I'll let you on the bus quickly. Even if I help you, you can't win me! "

"Hum, you're a real braggart. OK, we'll meet at the end. I'll see you. How can you beat me with your bicycle?" The God of fire cursed.

"Go ahead, go ahead, and make sure you lose." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Huoshen is no longer wordy. Now he has to hurry to the finish line, win the game, and then go to the hospital for bonesetting.

As soon as he turned the gas, the car sped forward.

Lin Feng bad bad smile, on the mobile phone, to another person sent a message: "are you there? The prey is coming

Soon the other end replied: what prey, you should pay attention to the wording, we are on duty.

Lin Feng laughed and returned a message: "OK, perform official duties, perform official duties."

Because of the broken foot of Vulcan, he was eager to win the race, and went to the hospital to bandage, so the car was like an arrow from the string, almost reaching its maximum speed.

Then, at the second fork in the road, Vulcan heard the siren.

"The person in front of you stopped the car. You have exceeded the speed limit, which has seriously violated the regulations of Public Security Administration of our country. Please get out of the car for inspection." A woman's voice came.

Huoshen's mind is not good, but his feet do not use strength, there is no way to turn around flexibly, finally helpless, the car slowly sliding to the intersection, two police cars in the middle of the road, blocking his way.

Shen man took the loudspeaker and yelled: "get out of the car quickly and accept the inspection!"

"Officer, Ben and I didn't exceed the speed limit!" Said the God of fire.

"More than 300 per hour, you said you didn't exceed the speed limit? If you meet someone on the road at this speed, you will definitely make a big mistake! " Shen man said coldly.

The God of fire looked at Shen man carefully. There were few beautiful policemen in the police force. So the God of fire recognized Shen man at a glance and said, "Oh, it's you. It was you in Dongsheng Group yesterday. Are you taking revenge on yourself?"

Shen man said, "I don't hide my disgust for you, but I can't get to the point of taking revenge on myself."

Then he waved to Xiao Li: "buckle his car!"

"Well, why don't you be reasonable? Where did I exceed the speed limit?" The God of fire is in a hurry.

"You really don't hit the south wall and don't look back!" Shen man looked in front of a policeman ran back, she said: "Xiao Wang, show him, he did not exceed the speed limit!"Xiao Wang, holding a speedometer and a miniature video camera, said, "he's not only speeding, he's almost driving away!"

The fire god's heart cools. It turns out that these people have secretly hidden here to measure the speed, and they have been hit.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Qin Shou, the son of Qin. He wanted his father to help him settle the matter.

However, he was surprised to find that there was no cell phone signal, not even the walkie talkie signal.

Shen man sneers. She has long been a fire god. Yesterday in the branch of Dongsheng mining, it was because Huoshen made a phone call, which made him unable to deal with the group of Huoshen's subordinates. Today, she can't make the same mistake.

So the Signal Jammer was turned on in advance, so that he couldn't make a phone call.

In fact, this is what Lin Feng reminded her.

Yesterday, Lin Feng told her that there was a way to make her angry. At first, she didn't believe it. Then Lin Feng secretly told her that today, the God of fire would be racing in Lingyun mountain, and he would catch a target.

She did not have to vent her anger. As a people's police officer, her task was to fight against all illegal elements who endanger the interests of the people.

As soon as I heard that the God of fire was going to race, of course, she was on fire and had been waiting here with her subordinates.

I didn't expect that what Lin Feng said was true. The God of fire almost sped the car. It was really lawless.

Shen man gave the God of fire a ticket, said: "the car was detained, I see you have a foot injury, so allow you to go back to deal with the injury, and then come to the police station to collect the car, remember to take the fine!"

"Police comrade, I beg you. I know I'm wrong. I won't drag racing any more. Can you give me your car and I'll ride back slowly?" The God of fire pleaded.

He has no other way now. How can he win without a car?

"How can we do this? We have our rules. If you violate the law and discipline, you will be punished. There is no discussion!" Shen Manyi was right in his words.

"You..." fiery Rage: "I see you are pure heart and I can't get along, you abuse power for personal gain, you don't deserve to be a policeman!"

"Well, if you say that, I want to ask you, I can't arrest you for your crime, can I? If I arrest you, I will use my power for personal gain? " Shen man sneered: "you take yourself seriously. You don't want me to abuse my power for personal gain."

What he said was to stimulate the God of fire and make a scene. In the end, he was like a clown.

"Officer, if you do this, you have to think about it clearly. It's not a joke to annoy me!" The God of fire changed his face and threatened coldly.

"Are you threatening the police?" Shen man asked.

"I..." the God of fire thought that by his own name, such a sentence would frighten the other party, but did not expect that this woman is a master of oil and salt.

"If you are entangled again, I might as well add one more crime of threatening public servants!" Shen man said.

The God of fire was suddenly silent.

Shen man looks at the face of the God of fire. She is very happy in her heart. No wonder Lin Feng said let me vent my anger. Don't mention it. It's really out of breath!

She let Xiao Wang ride a motorcycle, followed by the police car, and then said to the God of fire: "remember to quickly come to the police station to get the car!"

Then he left.

"I fucked you!" The God of fire scolded and sat down on the ground.

Autumn wind swept the leaves, blowing by the fire god's side, a desolate scene.

The God of fire at this time in the heart of ten thousand grass mud horses galloping past, what the hell is this?

I broke my foot. I have to pay for the fine. The car is gone!

He suddenly reflected over, his mother, he was Lin Feng this guy to calculate!

However, at this time, there was a creaking sound behind him. Looking back, Lin Feng was riding a bicycle and towering.

"Ouch, comrade ah Huo? Why is this sitting on the ground? Be careful of catching cold Lin Feng said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!