The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 182


The V big surprise mouth on the side grew into "O" type, a proud of her, even without covering up her surprise.

Is cycling the third largest in the world?

What does this man think? Is there a problem with spirit?

V was shocked by Lin Feng's locomotive knowledge just now, but now it seems that this guy was not the king, but bronze!

No! Wrong!

Bronze is not equal, but scrap iron!

"The car God, I have communicated with them, you can be allowed to ride a locomotive. You don't have to care what you said that day. It's unfair to compare the bicycle to the locomotive!" Chen Da said.

Lin Feng immediately retorted: "Chen Da, I didn't say you. Do you know how serious the world air pollution is now? We need to be environmentally friendly and green, you know? "

"Oh!" Chen Da has no words for a while. This is a competition. What environmental protection is it!

He said carefully: "the car God, this time, this time you pollute, all environmental protection, OK?"

"Of course not!" Lin Feng took a chest and said, "we should take care of the world, protect the world, do our meagre efforts to do good things, start from around, start from now on, you know?"

Everyone was sobbing, and for the first time, they heard that the racing party had to pay attention to the air pollution.

But Lin Feng, but let Sima desire wind and other people in front of the eyes a bright, this young man, good moral ah!

"Well, that's the decision. I'll go on a bike and his motorcycle. Start it. Don't delay me watching TV series!" Said Lin Feng.

There was a noise around!

Today is one of the most important days of the racing party. Almost all the kids of the racing party have come. Such a big rehearsal and such grand event make everyone nervous. But put it in his Linfeng mouth. How can I feel like a pediatrics?

But it's almost 11:30 now, and the game is on the way.

Lin Feng ignored Chen Da and others, but pushed his bicycle to the starting point.

The fire God smiled at the danger, riding his motorcycle, and came to the beginning.

After Sima wants wind, two young people release two UAVs respectively, and set the following target as two players in the competition. The UAV has a camera, which will monitor the situation around the players during the whole process of the competition.

Fire god put the remote interphone in his waist, and Lin Feng also has a set. This is for emergency contact!

A young girl in a tight black and white meet dress stood at the start, holding up a small red flag in her hand.

Everything is ready.

Sima wanted the wind to nod to the girl.

The girl waved the red flag down and shouted, "race, start --"

boom - "br >

the fire god is in charge of the first time. A smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe. The car flies forward quickly. After a few seconds, it is gone.

And Lin Feng then started to ride his bicycle and waved to everyone: "Hello, everyone, see you later!"

Then, with the feet exerting, the bicycle creaks, and Lin Feng shrugs and slowly drives ahead.

The scene saw a moment of embarrassment. Is this a race between tortoise and rabbit?

Moreover, this forest peak is not tortoise speed, it seems to be snail speed!

"Boss, come on, boss, come on!"

In the crowd, a sudden shout, Wei Yichun, only her, always unconditional believe in Lin Feng!

A hiss from all, even Chen Da was down, Chen Da behind the younger brother, no one out of the voice.

V big but slightly smile to Chen Da: "you ask the car God, it is a bit of fun!"

Chenda shook his head and smiled bitterly: "don't make fun of me. You must lose it!"

However, on the race Road, after the fire god rode out for a while, he slowed down. When he reached the first fork, he stopped, and he switched the interphone to another channel and said to it, "first kill the two remote control planes, or we will be very difficult to start our hands and feet!"


There was a response over there.

Then, after about a dozen minutes, the two drones, each of which had some unknown, crashed down.


The kids of racing party are watching the power of the big screen through the UAV camera, but the pictures of the two people are blue screen after another.

"What's the matter?" Asked Sima.

"I don't know. It crashed all of a sudden!" A young man.

"Get out of the remote control again and look for the race!" Said Sima.

This situation, also, is not unlikely, especially in this mountain road, there are birds easy to use remote control aircraft as a similar, easy to hit.

And rainy days, natural disasters, weak signals, etc. all lead to such problems, so they have more than one remote control aircraft.

Soon, two remote control planes were released, but they didn't fly out for a long time, but they crashed again."No way!" The two young men said that there was some kind of signal jamming on the mountain. The UAV couldn't find the target, so it crashed again!

"Alas Sima wants the wind to say, "can only listen to fate!"

At this time, Lin Feng riding a bicycle humming ditty, while enjoying the scenery, while picking up the mobile phone, to the mouse sent a message: how? Are you done?

The mouse replied: "yes, it has already intruded into the other party's system and overheard the other party's plot. They placed a stone throwing stone on the hillside of the first fork in the road. When you pass there, the stone will drop a huge stone and kill you, causing a landslide and accidentally killing you."!

Lin Feng said in his heart: "Liu ah Huo, it's quite insidious. I knew he would do it! Since you want my life carefully, I can't let you live! "

Then, he sent a message to the mouse: is the stone throwing stone controlled by human beings?

the mouse said: Yes, but the people who control the stone throwing stone can't see the angle at the bottom of the mountain, so adjusting the angle of the throwing stone depends on the information given by a person who detects it.

Lin Feng Dao: OK, after you intrude into their system, pay attention to the detector. Before they send out an order, you pretend to be a detector and issue an order.

The mouse says: boss, understand!

Lin Feng smile, ah fire, ah fire, play with me, you are too young, your technology, and your stupid little brother, as well as your overdue IQ, which one can do?

Lin Feng rode his bicycle leisurely and found that the God of fire was waiting for him at the first fork in the road.

"Oh, why don't you keep riding?" Lin Feng asked.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to see people, so I'll wait for you." Fire God said with a smile.

Then he looked up the hill.

He checked the position of the catapult and Lin Feng at school.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I can thank you, but I heard that the landslide of this generation is very serious. It's very dangerous for you to stay here. Let's go!"

The God of fire was stunned and said, "Oh? i see? I don't know if you don't tell me! "

Finish saying that, the expression on the face more yin a few minutes.

Because he found that the stone has been aimed at Lin Feng, just give an order, the stone falls down, can smash Lin Feng.

The God of fire directly sent a word message to the detective: "release

The detective picked up the walkie talkie and was about to speak to the group of people controlling the stone throwing stone. However, another voice came from inside: "move 0.6 cm to the left, 1 cm up, put it down!"

Who is this man?

However, the group of people who controlled the stone throwing tools thought it was the password of the detector. They adjusted the position according to the voice inside the walkie talkie and directly put the stone down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!