The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 181

It was Lin Feng who came.

Lin Feng rode his bike, and soon came to the public. Surprisingly, he did not feel out of breath on the uphill section of this slope.

He seems to be walking on the ground, very calm, very natural.

"I've kept you waiting!" Lin Feng came to the front, supported the ground on one leg and waved to everyone.


"Chariot God!"

Wei Yichen and Chen Da rushed to meet him.

"Oh, it's so hard to find this mountain road. I almost lost my cell phone!" Lin Feng turned off the mobile phone navigation and asked Chen Da, "is the competition about to start?"

"Yes, chariot!" Chen Da said.

At this time, V big has been watching Lin Feng, from Lin Feng appeared, she looked at Lin Feng in an incredible way.

This man, a loose clothes, autumn, but also wearing a pair of flip flops, hair dishevelled, still left a sobbing stubble.

What's more, why doesn't this guy have a car? A bicycle with a hoop is coming as soon as you get on and off?

This is the God of cars?

If you hang a woven bag in the back seat of his bicycle, it will be a rag picker!

But Lin Feng felt the unfriendly gaze from the direction of three o'clock. He turned his head and saw a sexy creature in leather, staring at himself.

He stroked his hair back with both hands, put out a pose that he thought was OK and gave V big a wink.

"Ah V big suddenly Leng, Lin Feng this action, disgusted her bad.

She didn't know where Chen Da had found such a chariot God. It was lower than all the chariots she had ever seen. It was really low to explosion!

It can't be done by car itself. Is Chen Da crazy to find such a person?

"Oh, how dare you come?" The God of fire came forward and looked up and down at Lin Feng: "be careful, you have nothing to lose today, ha ha ha!"

Huoshen said this is not empty talk. This time, the track is a circular track, during which there are two intersections. At the first junction, he has already arranged manpower in advance.

The task of those people is to let Lin Feng have an accident and die.

However, it should be made airtight and invisible.

This Lin Feng, repeatedly against himself, the God of fire has long been interested in killing. Today, he wants to gain both fame and wealth, but also to get rid of his enemies. It is a happy day.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "I had nothing, so I'm not afraid to lose! It's you. If you are too arrogant, you will be punished! "

"You..." the God of fire glared at the beads.

But Lin Feng was too lazy to deal with Huoshen any more. Instead, he asked Chen Da: "when will it start? Hurry up. After the match, I have to go back to watch TV series. It's said that today is Zhao Mosheng's confession to why Chen. It's touching. Don't delay my time!"

"Ah Chen Da is speechless for a while. The God of chariot is still chasing drama. Moreover, it is a romantic drama, which makes people laugh and laugh!

"It's about to start!" Chen Da said, "chariot, before we start, I'll give you a surprise."

He pulled Linfeng to V big side, said: "car God you see, this is the first big beauty of drag racing party, Venus, V big!"

"Oh, good to meet you! My name is Lin Feng. I'm the chariot God of Erlong mountain Lin Feng reached out his hand and shook hands with V.

V frowned, but out of politeness, he shook hands.

"Venus, Venus, this name is cruel, Venus, goddess!" Lin Feng smiles at V big.

When Lin Feng read English, he felt like a local person pulling foreign language. Moreover, he just said he was a god of cars. How could he boast that he was really a stranger to the world?

I feel that the car's performance is worse than that of the other side. If the car God really has two sons, maybe there is hope to win.

But now it looks cool.

Instead of looking at Lin Feng, she turned to look elsewhere.

See V big no longer pay attention to him, Lin Feng pour also didn't feel what, turn a head to ask Chen Da: "this beauty, is you give me surprise?"

Chen Da said, "of course not. The surprise I gave you is behind the big V!"

Then Chen Da points to V big not far behind, a black dazzle cool locomotive stops there.

"Chariot God, this is the car I borrowed from V University. It's full of oil. You can run hard today!" Chen Da said, taking out the motorcycle helmet from the car, "no, this is a safety helmet, you will also take it!"

Lin Feng looked at the black locomotive and said with a smile: "this, it should be zz-r1100 locomotive! Origin of Japan, once the king of locomotive! But now, it's past its time! "

V frowned. The God of chariots, who knows cars well, can see the model of his car, but how can this man just look at the surface? Superficial!However, Lin Feng suddenly changed his words and said: "although this car is out of date, its appearance is streamlined, and its air resistance is very small. I think there are traces of modification underneath. I believe that the engine and other accessories have also been updated. By visual inspection, the engine has a horsepower of more than 320 HP and a speed of over 300km / h

As soon as he said this, V was shocked.

At a glance, you can see your own refitting. Moreover, the performance of what is estimated to be close to ten. This person has good eyesight!

But at this time, Lin Feng shook his head and said: "but, this car and a fire comrade that one, it seems that there is no advantage ah!"

When Lin Feng came, he saw the red and white domineering locomotive under the fire god's crotch.

Lin Feng said: "the car that Comrade a Huo rode is the MV Agusta f4000r! Round comprehensive configuration and performance, ranking third in the world! Moreover, according to my visual inspection, comrade a Huo has also modified it. The heat dissipation system has been improved. It is good. In order to pursue the speed, it seems that the car body has been adjusted and some unnecessary things have been removed. It may be about 10kg lighter. "

As soon as this remark was made, the whole audience was in an uproar.

After the appearance of the two dragon mountain chariots, they just glanced at them casually. They could see clearly the two top-level locomotives, even where they had been refitted. What a god!

Before that, Lin Feng was just a little boy of the drag racing party in vain. Now he has become serious.

V big shock, again upgraded, she did not hide her eyes surprised look.

And the most shocking is still the God of fire.

He found that Lin Feng even saw that he had refitted the car body, light 10kg all know, this guy, can't send spies ambush around him in advance? Otherwise, how could you know so clearly.

Seeing Huoshen's surprised expression, Lin Feng said with a smile: "comrade a Huo, I'm very sorry to comment on your locomotive without permission! However, I have to remind you that your car can easily exceed 300km / h and is 10kg lighter. If you increase the speed, it will surely float. Be careful of the damage and death of the car! "

"You don't talk nonsense. If you want to compare, don't make a fool of yourself!" The God of fire cursed.

Huoshen thought, you are not the only one who knows cars. The people who repair cars all know cars. You are just a little bit poisoned by your eyes. If you really go on the road soon, you will see the technology. Moreover, at the first intersection, you will be killed and you will be killed!

Lin Feng laughed and said, "you two cars are the top ten locomotives in the world. It seems that this competition is very fierce. I'm nervous about it!"

"Chariot, don't be nervous!" Chen Da said: "it's very easy to get into danger when racing."

"So, in order to avoid danger, I still ride my bike," said Lin Feng

Finish saying, Lin Feng light smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!