The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 180

Chen Da opened the door, got out of the car and said with a smile, "V big, I didn't expect you were really on time. Thank you for your help this time. My rider should be here soon! You get in my car and wait! "

"I don't need to sit. I owe you a favor. This time, I'll get you a car. It's even!" V big light way.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still so cold!" Chen Da said with a smile.

"Did you? I don't think so V big lip angle rises, show a light smile.

But just that smile, enough to charm the people, the country.

The group of drag racing party kids around, one by one, are stunned. It's not easy to see V God once. Many of the new kids have only heard of V big, but have not seen my father. It's amazing to see him today!

Then, V big politely and Sima Yufeng and other veterans said to Chen Da: "when will your driver arrive? It's said that the rider you invited was named the chariot God of Erlong mountain? Is that the case? "

"Yes Chen Da said with pride: "the God of chariot used to refit Santana and won the Bugatti Veyron driven by Fujida. It's just a blast to the sky!"

"Hum! You look so ignorant V big scorned a smile: "these days, there are car gods everywhere. In recent months, Dongyi, Bangzi and Nanyang have traveled a third of the place, and they also occupy about all kinds of car gods. In the end, they all have no real skills. So, we should not easily put the title of" car God "on our head, lest we be ridiculed one day."

"V big, I don't want to hear you say that about my boss!" Wei Yichen in Chen Da car, hear V big despise Lin Feng this words, immediately angry.

V University was once the idol of Wei Yichen. Wei Yichen has always dreamed that one day he can train his racing skills perfectly and become the king of the racing party and become a flower of the drag racing party.

Of course, Wei Yi Chen's figure and appearance are incomparably sexy and beautiful, which can also be called a flower of the current drag racing party. However, her driving skills are not comparable to that of V University, and her reputation in the drag racing party is almost the same as that of V big.

So Wei Yichen has great respect for V big.

However, she respects her boss Lin Feng more. In her eyes, Lin Feng is a god!

No one is allowed to slander their gods, even their former idols.

But v big but toward Wei Yi Chen light smile, way: "who are you? I don't know you at all. If I say something wrong, please forgive me. However, we have to speak with our strength, so there is no need for us to argue with each other! "

I don't want to waste water with you!

"You this person..." Wei Yicheng did not know how to say, but her pretty face was hung with anger.

"Yi Chen!" Chen Da stopped Wei Yicheng, "don't be impulsive. Her character has always been so arrogant. Don't take it too seriously!"

As soon as he spoke, he saw the God of fire coming towards them.

As he walked, the God of fire said, "what? Chen Da, your rider doesn't ride a motorcycle? What are you doing with a motorcycle? "

With that, Huoshen circled V's motorcycle and said, "zz-r1100 is good. It's not bad. In the 1990s, it was a legendary locomotive that once dominated the locomotive market. But...

with that, he took a look at V and laughed: "but now the car is out of date and old! It's no longer useful! Ha ha ha

"The God of fire is worthy of being the God of fire. He can see the model of the car at a glance!" V big mouth corner rises, confidence a smile way: "however, although the car is old, but how dare you conclude that I have not renovated the configuration inside?"

With that, she snapped her fingers, and the motorcycle started up by itself, sending out a burst of deafening boom.

"Can you hear me? Engine horsepower, 320 HP, maximum torque 425 ftlbs, I believe that there are few locomotives in the world that can achieve this level? " V said.

"Ha ha! Not bad, not bad! " Fire God Laughs: "you are worthy of my favorite woman, just have personality!"

Say, still walk forward, lift up a wisp of V big hair, put on the tip of his nose, began to smell greedily.

"Please take care of yourself, asshole!" V big step back, and Huoshen distance.

"Oh! You, you, why are you indifferent to my devotion "Do you know how many nights I miss you?" the God of fire said frivolously

"Your thoughts are filthy. If there is a crime of ideological crime, you will surely go to jail!" V large cold channel. Her pretty face was covered with cold.

"Tut tut! Still so heartless "But this time, you've helped the wrong person," the fire god said with a smile

With that, he waved, "light up my car and show it to these ignorant people."

At this time, behind a small container train, opened the side door, more than a dozen young brothers carrying a brand-new motorcycle, put on the ground.At first glance, the motorcycle is not ordinary. The red and white paint is shining, and the body lines are very smooth. Moreover, the wide tires also look very heavy and steady.

"Do you know what this is? This is my MV Agusta f4000r. After being modified by me, the heat dissipation efficiency has been improved by 65; the maximum power of four parallel cylinders with high performance has been increased by 9kw, and the speed can easily exceed 300kmh What about? Is this the king of the car

V looks very impressive. The performance of this car is really explosive. Absolutely better than their own modified version of zz-r1100.

"How about it? Scared? Ha ha ha ha ha Vulcan looked at V big obscenely: "my little lovely, as long as you agree to be my woman, these things, you want to be available at any time!"

"Well, it's unreasonable!" V snorted coldly.

"What do you have to pretend? It's all women. I don't believe you don't look for men Said the God of fire.

"Please pay attention to your words!" V is a little angry.

"Who didn't let me be your enemy?" The God of fire arrogant smile: "you still beyond your ability and I fight, get such a car, I see, is also in vain!"

Then he pretended that something suddenly rang out and said, "Oh, by the way, your rider said you don't need a motorcycle to compare with me!"

Chen Da said: "just now I have won the consent of Sima Laobo and others. I can use a locomotive to compare with you. In this way, everyone is fair."

"Oh, are you afraid?" The God of fire laughed provocatively and said, "whatever you want. Do you think that with the locomotive, you win me? Dream, I will let you know what despair is

With that, he went to his motorcycle, stepped on it and twisted the accelerator.

"Boom --"

the deafening noise came out, and the car looked like a wild animal waiting for an opportunity to start, and it looked powerful.

Chen Da and V have palpitations in this scene. They are all knowledgeable people. As long as you listen to the roar of the engine and look at the stability of the motorcycle, you will know the performance of the car.

The motorcycle that Vulcan is riding is definitely bigger than V, which is much better.

"Alas Chen Da sighed, exhausted his mind, but also asked V big horse, the results of the car, or not as powerful as the God of fire.

But v big some regret, he can get more powerful locomotive, careless, now change the car, it's too late, can't watch the Vulcan this scum win?

Although she didn't want to get involved in the drag racing party, she knew that Chen Da and Huoshen were insidious and cunning. If they were the leader of the drag racing party, they would be doomed.

In contrast, although Chen Da is a little bit timid, and his comprehensive quality is worse than that of Huoshen in all aspects, he is not bad at heart. If he is tempered, he can lead the drag racing party to progress.

Therefore, V University chose to help Chen Da this time.

At this time, Huoshen looked at his watch and urged Chen Da:

"what's the matter? What about your people? It's half past ten. If he doesn't come, you'll give up! "

"Coming, coming!"

At this time, Wei Yi Chen excitedly points to the side of the mountain road.

We all follow the direction of Wei Yichen's fingers.

Not far away, a guy, languidly humming the meat song "Eighteen touch", with a mobile phone in one hand, rode on a bicycle, and his body shrugged to this side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!