The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 177

Hang up the phone, Shen man's heart for a long time can not be calm.

He always believed in fairness and justice. She felt that as long as she worked hard, she would be able to wash away all the evil that could not be seen in Jincheng.

However, today's scene is a heavy blow to Shen man.

She knew that these people had committed crimes and were right in front of her, but she could not bring them to justice.

She thought of the words that Liu Ming Yuanda often said to herself: "Xiaoshen, you are beautiful and smart, and you are good everywhere, but the stubborn donkey's temperament does not change. You should know that the world is not what you think. Some things are dark! Don't try so hard, or you will suffer from it

Shen man never listened to Liu team.

But today, the criminals are so arrogant in front of her, she is helpless.

She was so angry that her eyebrows were almost twisted into a pimple.

Looking at Shen man's anger and his helpless appearance, the God of fire laughs with pride:

"hum, fight with me, you are still young. If I can take this land, it means that I have this strength! There is no way for anyone who wants to catch me

When Baimao saw that Huoshen was supporting him, he immediately said: "hum, our boss Huoshen has a strong background. Do you know now? You want to catch me? You've got the wrong brain, right? Ha ha

Shen man looks at the two scoundrels in front of her. Her chest rises and falls. She clenches her fists. Because she is too hard, her joints begin to whiten and make a click.

"I ask you to pay attention to your attitude. If you shout again, I can't help beating you!"

With that, Shen man pulled out the electric stick.

But she is a very disciplined person. She pulls out the electric stick, which is just an illusion to scare people. Although she wants to hit people, she will not do it.

"Yo, yo, the beauty is angry. Come on, hit me!" Baimao knew that Shen man couldn't make a move, so he kept shouting. He also took a look at Lin Feng and said: "and you, Lin Feng, didn't you just be a cow B? Come and hit me

"Do you want me to hit you?" asked Lin Feng

"Come on! Come and fight Baimao looks aggressive.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I haven't met this kind of request in my life, OK! I will satisfy you

Said, a lunge forward, a fierce punch toward white hair's face, mercilessly hit out, "bang" one by one, instantly knocked white hair to the ground.

Baimao felt whirling around, his mouth was in a sharp pain, "poop" spit out a mouthful of blood, but also ejected two teeth which were knocked out by Lin Feng.

"Ah, lying trough -" the white hair ache cries out: "he hits a person, police, you saw, he hit me, you catch him

"Why should I arrest him?" Shen man said, "didn't you ask for it yourself?"

"You are a policeman. How can you do this?" Baimao was furious.

"How about me? You can't tell me!" Shen man said.

Lin Feng's blow, however, gave her a lot of evil. If he didn't wear this uniform today, he would go up and beat him!

"They hit me, big brother Vulcan. Are you going to decide for me?" Baimao cried to the God of fire.

Seeing that Baimao was sitting on the ground, his face was covered with blood, and his hands and feet seemed to have been seriously injured. In a state of incomparable confusion, the God of fire cursed:

"garbage, who asked you to shout on purpose? We're serious, we're not here to fight! "

Said, he looked at Lin Feng: "you hit me in front of my face, you are very kind of ah!"

"It's just so. I'll be merciful, or I'll kill him!" Lin Feng said the last sentence, the tone is very cruel, eyes cold staring at the God of fire.

The God of fire was excited in his heart. The boy's eyes were very sharp, which was totally different from the previous one.

"Lin Feng, don't be wild. You beat my people today. I remember this account. I will find you sooner or later." The God of fire sees that there are police in today, so it's not convenient to do other big moves.

"Let's go!" Vulcan waved to the other boys.

"Wait!" Lin Feng said, "do you want to go like this? How could it be so easy? "

"What else do you want?" The God of fire glared.

"Your little brother owes me two and a half million yuan. Since you are here, please give me an explanation before you leave." Lin Feng Road.

"What?" The God of fire looked at Baimao in surprise.

Baimao pointed to the black bear and said, "brother Huoshen, the black bear agreed, but I didn't promise him!"

The black bear was so angry that he went forward to fight his white hair: "damn you, you agreed at that time, and now you come back to repent? It's bloody, you villain. I won't kill you! "

"Stop it!" The God of fire cried out: "black bear, what you promise, you handle by yourself, it has nothing to do with us!"

When the God of fire came, he wanted to make a clear relationship with the black bear. The black bear began to elbow out. What's the use of him?

"Big brother Huoshen, you are wrong. Today I made this decision for the sake of Baimao and the racing party!" Said the black bear.He was wronged in his mind. If it was not for himself, the white hair might have been killed by Lin Feng. Where is it still that simple matter of 2.5 million?

This white hair is a bloody dog biting LV Dongbin. He doesn't know good people.

And this God of fire doesn't speak of morality at all. He sells teammates and younger brothers at critical moments. Black bear has never seen such a heartless boss as him.

"Black bear, don't put gold on your face!" The God of fire said: "you have an affair with Lin Feng and want to blackmail our money. Otherwise, how can you be so afraid of Lin Feng? And if you give me 2.5 million yuan, there must be something fishy in it."

"Huoshen you..." black bear was shaking with anger. He never thought that these words would come out of the mouth of the God of fire.

What they pay attention to is "faithfulness and righteousness", but the God of fire seems to have nothing.

The black bear's angry eyes are wide and round, and the height of one meter nine plus the angry posture is like an angry big black bear.

Gasping for breath, he said, "yes, yes! Huoshen, you can say such a thing. From today on, I have nothing to do with the drag racing party. I will pay the two and a half million yuan by myself, and I don't need you to pay it back. But I have a word to remind you that people should not be too arrogant or too cunning, or in the end, it will be you who will harm you! "

Black bear has words in his words. He used to be arrogant and cunning. He despised Lin Feng at all. He also calculated Lin Feng and Chu Yuqi again and again.

But he found that, in the end, the worst was himself.

He felt that the God of fire seemed to go his own way. Lin Feng was unpredictable. If Huoshen led the drag racing party against Lin Feng, it would probably harm the drag racing party.

However, he can't control so much now. The God of fire has been possessed by the devil, and the contradiction between him and Lin Feng has reached an irreconcilable level.

Therefore, the black bear decided to hand over 2.5 million yuan and never to be involved in this muddy water again.

But at this time, Lin Feng laughed and said, "black bear, you really like carrying the pot! The door was smashed by the white haired guy. What can you do for it

Finish saying, Lin Feng points to white hair: "I want you to compensate!"

"You're not finished, are you?" Huoshen's temper comes up. His name is Huoshen. Not only is there a word of fire in his name, but also his temper is very hot.

"If you destroy something else, you'll have to pay for it!" Lin Feng said.

"What has been destroyed? Two and a half million? " "You are blackmail!" the God of fire was furious

"Don't say that, ha, I'm very fair. I didn't even calculate the medical expenses of the people you hit last time. Do you want to add all the expenses together?" Lin Feng said.

"What the hell..." the God of fire opened his eyes.

"Don't worry, comrade ah Huo. In fact, you don't have to give me money immediately. I can give you a chance. You don't have to pay a cent!" Lin Feng said.

"Well?" The fire god fan looks at the Xiang Lin Feng, the heart says this kid didn't hold back what good fart?

Lin Feng said with a smile: "tomorrow is not our game? If you can beat me and I don't want a cent of the money, how about that? "

"Ha ha! Good The God of fire laughed and said that if you compare your bicycle with my motorcycle, you will surely lose. You stupid B!

But at this time, Lin Feng had a bad smile: "but if you lose, you have to double the price to me, 5 million! Moreover, promise me that your people will never enter the territory of Dongsheng Group

The God of fire thought, although the chip suffered losses, it was obviously a winning game. For tomorrow's race, he had made a full plan, not only his own car, but also secretly invited a lot of people to make a big conspiracy.

Lin Feng, I not only let you not win, I will kill you!

Thinking of this, the God of fire waved his hand and said, "no problem, come on, who is afraid of whom!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!