The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 178

For tomorrow's race, Vulcan can be said to have 100% confidence, and he will not easily let Lin Feng out of the track alive.

At the poetry conference, the moment that Lin Feng won him, he swore that this time, he would kill him.

"Lin Feng, you haven't been arrogant for a long time!" The God of fire said to Lin Feng.

Then he took a look at Su Jing and said, "go back and tell the chairman that we have a share of the land. Let him be ready to sell part of the land to us. Don't think of any tricks. It's useless. The relevant departments have my people!"

Boys, wave your hand at him

Then, a group of people rode their motorcycles away.

"What game do you have against him tomorrow?" Su Jing asked Lin Feng.

"Nothing, just for fun! Ha ha ha Lin Feng laughs carelessly.

Lin Feng doesn't want to say much about the competition. He just felt the desire of Huoshen for this land from the eyes of Huoshen. Why does Huoshen have to hold on to this land?

Lin Feng felt that there must be something strange in it.

At this time, Shen man saw that there was nothing wrong, so he told Xiao Li to take over the team.

Lin Feng is secretly asked Xiao Li: "ah, your captain's mood is not right, how, these days catch up with those days of a month?"

Xiao Li put his finger to his mouth and said, "our captain is annoyed by that Qin Shou. Qin Shou's father is a big man of Jincheng government. He can walk horizontally in Jincheng. Don't mention more cattle. No one can move him. He's tired of our team leader

"Oh! So it is Lin Feng laughed, and then, he came to Shen man and said with a smile, "younger sister, are you angry with these hooligans today?"

Shen man ignored him, but said to Xiao Li, "let's all get on the bus. We're going back now!"

Shen man is not angry with you when he comes to the edge of the mountain? Do you want to be angry? "

"How to get angry? I don't even have the right to arrest people! " Shen man said unhappily.

"Little sister, I have a way to help you get angry soon!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You'd better not think of any bad ideas!" Shen man stares at Lin Feng.

"You see, you always look at people in the crack of the door and look down on people, don't you? I mean it Lin Feng Road.



"Let's hear it!" Shen man is interested.

Lin Feng lowered his voice and reached Shen man's ear and whispered a few words.

"Is the news accurate?" Shen man looks at Lin Feng in surprise.

"Absolutely true!" Lin Feng said, "so, you always think I'm not a good person. If I'm not a good person, can I tell you this news?"

"I don't care if you are a good man, but don't do bad things, or I will send you to prison sooner or later." Shen man said.

"Oh, how come it's me again, little sister, remember what I said, don't be careless! It's up to you if you can make it! I can only help you here! Tomorrow, remember, tomorrow! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Well, I remember it's tomorrow!" Shen man took a deep breath and waved his hand to Xiao Li: "get in the car, let's go back to the Bureau."

Then, she looked at Lin Feng and turned to get on the police car.

Seeing Shen man go, Su Jing asked Lin Feng, "what did you say in that policewoman's ear? What tomorrow? "

"Nothing said, it doesn't matter!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing stares at Lin Feng. It doesn't matter. Can you lie down in someone's ear and say? Afraid of being heard?

But it's none of your own business, so it's not convenient for Su Jing to ask more questions.

At this time, the black bear came forward and said, "brother Lin Feng, thank you very much today. Otherwise, I would have to piece together the two and a half million yuan to give it to you!"

"Come on, I think you're lost. I'll give you a chance to stay away from drag racing parties in the future. Do you hear me?" Lin Feng said.

"Mm-hmm, I heard that. Brother Lin Feng taught me a lesson!" The black bear nodded like pounding garlic, and the people around him were stunned.

"You go back!" Lin Feng said.

"Yes, brother Lin Feng!" The black bear ran away.

Su Jing saw that this one meter nine strong man was as good as a child in front of Lin Feng. Her astonished beautiful eyes almost became a light bulb.

What magic does Lin Feng have to make these people so afraid of him?

And the rest of the girls are worshipping Lin Feng, even these people Lin Feng do set, Lin Feng this ability, simply not ordinary people can compare ah!

Those girls scrambled to take pictures with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smilingly put out ten thousand years of constant scissors hand, after a god clap, finally was dismissed the three girls.

Su Jing said: "it seems that the drag racing party will not give up. They want to talk to the chairman, but the tone is also threatening. I feel that they don't want to talk sincerely, but they want to take our place as their own."But Lin Feng said carelessly, "what are you afraid of him for? Just a group of hooligans!"

"I'm not afraid not. You saw their relationship today. Even the police don't arrest people when they make a phone call!" Su Jing said with a worried face.

"It's OK. I'm here. Don't be afraid. You can go to work, eat, drink and have fun. Listen to me!" Lin Feng comforts a way.

"What if they call again?" Su Jing worried.

"Then hit him!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing gasped: "hit him, beat him, beat him all day, can you solve the problem by hitting him?"

"You are right. I live by these two words all my life. If I didn't come to beat them, could this matter be solved? Are our people going to be bullied to death by them Lin Feng said.

Su Jing's words suddenly stopped.

Yes, when Lin Feng came over, he still wanted to stop him. He was afraid that Lin Feng would hit the stone with an egg. But thanks to him, he came here. Otherwise, I'm afraid he will suffer a great loss today!

Su Jing looks at Lin Feng carefully. Although every time Lin Feng deals with things, it seems absurd and uninhibited. However, she can control the situation steadily every time. It's just incredible. Her impression of Lin Feng is clear from the beginning and gradually becomes blurred.

What kind of man is this? What kind of background is this man? Is it just a simple retired special soldier?

At the same time, 50 kilometers away in a five-star hotel presidential suite.

A man in a black suit is sitting in front of the French window.

He put down his blue mountain coffee and picked up his mobile phone on the table.

The shape of the mobile phone is similar to that of a normal mobile phone, but the difference is that the whole mobile phone is transparent. There is no such mobile phone on the market. It looks very high-tech.

The cap man picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.

The man was wearing a very strange suit. He was wearing a pair of sports shoes instead of shoes.

What's more, the cap on the top of the head has a long brim, which can directly cover people's faces, so it's hard to see the man's appearance.

This is a very incongruous match, but on the man's body, there is no sense of disobedience, it looks very comfortable.

At this time, the mobile phone is connected.

"I have selected two forces in Jincheng as support targets. I think both of them are more suitable for us. But as for the final choice, I will have to watch a game tomorrow before deciding! Therefore, we hereby report the situation to the headquarters first, please know! "

Finish saying, the man directly hang up the phone, he seems to be a little sleepy, then lie directly on the sofa.

But what was surprising was that when he was resting, he seemed to be in a state of combat readiness at any time. He did not take off his shoes. When his cap was pressed down, he did not even change his clothes, so he went to sleep directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!