The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 176

The God of fire stopped and looked around for a week, looking at everyone like a leader's review.

"Boss Vulcan, you... You're finally here. It's great!" In spite of the black bear beside him, Baimao limps towards the God of fire.

However, Shen man stretched out his hand and blocked him in front of him: "you are a suspect now, don't walk around at will, or I will be afraid of your crime and abscond!"

"Well, do I still need to escape?" Baimao took a cold look at Shen man, and his anger began to be arrogant, but he stopped at his feet.

When the God of fire arrived near, he got out of the car, took off his sunglasses, stroked his red Mohican hair with one hand, and asked aloud, "what? What happened? "

"Boss Vulcan, he beat people and called the police to arrest our people!" Baimao pointed to Lin Feng.

The moment the God of fire saw Lin Feng, his eyes almost burst into flames. This boy, repeatedly bad his things, but also very arrogant provocation him, tomorrow will use his bicycle and his motorcycle racing, this boy is simply too rampant, too don't pay attention to him.

"Lin Feng, you have a grudge against me. Why bother my brother?" See the police in the side, the God of fire did not get angry, but deliberately said something in the words.

Shen man also knew that Lin Feng and Huoshen didn't deal with each other. Last time, they almost got into a fight at the bar, and then they went to the police station.

However, Su Jing on the other side was surprised. How did Lin Feng become enmity with the leader of the drag racing party? No wonder the drag racing party came to harass Dongsheng Group. It turns out that they are running for Lin Feng!

However, what Su Jing didn't know was that it was not Lin Feng who harassed them.

In fact, the God of fire heard a shocking news that there is a secret buried under this sub mine in the east area of Dongsheng mining industry.

The secret is related to a thing called "blood jade". Many people want to get the blood jade. It is especially said that there is a very powerful mysterious organization in the world, which is also looking for blood jade.

If he could find the blood jade, he would contact the mysterious organization and open a sky high price. He would not worry about eating and drinking for a few years.

At that time, there will be more girls, more wine and more cars. It's so cool!

This news was heard by Huoshen from the relevant departments of the government. Moreover, it was said that the "blood jade" was related to a massacre many years ago. A family was washed with blood, and the mine was sealed at that time for a long time, and it is only now reopened.

After this news, few people knew. When Huoshen got to know it, he wanted to get it, so he sent people here to harass Dongsheng Mining for normal work.

He wants to control the mine first and not allow Dongsheng Group to continue mining. Then, he will become the leader of the drag racing party through election. He will use the drag racing party to occupy the mine. Then he will go down to see what the secret is? See if you can get lucky and get rich overnight!

But just a few days after his plan was implemented, his younger brother Baimao sent him a message saying that he was beaten by the Dongsheng Group, and the police came here to arrest them.

What's more, Baimao also said that his eldest, black bear, even helped the other party to speak. The God of fire was so angry that he came here in person.

"Are these your men?" At this time, Shen man points to Baimao and asks Huoshen.

"Yes, did they make any mistakes?" Asked the God of fire.

"They invade the Dongsheng Group Office, kidnap and blackmail Dongsheng Group employees, so they may face imprisonment!" Shen man said.

The God of fire laughed and said, "don't be so serious, comrade police?"

Then he winked at Shen man: "can you take a step to talk?"

Shen man frowned and just said, "what's the matter in front of everyone? What are you doing stealthily?"

This immediately infuriated the God of fire. Originally, the God of fire wanted to give Shen man some money to bribe him, but found that the woman did not seem to enter the oil and salt.

He took a deep breath and said in a very haughty tone: "police comrade, don't be too arrogant. My people are mixing in my territory. It's absolutely right that they are Dongsheng group occupying our territory. I have bought this land! The government has also approved that we are playing on our own territory. How can we intrude into other people's offices? "

"No way. This land is the next mineral land of Dongsheng Group. Your land is over there, separated from us by a barbed wire fence!" Su Jing said.

"Who said the barbed wire is the boundary? The barbed wire fence is clearly set up by you. Half of the mine site is owned by us. If you Dongsheng Group can play here, can't we? You are so overbearing. You are good at seizing territory Fire god sneers.

Su Jing's lips were trembling. How could there be such shameless people in the world? Clearly, the Chu River and the Han Dynasty were clearly divided. They just broke into other people's territory and clamored that the territory was half of theirs.

"We Dongsheng Group bought the land in black and white, please don't mess around here!" Su Jing said.

"What's wrong with me? The mine itself is the boundary of the site. You Dongsheng Group owns it alone. Can't we come here? Our people just can't stand your bullying, so they choose to take part in this activity. What kind of break into your office? I also said that the office is ours Said the God of fire.He is determined to kill this site and can't let it go. So the more he talks, the worse he is. He will soon call the mining branch his own!

But as far as the current situation is concerned, Shen man believes more in what Su Jing said.

Dongsheng Group has always been a serious business company, and has never had any negative news in Jincheng.

However, this drag racing party, a group of uneducated vagrants, has set up such a non-governmental organization, which is always secretly grateful for shady activities.

This place has been surrounded by Dongsheng Group, which indicates that the boundary has been drawn. However, a large area of barbed wire has been knocked down, and there are many ruts, indicating that the people of the drag racing party have come to drive and make trouble.

According to Shen man's comprehensive judgment, this is the fault of the drag racing party.

"You have infringed on Dongsheng Group's place. What you said is so well founded. I really believe you!" Shen man is not used to all the evil phenomena, so he speaks very straight.

"Your men, come with me to the Bureau." Shen man said to the God of fire.

"Hold on!" The God of fire looked at Shen man contemptuously and said, "don't think you are so great if you wear this dress. You can't take any of my people today!"

He took out the phone directly, found Qin Shou in the address book and dialed it in the past.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, what are you doing?" The God of fire was smiling, quite different from before.

"Oh, are you at a family party? Oh, why didn't you say it earlier? I knew I was going to prepare a big gift for your father

"What? Ah! It's like this. I have something on my side. I need your help! Well, it's still about that piece of land. The Dongsheng clique is always fighting against me and framing me up! "

"OK, I see. Oh, Mr. Qin, you are so polite. It's OK. You can come to me another day. I'll help you to refit it to ensure that your car can fly!" Huoshen Dao.

"Good! That's it. Take your time The God of fire finished and hung up the phone!

He turned to Shen man and said, "hum, wait and see."

Voice just dropped not long ago, Shen man's phone rang, is the captain Liu Mingyuan call!

Shen man picked up the phone, Liu Mingyuan said: "Xiaoshen, are you in Dongsheng mining there?"

"Yes, Captain!" Shen man feels a little bit bad!

"Well, let me tell you one thing! Don't arrest Liu ah Huo. I just received a phone call from the relevant department saying that the boundary of the land is not clear for the time being. Don't worry about it. Just make sure they don't make trouble! "

"But Liu team!"

"Don't do it. That's it. If you have something to do, go back to the Bureau and say goodbye." Liu team hung up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!