The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 175

"Lying groove!"

Black bear and others mouth are open to "O" type, what door? Two and a half million!

This is not to take us as a 250!

"2.5 million... This..." black bear is a bit embarrassed, he just said Lin Feng is obviously blackmail.

"My door, although not a valuable material, but I dare say, this door, this one in the world, we come and go back and forth, every day touch it, has had feelings for it, you have broken the door, you know how sad we are!"

"You think we are rare for your 2.5 million?" said Lin Feng? no I wish you would not have these two and a half million, and I wish my door was still intact and standing here every day, touching us, accompanying us in and out. Alas, unfortunately, it will never come back again! "

Lin Feng was sad and sincere. If it wasn't for this reason, the people around almost believed it.

For such a reason, Lin Feng can all speak of the true, black bear today is known, this Lin Feng, is a big devil, king of hell, if this person wants to pit who, must want to run can not run.

Lin Feng saw that black bear and white hair were still hesitant. He suddenly said, "2.5 million for you, it is nothing. We don't like your broken money. But my door is gone. I can't say it. To be honest, I think I have more than this money!"

"OK, Lin Feng, we will, we will!" Black bear dare not let Lin Feng say it any more, because it means that Lin Feng said this last word. This is to raise the price. In case 2.5 million can not stop in a while, it will be abandoned.

"Why give it to him, black bear!" White hair can't help but he doesn't accept it.

"Pa!" The black bear slapped and pulled it on his white face and scolded: "today, you are not aware of the disaster you have caused? Still stubborn here? I'll be stubborn with me again. I don't think he's screwed your head off! "

White hair breath breathed at the black bear, but he was afraid of the power of the bear, he also dare not resist.

"Black bear! I'll see the money before 6:00 this evening. Come on, I will send you the account. No matter how you do it, I must arrive on time. Otherwise, I will go up and talk to you later! " Lin Feng said with a smile: "I will talk to you about life, ideals, harmonious society, five, four beautiful and three loves..." br >

brother Lin is relieved to ensure that he will arrive before six o'clock! " The black bear was creepy as soon as he saw Lin Feng's smile.

"Black bear!" White hair gently dragged a few black bear clothes, whispered: "where do we have so much money?"

"The black bear said," it must be compact. You stabbed it. You take 1.5 million. Another million. I'll give you a way! "

White hair whispered: "black bear brother, where is he so strong? Why are you so afraid of him? "

"He is Lin Feng, who dare to hold the fire god of Lin Feng alone. Don't ask more. If I didn't flatten this down today, you would be miserable. You can't find a tone to cry, you know?"

White hair heart is surprised, this Lin Feng unexpectedly dare to hold the eldest brother of Fire God? And, black bear brother so afraid, what is this person exactly?

Although surprised, he still did not want to take money, he thought that the black bear was counselling, he wanted to find the God of fire, after all, let him keep here, is the God of fire, not the black bear.

He secretly sent messages to the fire god with his mobile phone, but on the surface he said, "thank you black bear! I'll go to raise money in a minute! "

At this time, I heard the siren outside.

It was Sujing who called the police before, so the police came.

Shen man and Xiao Li also have a few police standing outside the door and shouting: "everyone in the door, give me out, don't play tricks!"

Everyone came forward, when we saw Lin Feng, Shen mans was not surprised, because he knew that Lin Feng was a security guard of Dongsheng Group. Dongsheng Group and racing party had a conflict. They knew that Lin Feng could not escape the relationship with his heel. After all, Lin Feng's pronoun was "trouble shooting essence"!

"Oh, I haven't seen you for many days, I miss it very much!" Lin Feng smiled and said to Shen man.

"Shut up!" Shen man's face with a little tired and irritable, she has been tired these days.

Qin Shou, the elder brother, went to send her flowers every day. She could not hide.

She said it was useless many times. Qin Shoubao said to the people in the bureau that Shen man would promise to be his girlfriend in a hurry. It was ridiculous to make such a rumor.

And Shen man goes where, he will follow where, unless Qin guard tired, to eat or amuse, otherwise iron will be like asshole like behind Shen man.

Today, Qin Shou seems to have gone to a family party, so he didn't come.

Shen man has been very upset these days, and seeing Lin Feng start to talk about it again, she will be more upset.

"Who reported the police? Tell me, what's going on? " Shen man asked seriously.

"It's the police I've reported!" "I saw someone outside break into our office and bully our employees. I was afraid that they would be hurt, so I chose to call the police," Su Jing saidShen man asked, "outsiders? Who are outsiders? Are they? "

Shen man pointed to white hair and black bear!

"Yes Su Jing nodded.

"Do you have any evidence that they broke in and posed a personal safety threat to your personnel?" Shen man asked.

"Yes!" Su Jing takes out her mobile phone and asks Tang Dongsheng to send her the surveillance video. She opens it to Shen man.

Shen man looked at the video, his eyebrows twisted into a pimple: "asshole!"

After watching the video, Shen man looks at Baimao and those gangsters angrily.

Because the surveillance video shows them smashing in the door, pressing Xia Ming to the ground and scaring the three girls.

Seeing Shen man staring at them, Baimao said, "officer, we are the victims! My two brothers were almost killed by Lin Feng with an electric stick, and I was beaten and disabled by Lin Feng. I have to sue him! "

"Then go and Sue." Lin Feng said, "are you blind when officer Shen man? You can see it clearly in the surveillance. Your little brother presses my brother Xia Ming on the ground. I come in and argue with you. You don't listen and threaten me! I can't help it. In order to defend myself, I took the electric stick to connect them two. Oh, yes, because I was too excited at that time, my brother made a few more connections. I'm sorry about this! "

"You are so eloquent The whole body of white hair gas trembles: "that my foot, my arm, my tongue, are all you make, how do you say this?"

"Oh, look at you. I accidentally stepped on your foot. As for it, can I apologize to you for this? You're a big man, don't be a little bit of a chicken! " Lin Feng said: "as for your arm, I'll help you. You use the heart of a villain to pass a gentleman's belly, push me hard, and accidentally dislocate my arm. Then you start to scold. I'm afraid you are too excited. Cover your mouth and let you calm down. That's all. Let's talk like I bullied you. In fact, I'm helping you! Oh, really, it's hard to be a good man these days

Shen Mangang just watched the video, it is true that Lin Feng did not start from the beginning to the end.

"Comrade police, Lin Feng is beating people and pretending to be innocent. Arrest him quickly." Baimao was angry and anxious, and felt that he could not make any sense.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly: "Alas! If the bad guys bully us and the good guys, we have to stand up. Otherwise, if we fight back a little, people will say that we beat people. We are honest people, and we are always bullied. Alas, it's hard! "

"Do you pretend! I beg you, can you tell me the truth? I beg you White hair was almost mad.

Suddenly, he "poof" a sound, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

He had been hit by Lin Feng as an internal injury, which made him nearly splash blood three feet.

The people around were very surprised. They all heard that they were breathing and spitting blood. It turns out that this kind of thing is true?

The staff of Dongsheng Group don't get angry at this time. Bai Mao is usually arrogant and bullies them every day. I didn't expect him to be today.

White hair only felt a burst of collapse, this he? What's the matter? I was beaten by others, and then I couldn't get any reason when I turned back.

This boy is so angry!

However, at this time, but listen to the roar of the motor came, a group of motorcyclists wearing leather pants, appeared in the public view.

The speed of the motorcycle was very fast, and there was a cloud of smoke around it.

In an instant, they were in front of everyone. The group of people, with their leather clothes and trousers and bare arms, looked very strong.

With sunglasses, a face very cold expression, the top of the head of the red Mohican hair style appears extremely hot.

It's the drag racing party, the God of fire! , the fastest update of the webnovel!