The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 174

Su Jing felt a little flustered when she saw that Baimao's boss was coming.

These people in society can do anything. He is really afraid that these people will do something out of the ordinary.

Although she occupies a high position and is the president of Dongsheng Group, she is still lack of confidence in the face of these social personnel.

The black bear came into the room and asked in a loud voice, "who the hell hit my little brother?"

At the first sight, he saw Su Jing holding a stick and yelling: "did you beat my little brother like that?"

"Well, it's her!" Lin Feng said in the side.

As soon as Su Jing heard this, her face turned black. Why did Lin Feng go to the critical moment? Pushing yourself? Who are these people?

However, black bear heard the voice of Lin Feng, but his heart was trembling. He couldn't believe it. He turned his head and saw that the woman was standing beside him. It was really Lin Feng!

For a moment, the black bear felt numb in the back of his head, and a cold air rushed from the sky to the floor of his feet.

Lin Feng, but his nightmare!

Lin Feng broke four fingers in the vegetable market and the remaining six fingers in the dynasty bar. Later, he didn't give up and thought that Lin Feng was in prison. He led the tattooed men and others to kidnap Chu Yuqi. As a result, he was beaten by Lin Feng.

This Lin Feng in his heart, already like a demon general existence, he felt that this man is not only unfathomable, but also ruthless, merciless, if you offend him, it is equivalent to stepping into the eighteen hell.

Black bear is dead and dare not fight against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the black bear and said, "what are you doing? Your little brother is rude. My boss Su Da Mei teaches him to be a man with a stick! Is there something wrong with it? "

"Lin Feng, what nonsense are you talking about?" Su Jing said.

"Ah, general manager Su, what are you afraid of? We should not advise and just do it in the face of evil forces." Lin Feng said to the black bear: "my boss is such a cow B, do you not accept it?"

"Serve, I will!" Black bear immediately counsels, he is wearing Lin Feng.

This Lin Feng, is now let him kneel down, he dare not not not kneel!


All the people around me almost lost their chin. What's the situation? The black man, he didn't do anything, so he took it?

Lin Feng laughs: "I knew that you would fall down under the influence of my boss!"

Then, he said to Su Jing humbly, "Dear boss, look, they are afraid of you!"

Su Jing took the stick given by Lin Feng. She was stunned on the spot. She didn't react. Why was the other party afraid?

What's more, it seems that these people from the other side are not good at picking on each other. They often mix up in the society, and they are afraid of me? What's going on?

Not only Su Jing was confused, but also those punks.

Brother black bear, a bully in the east of the city, is under the fire god. He collects protection fees on weekdays. There are waves in the bar, and no one dares to provoke him.

Today, but in the face of a weak woman, they will take it?

"Black bear, how can you be afraid of them?" White hair howled with a cry.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Pa --"

the black bear slapped on the white hair's face, swelling half of the white hair's face.

"Brother black bear?" Baimao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it was the truth in front of him.

"Do you dare to provoke anyone? Do you know who they are? Come on, apologize The black bear cursed.

"Apologize to my boss, to the brothers and sisters of Dongsheng Group!" Lin Feng said.

His eyes were red, and he didn't understand why the black bear was afraid of that woman.

Seeing that Baimao didn't agree with him, Lin Feng said to the black bear, "it seems that your younger brother still doesn't know my boss's power? If he doesn't apologize, my boss, he's going to be furious

Lin Feng said, went to Su Jing and said, "boss, get ready to get angry."

Su Jingxin said that where can I be good? I'm crazy about it?

But as soon as Lin Feng said this, the black bear was scared and said, "Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry! I serve, we serve! "

Said, he turned to stare at white hair viciously: "you his mother's still Leng to do what, don't go to apologize, I'll kill you!"

When Baimao saw that black bear was really angry, he quickly said to Su Jing, "we were wrong, we were wrong!"

Lin Feng said: "don't think you can apologize to my boss. If you insult other employees just now, you have to apologize, one by one! Otherwise, my boss will be angry. If he gets angry, the consequences will be very serious! "

Su Jing looked at Lin Feng: "I...

" boss, you don't have to say that I understand your mind. You care about the employees of the whole company, and you can't see that they are wronged! " Lin Feng said, "in front of my boss, apologize to our employees!"

When other employees heard this, they were moved to tears and said, "thank you, boss. Thank you, Mr. Su!""Did you hear that? Don't you apologize soon? " The black bear shouted to the white hair.

White hair a face to die expression, but helpless, in the support of the people next, or one of the apology.

Black bear is very clever. He and Lin Feng have exchanged hands several times, and they all know the spleen of Lin Feng. In the black bear's view, although Lin Feng is hanging out of the sky, he is generally very low-key, and does not like to show off. Today, he gave all his credit to the beautiful boss.

He gave Lin Feng a smile in a low voice, and then asked Su Jing cleverly, "can we go now, boss of Lin Fengge?"

Su Jing is still in a state of muddless. Why is this person afraid of me?

But before Su Jing spoke, Lin Feng said first, "you think about beauty. You broke our door, and hurt our people. Today, you scared three little beauties and a handsome guy. You apologize for it? How can my boss tolerate it? "

Su Jing turned her eyes to the white eye. From the beginning to now, she didn't say a complete word, and was said by Lin Feng.

But it was nice to make those confused trembling. She was worried about the mob coming to trouble. Now she doesn't have to worry about it.

"Lin Feng, stop it!" Su Jing is afraid Lin Feng will make a big deal of trouble.

"Boss, you are so bad. You mean to stop. Actually, I know, you have anger in your heart, right?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Su Jing said, "I don't have it!"

"Boss, you can't say something directly. I understand it! I'll do it for you, this villain! " Lin Feng said: "then, other don't you lose, on this door, lose money!"

"Thank you for your generosity?" Said the black bear.

White hair a Leng, black bear brother actually call that boy brother? What the hell is that boy?

"What are you talking about? You have to thank my boss. It's my boss who is merciful and you will lose your door! " Said Lin Feng.

But at this time, Su Jing looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

Su Jing is so clever that he finally finds out what happened. These guys are not afraid of themselves, but Lin Feng.

I stand here, it turns out to be a fox.

Otherwise, how does the black bear talk, secretly observe the look of Lin Feng?

Moreover, he also called Lin Feng Lin Feng brother, which is very obvious.

But Su Jing doesn't know. Is Lin Feng doing security in the company, and then he's OK to provoke the little girl? Why are these people and social personnel so afraid of him?

How many things do Lin Feng have that he doesn't know?

Su Jing suddenly felt that Lin Feng was a man who couldn't understand, and clearly he was a very powerful person. Why was he always a fool?

At this time, Lin Feng said to the black bear, "you let your men prepare money, I have to calculate how much this door is worth?"

Say, start to break the finger calculation.

"OK, good!" The black bear nodded in succession.

How much can a door cost, let white hair transfer to Lin Feng.

However, after calculating the whole work, Lin Feng said, "this door is not expensive. 2.5 million and two and a half million. Let's pay!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!