The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 173

"Why should I let people go? He bullies our people. As the security guard of Dongsheng Group, I should take the responsibility of protecting my employees and fight against the evil forces to the end. I can't shrink back! " Lin Feng said seriously.

Three little beauties immediately looked in admiration. Brother Feng is worthy of being an idol. He is law-abiding, patriotic and dedicated. He is a man of iron and blood!

"Brother Feng, what a wonderful thing Xia Ming gives Lin Feng a thumbs up.

But seeing Su Jing looking at her coldly, Xia Ming quickly takes her hand back.

Su Jing said angrily, "Lin Feng, do you still know that you are the security guard of Dongsheng Group?"

"Always knew it!"

Su Jing said, "OK, I'll order you to let him go as a superior."

"Don't let it go. I will never give up on the evil forces!" Lin Feng said.

"Alas Su Jing rubbed her temple, which made Lin Feng's brain pumping at the critical moment.

"Then how can you let it go?" Su Jing asked.

"Unless you're going to help me fold my quilt every day!" Lin Feng said, "I have to wash my socks!"

Su Jing's face turned red, but she said, "don't make any more noise. Let's go back and talk about the rest."

"Then I will acquiesce that you have promised me!" Lin Feng said and released Baimao's hand.

"Oh, it hurts!" White hair back to the moment, he felt his head buzzing.

It turned out that Lin Feng pushed away the white hair at that moment, but also on his head a brain collapse, the bullet white hair head instantly swollen a big bag, pain grinning.

Seeing this scene, those little beauties almost couldn't help laughing.

White hair covered his head, a face angry way: "let me this matter is not over, I now call my boss, see how he came to clean up you, wait, you are miserable!"

Baimao called the black bear: "Hello, boss, I was called! Well, come on, I'll send you the detailed location! "

Baimao hung up the phone and sent the bear a location.

As soon as Su Jing heard the white hair call, she felt that something was going wrong. She quickly said, "brother, please be calm and don't be impatient. We don't want to make things big. We really want to talk to your boss!"

"Go away, what are you talking about?" White hair angry way.

But the next second, he looked up and down at Su Jing, and immediately, with a colored expression on his face, said, "if you're willing to play with me and make me comfortable, I can think about it and help you talk to the elder brother above!"

If he's hurt, it's OK for Lin Maofeng to clean up his head. If he doesn't get hurt, he'll have to deal with it!

Su Jing's face was very ugly. He didn't expect that the other party was such a shameless person. He was angry and wanted to swear, but he still resisted.

"This big brother, we have no injustice or hatred. Please do not hinder the normal operation of our company. This is the office space of our company. Would you please take your people and go back to your site?" Seeing that she couldn't make sense with Baimao, Su Jing wanted to gently ask them to leave.

"Ma De, you want to drive me away, there's no way!"

Seeing Su Jing's worried look on her face, he immediately said triumphantly, "hum, I think you are afraid. If you had known that, why not go out today? When my elder brother comes, you will be cleaned up one by one! Don't try to run

Baimao finished and told his younger brother to get bandages for himself, because the drag racing party often had some accidents due to drag racing, and emergency measures were well prepared. Baimao didn't want to go to the hospital. He planned to deal with his injury first. After all, things here matter.

One of the younger brothers took orders to get the first-aid kit, while the others blocked the door to prevent Su Jing and others from going out.

Soon that little brother brought the first-aid kit, several experienced gangsters help white hair correction, bandage.

After a while, the white hair was wrapped up. He lit a cigarette, sat there and began to smoke.

"No smoking in the office!" Su Jing was really helpless. When she met these shameless scoundrels, the relationship between the government and the government was very hard. She really couldn't help saying, "what should we do before you leave?"

"Leave? You think it's beautiful! Your people beat me, this account, when my elder brother arrives, I must calculate with you well Baimao said, but he couldn't help looking at Su Jing again. "Well, you look so beautiful. When I'm hurt, you can come and hang out with me. Don't work in this company any more. You and Laozi just need to ... "

" pa -- "

Su Jing couldn't listen any more. She slapped Baimao's face and puffed the cigarette ends away.

"I don't know how to beat Lao Tzu?" Baimao was stunned for a long time, and then he was furious. He picked up a stick next to him and attacked Su Jing.

"Mr. Su!"

When they saw the iron bar hitting Su Jing in the head, they were frightened. But it was too late to help Su Jing.But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared and hit the white hair's body.

Lin Feng's Baji fist is not for fun. He used his body in the mountains. He did not know how many towering trees he had fallen. This time, he recovered his strength. Otherwise, Baimao would be hit with mud.

With a bang, Baimao's body flew three or four meters away, smashing the door of the office behind him.

White hair whole body paralyzed lying on the broken door panel, the whole body looked like a frame general incomparable pain.

He was disheartened, his nose was bleeding, and the place that had been bandaged just now broke open again.

"Ah - ah -" white hair cried out in pain.

This time, the impact is really not light, even the people around see a burst of flesh pain.

"Lin Feng, you..." Su Jing was shocked.

"Oh, I bumped into him by accident!" Lin Feng said.

"You are not careful. Are you cruel?" The gangsters were angry.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was in such a hurry, oh, so I didn't stop!" Lin Feng said.

After that, he took a stick in his hand and handed it to Su Jing. He said, "Mr. Su, Nuo, I'm in a hurry to send you a stick. How can I fight against the evil forces without weapons? Take it. Don't thank me. Come on

Su Jing was confused for a while and knocked people away, just to give me a stick?

Well, your brain circuit is quite strange!

But vaguely, she also felt that Lin Feng was doing things. Lin Feng always looked like a light hearted man, but he could always smooth out all the thorny things in the light of clouds and breeze!

At this time, several gangsters helped Baimao up and slapped the dust on Baimao's body. Baimao coughed several times and looked at Lin Feng's eyes, filled with despair.

White hair wants to cry without tears, this Lin Feng is like lengtouqing, what is he doing in the end?

He was so careless that he almost ruined me!

If you don't mean to do it again, will you kill yourself!

"Ah --" white hair was patted dust by a little brother, patted on the wound, a painful grin.

"I'm sorry, brother Baimao, I didn't mean to do it!" he said quickly

White hair a listen, immediately want to die of heart have.

This sentence, which was not intentional, became a curse to Baimao.

The little brother didn't know where he was wrong. He was scared and forced: "brother Baimao, I didn't mean it!"

Baimao almost broke down. He waved to the other boys and said, "take him away. Don't let me see him again! Come on! I can't stand it! "

"Brother Baimao told you to get out of here. Get out of here!" Several gangsters scolded at the little brother.

The little brother didn't know where he was wrong, but Baimao and the rest of the gangsters were angry. He didn't dare to speak and ran away in gray.

Looking at Baimao, however, Xia Ming and other employees of Dongsheng group were overjoyed.

This guy who used to ride a gasoline can was extremely arrogant. Today, Lin Feng made him look so disheartened that he didn't want to live any more. It was so funny.

But we all don't understand, how did Lin Feng make Baimao look like a man, a ghost or a ghost? Did he just bump into him? But Lin Feng didn't do it to him!

But at this time, but listen to the sound of the locomotive motor from outside. Next, the sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer. A man of five big and three thick, dark and dark, appears at the door.

"Brother black bear, you can count it. You see, I'm almost beaten up!" White hair cried and howled, as if the child was suing his parents.

"Well, who dares to beat you like this? Stand up! " The black bear roared.

"Just them!" White hair pointed into the room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!