The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 172

"Hoola la la!"

"Ah --"


"Ah --"

"blah blah blah"

"ah ah --"


with the rhythm, every time Lin Feng arrived at the node, he took the electric stick to meet the two thugs lying on the ground.

As soon as they met, they twitched and danced, and cried out in pain: "ah ah..."

with the music, they felt very much.

"Ha ha ha, how are you, cool?" Lin Feng said.

Xia Ming realized at this time that if he really hit them, he would not be able to get out of his breath. Moreover, he still committed a crime. He might as well torture them. Only in this way can he be happy!

Brother Feng is really considerate!

"Here, then!" Lin Feng, throw the electric stick to me, Xia Ming.

Xia Ming took over, followed the music drum beat, also poked at the two people's buttocks.

"Hoola la la!"

"Ah --"



at this time, Lin Feng fiercely turned back and looked at the gangster with the weak boy.

That gangster and Lin Feng eye contact that moment, the whole body a excited, scared a shiver.

"Let go of that little brother!" Lin Feng pointed to the weak boy.

The gangster saw the means of Lin Feng, and then looked at Lin Feng's cold eyes. He quickly released his hand and retreated behind the white hair.

"Three little beauties, would you like to come to my brother, it's OK, come here!"

But the three girls were surrounded by a group of thugs. At this time, they ran behind Lin Feng in twos and threes. The gangsters didn't dare to chase after them.

The scene suddenly became clear. The Dongsheng Group led by Lin Feng and the drag racing Party led by Baimao formed a confrontation in the room.

At this time, Su Jing still picked up the phone from Dongsheng Group headquarters.

"No, we still have to call the police, otherwise Lin Feng is likely to make a big fuss. If he offends the drag racing party, it will be hard to say!" Su Jing called the police directly.

After all, Lin Biaofeng may not be offended by the other party.

Su Jing quickly went downstairs and drove to the east of Dongsheng mining.

Tang Dongsheng and Yu Lan are in the base camp, watching the trend there at any time.

At the same time, the mining branch office.

"Xia Ming, don't bear it. All right, they are foaming at the mouth." Lin Feng pointed to the two gangsters who were stabbed by Xia Ming with an electric stick.

He knows that Xia Ming has been holding his breath because his father was beaten. This time he has his own support. He wants to vent all his energy.

However, it would be bad if people were killed. So Lin Feng stopped him at the right time.

At this time, Lin Feng looked at the three girls behind him. Their clothes were not neat, they were trembling. They were still in a panic. He turned around and said, "don't be afraid. There is a brother in Ha! Come, hug, hug

The three girls burst into tears. They didn't expect that Lin Feng would really show up and get them out of the hands of gangsters.

Go straight forward and hold Lin Feng. Lin Feng holds all three girls in his arms with one hand.

That male masculine breath, and strong and stable aura, instantly let several girls calm down.

The girl's fragrance pours on her face, and the three groups of soft little girls gently fall in Lin Feng's arms. Xia Ming is extremely envious of him: "brother Feng is a real cow B. he can pick up girls as soon as he goes. When can I learn one-third of his skills?"

At this time, Lin Feng let go of the three girls and said, "OK, don't cry. It's OK. With me in, I will negotiate with these villains and reason with each other."

He went to Baimao and said politely, "Hello, nice to meet you! What should I call you? "

With that, his hand reached for white hair.

When Baimao saw Lin Feng's hand, he felt as if he had seen a poisonous snake. He was frightened and went back.

I was harmed by this boy in front of me. Now one foot and one arm are all useless. My tongue hurts. This boy is a devil. I can't touch him.

At this time, white hair's tongue pain slightly reduced, he dealt with it simply, and finally he could speak.

"You are cruel! Dare to be negative to me Baimao vomited a mouthful of blood on the ground.

"Oh, how can you be so bloody? I've been helping you, or you'll be worse than you are now Lin Feng said this is the truth, but perhaps only Lin Feng himself can understand this.

He did help Baimao just now. Otherwise, if he had tried his best, Baimao would have been belched.

But Lin Feng didn't want ink, and said directly, "well, let's talk about it. You see, today you scared my little sisters and broke the door of the office. How to calculate this account?""I'm your mother. Who are you?" Baimao angrily yelled.

He was still angry because he was Yin by Lin Feng. He saw that more than a dozen brothers around him were here. Obviously, he had an advantage. I didn't even ask you to settle accounts with you. Did you even ask me to settle accounts first?

And behind that a few little beauties, have worried looking at Lin Feng, but the opposite is more than a dozen gangsters, Lin Feng so talk, that is not to be beaten up?

Their idols are about to be beaten, and their hearts are very anxious. A little girl pulled Lin Feng's clothes and said in a timid voice, "brother Feng, we're OK. Don't argue with them! You are reasonable, but they are unreasonable! "

Lin Feng laughed at the little girl, then turned to Baimao and said, "look at you, there are more than forty people, and no one else is sensible. In fact, today's incident did not cause any casualties. I could have let you go, but I think of another thing. It seems that my brother and his father were beaten by you two days ago, right? Who's calling? Stand up and let me see! "

"That's the white hair!" Xia Ming points to Baimao and looks angry.

"What's wrong with me? I'm not only beating them, I'm going to hit you today! " Baimao yelled.

"You have no manners, you are too wild Lin Feng said, suddenly figure a flash, suddenly appeared in front of white hair.

Before the crowd reacted, he took Baimao's other hand and said, "do you beat my friend with this hand?"

Finish saying, a force on the hand.

"Ah -" Baimao felt that his hand was clamped by a pair of tongs, and the tongs were still slowly shrinking, and his hand bones were almost crushed.

"Brother white hair!" The gangsters are coming up.

"Don't move, don't move!"

Baimao's hand was clamped by Lin Feng. He was afraid that his younger brother would rush up and break his hand.

"Do you want to settle with me now? Our office door damage fee, my three little sisters' mental loss fee, and my brother's and his father's medical expenses... "Lin Feng listed it the same way.

"Stinky boy, let me go!" "Do you know who my boss is? If you touch me again, my boss will kill you

Baimao is a small leader under the influence of the God of fire. He has no right to talk directly with the God of fire. His eldest brother is the black bear who is good at fighting and collecting protection fees. He is the black bear who has been staring at Chu Yuqi.

Black bear is also a member of the drag racing party, but he is not good at racing, so he was sent by Huoshen to work in other places. From the beginning, Baimao mixed up with heixiong. Although he doesn't follow black bear every day, black bear comes to solve his problems.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I don't care who your boss is. In our legal society, if you do something wrong, you have to admit your mistake and make compensation. We are reasonable. Our teachers taught us this way since childhood, right?"

Lin Feng finished and looked at the little beauties.

"Yes, yes!" Those little beauties nodded.

Brother Feng is worthy of being an idol. Facing the bad guys, he is fearless and upright. They are all infected.

"So, if you don't want to lose your hands, lose money quickly!" Lin Feng said.

With that, he put some force on his hands.

"Ah --" the cold sweat of white hair pain is straight, the face is twisted.

However, at this time, a figure appeared at the door, which was beautiful and sexy. As soon as it appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It was Su Jing who came here.

He saw that Lin Feng was threatening the people of the drag racing party. He said anxiously, "Lin Feng, you're going to let the people go!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!