The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 171

Dongsheng Mining City East branch office.

White hair salivated and walked towards the girls.

"You don't come over here, ah --" the girls retreated in fear and screamed.

But helpless, they retreated to the wall, has no way to retreat.

"Little bitches, don't run away. Who do you play with is not for fun? Come and accompany us. My brothers are all with medicine. I promise you can fly happily! Hey, hey, hey White hair waved back.

Like a dozen of hungry girls, they snatched up their clothes one after another.

Three or two gangsters pull a girl, the coat is torn, scared that group of girls scream voice has changed, incomparably sad.

"What are you doing? Why is it so lively? " Then a head poked in through the door.

It was Lin Feng who came.

Lin Feng was smiling. His eyes were dripping and he looked around him: "Wow, is this rape? Did you have a good time? Take me one

With that, Lin Feng entered the house.

Tang Dongsheng saw this picture and organized Su Jing to call the police.

At this time, white hair see Lin Feng that cheap Xi Xi look, suddenly a Leng, "who the hell are you?"

"Oh! I am the security guard of Dongsheng Group Lin Feng said.

"Brother Feng, help me!" Xia Ming saw Lin Feng coming, and immediately cried out.

It's hard to imagine what a 1.8-meter-old man is crying on the ground by two people.

But when Xia Ming saw Lin Feng, he felt extremely steadfast in his heart. He didn't know why. Lin Feng's aura was able to give him stability.

"Brother Feng?" The weak boy raised his head: "are you Lin Feng?"

"Well! Yes, how do you know me? " Lin Feng asked the boy.

"We all know you, they know you, and you're their idol!" The weak boy looked at the pale girls.

Lin Feng glanced at the girls and said angrily, "who doesn't know how to show mercy and cherish jade so much? Look at the girls. Ladies and sisters, don't be afraid. Your idols are coming!"

Said, Lin Feng also put out a strength of the pose: "look, how robust security!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" That white hair laughs: "a security guard, return idol? Why are you so funny, a bunch of retarded people? "

"Grandfather, you should pay attention to your words!" Lin Feng said seriously.

"Who are you, grandfather? I'm only 40 this year!" White hair angry scolding.

"Oh, you're a little worried. I thought you were 80 years old." "I'm Lin Feng, the security guard of Dongsheng Group. My duty is to protect the safety of the company's employees, so please go out from this room. Thank you for your cooperation," Lin Feng said

"Who do you think you are? Little security guard, ha ha ha, this one on the ground is also a security guard. It's stronger than you. Are we afraid of being beaten? The security guards of Dongsheng Group are all rubbish White hair said.

"What, what do you say? I can't hear you clearly Lin Feng put his ears close to white hair.

Baimao said contemptuously, "the security guards of Dongsheng Group are all rubbish...

before Baimao finished his words, he felt a deep pain at his feet. It was obvious that Lin Feng stepped on his feet.

This foot strength is really not small, white hair that hard leather boots, Leng is trampled flat, white hair feels his toes seem to have been crushed, instant stand instability!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just want to get close to what you say, and I've stepped on your foot carelessly! Come on, I'll help you! " Lin Feng said and went to help Baimao.

"Get out of here!" Baimao scolds and pushes Lin Feng away.

But he found that his hand was held by Lin Feng. With his push, Lin Feng pulled along with the situation and "click" and his arm dislocated and fell powerless.

"Ah - me - ah -" white hair pain cold sweat straight.

Lin Feng reproached: "what are you doing? I'll help you. You have such a big move. Look, you've pulled off your arm. Are you up to it? How cruel to yourself

"Are you him..." Baimao was in pain and anger at this time. His feet didn't know what to do with his feet. His arm was in sharp pain. The pain made his temper more furious. He swore to Lin Feng: "give me his or her...

" shh, don't talk! " Lin Feng ghost's a dart, an instant to white hair in front of, a cover white hair's mouth, gentle said: "quiet, you are too irascible, you need to listen! Listen, how wonderful the world is

"Ah -" cried the white hair.

In the middle of what he said, Lin Feng suddenly came up and covered his mouth fiercely. His teeth bit on the tongue. All of a sudden, he almost broke his tongue, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.That kind of pain into the heart and lung, white hair almost fainted.

"What's wrong with you, brother? Why are you so careless? " Said the younger brother next to him.

This sentence, but almost did not make Baimao angry!

Obviously, the boy did all these three things, but the donkeys couldn't see it.

He wanted to explain, but his tongue hurt and he didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Feng no longer cares about him, but goes to the two thugs who press Xia Ming and says, "you press my brother like this, don't you know the consequences?"

One of them said with a scornful smile: "the consequence is that we will beat you on the ground later!"

"Oh, you like it, don't you?" Lin Feng said, pulling out an electric stick from one side of his trousers and saying, "look, what good things is this?"

"Electricity... Electric stick?" Said a gangster.

"Ha ha, that's smart. That's the right answer." Lin Feng says, it is a hand to shake, fierce a stick to hit in the back neck of that hunk.

The gangster fell to the ground in an instant, and the other wanted to hit Lin Feng, but Lin Feng didn't look at him. He punched out and directly stuck him in the face.

The man was hit with one blow, dizzy and sitting on the ground.

At this time, the other gangsters saw this scene and suddenly reacted. The boy killed their two brothers in a flash.

So they rushed to Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng pushed the button, he saw that the electric stick "exposed" the direct current, and the people who saw it were frightened.

"I've just charged. Who wants to come up and try it?" Lin Feng pointed to the gangsters.

Those gangsters stare at Lin Feng one after another, but no one dares to come up.

Xia Ming this time stood up, he can finally grow a breath, said: "thank you Feng elder brother!"

"My brother, you are welcome! Oh, by the way, did you hear from those guys? They want to hit me on the ground, so you know what to do now? " Lin Feng pointed to the two thugs on the ground.

"Brother Feng, I know. I won't let them fly on the ground!" Xia Ming thought that his father was broken by them, his head was also opened flowers, this drum gas can finally come out, he would like to kill this group of people.

But Lin Feng said, "Oh, don't be so rude. If you kill someone, you'll go to jail. Listen to me, put on some music and relax your mood."

"What, play music?" Xia Ming was confused.

"Well! Do what I say and play the music Lin Feng Road.

Xia Ming is holding a breath, this person beat down, still don't hurry to torture them, don't he and dad's cowardly spirit, don't you have to go out?

However, Xia Ming still listened to Lin Feng's words, turned on his mobile phone and turned on a certain tone:

"love is like blue sky and white clouds, clear sky, sudden storm..."

"no, no, no, this song is too slow, a little rhythmic!" Lin Feng said.

Xia Ming didn't understand what Lin Feng meant, but he did it and ordered the next song.

"Wulala, wulala..."

Lin Feng nodded: "yes, the rhythm is very good!"

Then he picked up the electric stick, turned the voltage to the maximum, and connected it directly to the thug lying on the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!