The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 167

"Oh!" Golden Phoenix is a little sad.

Lin Feng looked at the Golden Phoenix and said, "are people not all going to sleep? She had two floors in her villa. I was upstairs. She slept downstairs! Is there something wrong? "

"Oh, it's like this!" "I almost misunderstood," said the Golden Phoenix

"Well, sister, what else are you having? They are still waiting for me here!" Said Lin Feng.

"Brother, then you tell my sister, why do you help your sister so hard? Are you, like your sister? " When Jin Fenghuang said this, his face suddenly turned red.

Lin Feng, hey, he said, "can I say it? There was a lot of gold you sent me last time. I came to help you for the gold medal plaque you gave me! "

Golden Phoenix a pair of beautiful big eyes some of the gloom, she shook her head and smiled bitterly, drank a sip of wine, as if some reluctant to ask: "Lin Feng, do you think sister beautiful?"

"Beautiful, you are the most beautiful sister I have ever seen!" Said Lin Feng.

He spoke very well. Jin Fenghuang is the most beautiful sister. Su Jing and Wei Yichen and chuyuqi are beautiful in her sister!

A face of Golden Phoenix suddenly nearly a few, eyebrows and eyes smile at Lin Feng, a jade leg unexpectedly raised, put on the leg of Lin Feng.

This leg is straight and long, and a man will like it when he sees it. Moreover, he can see her white inner through the root of his thigh.

"Lin Feng, you think I am beautiful. Why don't you take the initiative at all? Other men met me, but they all hate to rush up. You come to my office alone, and you can be so calm. Don't you think about me Golden Phoenix looks at Lin Feng, a charming smile.

To be honest, at this time, there is no idea about Golden Phoenix, that is not a normal man.

Golden Phoenix is all over, all of which exudes a charm that men can't resist.

The charm of mature women.

And the body fragrance of Golden Phoenix is so charming, let people feel to smell it, and they want to stick it up to death, and suck her fragrance hard.

But, Lin Feng smiled and said, "sorry, sister, you may drink too much!"

Lin Feng moved back to a piece.

Because he just received the message from Yuer, there was only one word on the message: "elder sister took you as the replacement of that man!"

Lin Feng doesn't know which man is, but he just wants to be himself.

"Sister, I will go first without any matter. I am busy every day. I have to save the world!" Lin Feng boasted that B never scrabbled, and he opened his mouth and came.

"Well, then you'll save the world!" "The Golden Phoenix said with a smile.

"OK!" Lin Feng turned and walked out of the office.

Golden Phoenix stood in front of the broad window, looking down at the figure of Lin Feng and mice leaving, he could not help but some lonely.

No man can refuse himself yet, but the more she refuses, the more fascinated she is.

This forest peak, really interesting!


br > Lin Feng returned to the hotel.

Although only one night did not come back, Lin Feng felt like it had been a century.

Because the house is clean from inside to outside, it is a surprise for Lin Feng.

Usually, there is no one to manage the one acre and three Fen land near the sofa of Linfeng.

She would throw things when they were thrown. Su Jing was busy at work and would only say to Lin Feng, "you better clean up your things, or I will have someone throw your things out!"

But Lin Feng just didn't clean up, and Su Jing couldn't help.

This time, Su Jing helped him clean up.

It was evening. Lin Feng sat on the couch watching TV and waiting for Su Jing to come back.

After a few hours, Su Jing came back with her tired body.

Opening the door, seeing Lin Feng at first glance, Su Jing was still a little surprised.

But then, she looked cold, turned to bedroom, and did not talk to Lin Feng.

"Hey, what's your situation? There is a big living man! " "Good luck to say hello!" Lin Feng said

"Hello! Big living! I'm tired. Please don't make noise. We're all right, OK? " When she thought of this guy living in a villa with other women, she was upset when she thought about doing something that didn't matter.

She has no idea why. Indeed, her mother is right. The man has no good thing. He has not been in touch with Lin Feng for a long time. The state is always affected by him. It seems that he will have to be far away from him!

Su Jing went to the water fountain, picked up a glass of water and drank it up.

"Be right!" A face of Lin Feng suddenly appeared in front of Su Jing.

"Poop -" Su Jing was jumped down and the water she just drank was all over Lin Feng's face.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Su Jing quickly pulled a tissue to help Lin Feng wipe her face, and she scolded: "what did you come to my house suddenly?""I saw you look sad. Come and see you!" Lin Feng Road.

Su Jing said, "I want you to see, you get out of my room! You go out

As she pushed Lin Feng, she was about to close the door.

"Why are you like this? I'm all kind-hearted. You look unhappy. Is there something wrong with the company Lin Feng said: "you are a workaholic, only work will make you unhappy!"

This sentence came to his heart.

Dongsheng mining really has a bit of trouble.

"Alas Su Jing sighed and sat down on a chair.

Lin Feng opened the door and said, "what happened? Come on, talk about it. See if I can help you solve it

Su Jing glared at Lin Feng and said, "this is a tough thing! It's one of the problems in Dongsheng mining. "

Su Jing said that Dongsheng mining now has four sub mines, but the most important one is the one in the outskirts of Chengdong with the largest output, accounting for more than half of the total output.

However, the sub mine is not peaceful recently. There is an empty field beside the sub mine. Recently, a group of people bought it and raced on the open space every day.

"Are you talking about a drag racing party?" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, it seems to be!" Su Jing said: "the chairman said that it was a folk drag racing organization, which is well-known in Jincheng. We Dongsheng Group can't insist with them yet!"

"What does Dongsheng mining have to do with their cars?" Lin Feng Road.

"Their actual site is not so large, but they always occupy our space. They are racing in that area, which will affect the normal operation of our mining industry! What's more, we went to reason, and their people injured our company's people. A technician in his fifties, who was fractured by them, is still in hospital! " Su Jing said.

"These bastards Lin Feng said.

"Well, I just want to talk to you. You know, that organization, which we can't afford for the time being, is trying to negotiate with you in other ways." Su Jing said.

"Will the relevant departments not take charge of it?" Lin Feng asked.

"That's the trouble. They have a good relationship with the relevant departments, otherwise they won't get this piece of land!" Su Jing said, "so we'll see if we can make concessions and try to have a good talk with them. Even if we suffer from some losses, we will try our best to calm down this matter."

"They take our place, they beat our people, and we give in with a gruff? Is that funny? " Lin Feng Road.

Su Jing said: "I knew I told you that you must be angry, but I told you, you must not go to meet them. I heard that they are one of the four major associations in Jincheng, and they are ruthless. Don't interfere in this matter. I will try to find a way with the chairman of the board."

Although she said that, Su Jing was very sad. She had been thinking about it for several days without a clue.

"Lin Feng said:" then you slowly think about it, I also to why the event, go back to sleep! "

With that, Lin Feng went out and lay back on his sofa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!