The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 166

There was a round of applause.

Most of the people who applauded were from small groups. They saw that Lin Feng dared to fight even long Shao. They did not dare to underestimate Lin Feng any more.

Huoshen and Cui Sanye stood in the crowd, their faces very cold.

Especially the God of fire, the duck will fly. Even if Lin Feng has three eyes, he must kill Lin Feng. This guy has seriously threatened his interests.

It's just that the overall situation has been decided today, and there is no way to turn it over.

"Hum!" The God of fire snorted coldly and turned out of the crowd.

Third master Cui also shook his head. This time he came to humiliate the order of the Phoenix. Unexpectedly, he was saved by the boy named Lin Feng. He said in his heart, "boy, you are the enemy of me today. One day, I will make you look good!

Then he waved a big hand to his younger brother: "brothers, go home! No fun

Then, he led the people of the mountain Gang to leave.

However, at this time, behind the crowd, there is a man with a cap. From the beginning of the meeting, he observes all this in the dark.

The man was dressed in a black suit and his cap was so low that he could not see his face clearly.

After the two clubs left, he also left.

After leaving the headquarters of the order of Phoenix, the man took out a mobile phone, but it was not the same as the one used in the market.

The mobile phone is all transparent, holding it in the hand is like holding a piece of glass.

However, if you look closely, there are words beating on the mobile phone.

The man directly pressed a few times on the screen of his mobile phone and wrote a sentence: "the four major associations in Jincheng have observed all of them today, and they have already made a choice in general. They will proceed according to the steps in the future. Please know!"

After sending this sentence, the man took his mobile phone back to his pocket and stopped a taxi to leave.

At this time, the headquarters of the order of Phoenix, although the two major associations were withdrawn, but did not delay the general assembly.

Four judges began to award awards to the order of Phoenix, and the whole conference ended in a harmonious atmosphere.

After the end, see four judges still do not go, Lin Feng said: "what's the matter? Are you still waiting for dinner

"Brother Lin Feng, look at that video..."

"Oh, I have deleted it!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Dao Ye arched his hand.

"Boy, do you want him less in the future? Do you hear that?" Villain see Lin Feng deleted the video, immediately angry came up, the heart said you have no evidence, I am afraid you do what?

"If you talk to me like this, aren't you afraid I'll take the video back from the recycle bin?" Lin Feng said

The villain suddenly muddled: "what? If you delete it, you can get it back! "

"Yes, don't you know?" Lin Feng Road.

"Brother Lin Feng, the tone of my speech was a little heavy just now. I apologize to you." The villain is soft at once.

"Well, that's about it!" Lin Feng smiles.

One side of the Golden Phoenix shook his head and laughed. This Lin Feng ah, four old guys let him play clearly. On the belly of black wheel, he was invincible!

After sending away four judges, Lin Feng went to long Shao and said, "I'm in a good mood today, so let you go

With his mouth full of mud, long Shao quickly nodded and ran to the outside in a gray way.

"By the way, don't bring out this kind of bad fish and rotten shrimp in the future, ha!" Lin Feng said.

Long Shao didn't dare to turn back, let alone his little brother who had bad fish and rotten shrimp. He ran out of the headquarters of the order of Phoenix.

But just ran out of the door, picked up the phone and dialed out.

"Dad, I was beaten by a boy! He put my head in the water and humiliated me. Dad, your son is so shameful this time Long Shao said with a cry.

"Yes, it's from Jincheng! His name is Lin Feng Long Shao continued.

"I also brought a lot of people here, but someone helped him, a very good person, and turned our people upside down!"

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back, Dad. I'll kill him, or I won't be able to eliminate my hatred."

"Well, well, come back quickly. I'm not in trouble for this time. I'll wait for you to come back!"

When long Shao finished, he hung up the phone and looked at the door of the order of the Phoenix. He said fiercely, "Lin Feng, today's hatred, I'll give you double back. Even the order of the Phoenix, I'll give you a bunch of them."

With that, he limped away.

The order of the Phoenix today is a day of celebration, regardless of the process, in short, the ending is very good.

He's got a million dollars in bonuses and an unconditional exemption.

In particular, it has been recognized by large and small associations. Although the drag racing party and the backers have not congratulated them, the two associations have tacitly agreed to the results of this time.

Jin Fenghuang held a banquet for the representatives of various societies who did not leave.

Moreover, she asked Lin Feng's consent to let him be the chief consultant of the order of the Phoenix.This position has no actual management power, but it has a high status. Like the ancient military division, he has no right to directly manage the army, but the whole army respects him very much, and even the commander-in-chief sometimes has to listen to him.

Lin Feng didn't want this position, but today he helped the order of the Phoenix win. If he was not a member of the order of the Phoenix, the order of the Phoenix would still be gossiping by the people in the Jianghu.

Lin Feng gives Jin Fenghuang a face and promises to hang such a position here first.

For this, the Golden Phoenix was very happy. After drinking three cups of wine in public, her pretty face turned red, which added a bit of charm.

When the banquet is over, people disperse. Jin Fenghuang pulls Lin Feng into her office. She wants to talk to Lin Feng alone.

Lin Feng did not refuse, let the mouse and Wei Yichen wait downstairs.

Golden Phoenix's office is very spacious and antique, but there are more modern furnishings. For example, the sofa the guests sit on is a large leather sofa, instead of wooden seats such as Pinus koraiensis.

Lin Feng sat on the wide sofa and asked, "JINDA beauty, just tell me what you have to say. I have a lot of things to deal with."

"In fact, I have a lot of things to be curious about," said Jin Fenghuang

He came to two glasses of red wine, went to Lin Feng, and handed one of them to Lin Feng.

Then he directly sat next to Lin Feng, the rough waves trembled for a while, and deep gullies appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded: "my sister is really in good shape. It's no wonder that the four old guys are so confused. Even if I'm such a strong man, I can't help looking at it more!"

With that, Lin Feng also tried to look at the chest of the Golden Phoenix.

"Disgusting!" Golden Phoenix was coquettish, "you are very good at speaking. I have to admire you for your color and righteous words."

"Where, it's the elder sister who is so charming, the younger brother I can't help but... Offended and offended!" Lin Feng said, taking back his eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha, you're lovely to be serious!" The Golden Phoenix smiles, raises two legs, looks at Lin Feng affectionately.

"Well, golden beauty..."

"you still call me sister, I like listening to it!" Golden Phoenix said softly.

"Good! Sister, don't you have something to ask me? Ask Lin Feng took a sip of wine.

"Well! Well, today's dance is improvised, but I think you and Wei Yichen's dance seems to have been rehearsed in advance. Have you ever danced together before? "

"No!" "I sent you a message last night after we called. Do you remember that? I want to ask you what the content of today's competition is. I think the last item is singing and dancing, so I'll prepare in advance for fear that you may miss. You see, today is really useful! " Lin Feng said.

"Oh, you trained that night?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"Yes, it's rehearsal till early morning. It's good to use it, otherwise it's a white rehearsal!" Lin Feng said: "in Wei Yichen's villa, we found a big mirror. When rehearsing, we looked at the mirror, very attentive!"

"Brother Lin Feng, it's really hard for you. Are you just rehearsing all night? Nothing else? " There is something in Jin Fenghuang's words.

"Not just rehearsal, of course." Lin Feng said.

"What else?" Jin Fenghuang is suddenly nervous.

"We're both going to bed!" "I'm up there, she's down there!" said Lin Feng , the fastest update of the webnovel!