The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 168

Lying on the sofa, Lin Feng did not immediately fall asleep.

He suddenly thought of a person, that is the black bear.

When Lin Feng helped Chu Yuqi fight black bear, black bear said to himself that the God of fire of the drag racing party had something to do with the government.

So the drag racing party is making trouble in Dongsheng mining. It must be the God of fire playing tricks.

But is it a simple conflict or a different purpose?

According to the truth, the drag racing party is not something that can get too much attention. They should keep a low profile. Why do they choose to make trouble in the territory of Dongsheng Group?

I'm afraid there is another mystery in it!

But Lin Feng is too lazy to think, a group of stinky fish rotten shrimp, nothing to worry about, but Dongsheng Group may be a little afraid of the drag racing party!

At the beginning, Dongsheng Group almost suffered losses when they fought against the wolf society, so they were cautious this time, which is reasonable.

Lin Feng doesn't think about it. He hasn't contacted Chu Yuqi for several days. He doesn't know how Chu Yuqi is. He sends a message to Chu Yuqi: Yuqi baby, what are you doing? Do you miss me?

Soon the news came back: think ah, think of almost can not remember!

Lin Feng: [embarrassed] no one bullied you recently? How are you and your aunt?

Chu Yuqi: very good! Is my mother often nagging, let you come to my house to eat, said for a long time did not see you!

Lin Feng: [happy] tell my aunt, I'll go to see him another day!

Chu Yuqi: Well, good! By the way, one thing I told you, don't mention it to anyone!

Lin Feng: mm-hmm, definitely!

Chu Yuqi: [happy] my father may come back for the Mid Autumn Festival. We are all together. I hope you can come and have a meal then!

As soon as Lin Feng heard the news, he was excited.

It is absolutely explosive news that Chu Yuqi's father will appear in the Mid Autumn Festival.

His father knew a lot of clues about the blood jade, and maybe he would know the whereabouts of the blood jade.

Kung Fu pays off the people who have a heart. Lin Feng finally made a breakthrough in this matter. He thought, hum! No matter what mysterious organization you are, when you are still trying to support Jincheng forces, I can almost touch the clue of blood jade!

The Mid Autumn Festival is more than a good time for Linqi.

Can think of this, Lin Feng but suddenly have a very sad feeling, he found that he was invisible, really began to use Chu Yuqi.

This is not good. First, don't think about blood jade. Take a good friend to Chu Yuqi. Other girls are so simple. If they have selfish thoughts, are they still human?

Lin Feng looked down at the mobile phone and found that he was stunned. Chu Yuqi sent a lot of news.

Chu Yuqi: Lin Feng, what are you doing?

Why don't you reply?

I'm going to be angry.

Are you asleep?

Lin Feng immediately returned a message: No, no, I just wanted to distract myself!

Chu Yuqi: [kitchen knife]

Lin Feng: [panic], I'm a little busy these days. I'll see you when I'm finished! [smile]

Chu Yuqi: OK, I'm going to bed!

Lin Feng: Oh? Are you in bed now? [bad smile]

Chu Yuqi: otherwise? Do I sleep on the street? Lin Feng: are you used to sleeping? Chuyuqi: [shy] you hate it!

Many people in our dormitory, how to sleep, of course, to wear pajamas! [shyness]

Lin Feng: Oh, you have so much capital that you don't want to sleep to show your capital. It's so oppressive to hide it in your underwear!

Chu Yuqi: [shy] OK, I'm going to bed!

Lin Feng: don't sleep, come on, take a picture for me to see, let me see your peerless beauty before sleeping, right! It should be full-length. By the way, look at your pajamas. I guess it must be white. [obscene]

Chu Yuqi: [beating] lecherous, good night [smile]

Lin Feng: don't talk about it, talk about ten yuan, send me photos, don't code them!

Chu Yuqi: goodbye! [angry]

Lin Feng: Alas ~ [about to cry]

but Chu Yuqi didn't reply again.

Lin Feng put down the phone with a smile. He made fun of Chu Yuqi and thought it was super fun.

At the end of the day, what kind of poetry and song Fu, wasted a lot of his brain, and after a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up the next day, Su Jing was no longer in the room.

"This woman is a workaholic Lin Feng looked at the wall clock on Qiang. It was only seven o'clock. At this time, we all just got up.

He stretched out, washed, went out for breakfast, and went to Dongsheng Group.

To Dongsheng Group, Lin Feng first went back to his office and found that the office was very clean. Did someone clean it for himself every day?Lin Feng was thinking about it and found Xiao Fang came in.

Xiao Fang is a security guard. People call him Xiao Fang because he has a long face.

"Xiao Fang, have you cleaned my office these days?" Lin Feng asked.

Xiao Fang saw that Lin Feng was coming and immediately met him: "ah, yes, brother Lin Feng! Xia Ming cleaned it for you

"Xia Ming?" Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Brother Lin Feng, you don't know. Xia Ming adores you and says you are the most capable man he has ever seen. Everything is perfect." Xiao Fang said.

"What about Xia Ming? It's all office hours. What about others? " Lin Feng asked.

Lin Feng is very grateful to Xia Ming when Xiao Fang says this. He wants to thank Xia Ming. When he first arrived at this department, he treats him well and always looks like a little valet. As long as he is here, Xia Ming always shouts all day long.

But Xiao Fang said with a sad face: "Xia Ming has an accident these days, in the hospital!"

"What's going on?" Lin Feng asked.

"Xia Ming's father was injured by a group of hooligans, his legs were all discounted, and he is still in hospital! Xia Ming tries to argue with those people, but his head is broken. Fortunately, his life is not in danger! He is now in the hospital with his father Said Xiao Fang.

Lin Feng bit his teeth: "do you know where those hooligans are?"

Xiao Fang said with a look of panic: "brother Feng, we can't afford that group of people. They are members of the East drag racing party. They are all the younger brothers of the God of fire! It's hard to attack them. Don't fight with them

"People from the drag racing party?" Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Yes Xiao Fang said: "Xia Ming's father is a technician of Dongsheng mining industry. He does technical support in the east mining site of Dongsheng mining. As a result, there is a place close to the drag racing Party's territory. When the drag racing party comes to our place for racing, Xia Ming's father will argue with them. As a result, they don't say a word and beat Xia Ming's father when they get out of the car!"

"And then?" said Lin Feng

"Then Xia Ming went to their theory, and he was beaten by them, and his head was bleeding. Now he is in a hospital with his father!" Xiao Fang said: "those people were so bullying that they almost killed Xia Ming and his son, and they clamored that the medical expenses could not be separated!"

"What did Tang Dongsheng say? He didn't take care of it? " Lin Feng clenched his fist and asked.

"Tang Dong wants to be in charge of it, but it's a drag racing party. In Jincheng, its name is very famous. He dares not to lose face. Now he will find a chance to negotiate this matter." Xiao Fang said.

"And the result? Have you negotiated? "

"No, people ignore us. They still play on that land, and the relevant departments don't care about it. Dong Tang is also having a headache about it." Said Xiao Fang.

Lin Feng frowned, "Xiao Fang, I know, you go to be busy first!"

"Good brother Lin Feng!" Xiao Fang is gone.

Hello, Xia Ming, want to call Lin Ming

Xia Ming answered the phone and said happily, "well, brother Feng, you are at work! I've washed your water cup, you can use it by rinsing it with water, and your food, I put it in your drawer, or it's time to dust. Brother Feng, I think you have a lot of instant noodles. Don't eat instant noodles. It's not good for your health. When my District company brings rice, I'll help you with one...

"brother!" Lin Feng bit his teeth and said, "what do you do? There's an aunt sweeping the floor!"

"Oh, they can't clean it. How big the noodles are for my brother Feng, they must be upright and clean!" Said the other end of the phone.

Lin Feng nose some sour, he pinched a few bridge of the nose, said: "do you still ache?"

"No more pain, much better now!" Xia Ming smilingly said: "thank you for your concern."

"Xia Ming, if you can, you can take a taxi to the East District of Dongsheng mining. I have something to look for you!" Lin Feng said.

"OK, brother Feng, if you have something to do, just one word. I'll come right now." Xia Ming is very straightforward, finish saying, hang up the phone.

Lin Feng bit his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Xia Ming, I'm going to give you this evil spirit!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!