The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 165

"You give me, kill him, give him to me The Dragon roared.

He seems like a fierce beast, completely out of control, he brought the younger brother, one after another to stand up, toward Lin Feng on the rush.

There are about a dozen of them, all of them are fighting players who practice Sanda and Thai boxing. It is no problem for any one to take it out and fight two or three ordinary people. With so many people on, the combat effectiveness can not be underestimated.

Long Shao's face showed a ferocious smile, "Lin Feng, today I will let you know, offend my end!"

With his voice, those boxers rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng called out: "you so many people, not bully people, I ran first!"

After that, he stepped back directly, pushed up the bicycle beside the stage and ran out from the side door.

"Don't let him run, chase me!" Long Shao shouts.

The boxers chased out.

Lin Feng rode a bicycle and ran away towards the lake.

The group of fighters yelled, shouting and chasing!

However, Lin Feng did not go far, suddenly stopped.

He looked back at the boxers and said, "I didn't really want to run. I think it's not enough space in the venue. It's more spacious outside."

Then, as soon as he threw the bicycle, he clenched his hands and rubbed them. Suddenly, his body, like an arrow from the string, rushed directly towards the boxers...

in the hall.

Jin Fenghuang quickly said to yu'er: "call the security guard quickly, let all the security guards protect Lin Feng, be sure to ensure the safety of Lin Feng!"

"Yes Yu'er said, picked up the phone and dialed in the past.

Golden Phoenix and the rest of the people, all chase out of the hall.

Once out of the hall, everyone was in a daze!

Outside the sun is very big, very dazzling, Lin Feng is lying on the lake lawn, head pillow bicycle wheel, leisurely in the sun.

In his mouth is still in the mouth of a dog tail grass, humming 18 touch, incomparably comfortable.

Look at those boxers, one after another, whoops, whoops, howling, a few people, still covered with water, seems to have just climbed out of the lake!


this time, everyone was shocked!

What's going on? Isn't Lin Feng on the road just now?

At this time, a large number of security guards came in a hurry. The first one saluted Jin Fenghuang directly and said, "Mr. Jin, what's your order?"

Gold Phoenix pretty face with surprise, looked at the security guard, said: "it's OK, you go back to your post!"

"Ah The security guard was also a little surprised. He took a look at the 7788 lying on the ground, but he didn't understand what was going on for a while. However, it was better for him to give a gift to the Golden Phoenix and went down with other security guards.

"Lin Feng, are you ok?" Jin Fenghuang comes to Lin Feng.

"Me! It's OK. I was scared by them just now. My little sweetheart, I was so scared by them Lin Feng said innocently.

"Well, what's going on?" The Golden Phoenix pointed to those people: "they are you hit?"

"No, I didn't hit anyone!" Lin Feng picked up the big horn to buy vegetables, and asked the man lying on the ground: "did I beat you fuckin '

"No, no!" Someone gritted his teeth and said in horror.

They just saw what was terrible. It was just like a nightmare. When they saw Lin Feng, they began to soften their legs. How dare they say that Lin Feng beat them.

Lin Feng laughed: "in a harmonious society, how can I beat people! Hee hee

"Well, what's going on?" Jin Fenghuang asked.

"Oh, just now there was a super bull B, who saved me once he walked away!" Lin Feng said.

Today, there are so many people and so many societies. He doesn't want others to know his strength. What's more, these people must be mixed with people from the mysterious organization, so he doesn't want to attract the attention of that person.

"Super bull B man?" Golden Phoenix doesn't understand!

"Well, just like Superman, handsome!" Lin Feng said, and raised the trumpet, asked those people: "hit your people, is not the old handsome ah?"

"Well! Handsome


The answer was scattered.

"And the man?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"Go, wave your sleeve, don't take away a cloud!" Lin Feng, with dog tail grass in his mouth, continued to lie in the sun.

"Damn you, Lin Feng, you're lucky in shit!" Long Shao is angry to death. How can Lin Feng save himself from danger every time, and every time he feels forced to a desperate situation, he can still turn the tables. This man's luck in dog excrement is so good!

Long Shao picked up a stone in his hand. Chen Linfeng rushed directly to the stone and yelled, "I'll kill you the hell!"

"Long Shao!" The Golden Phoenix yells, but it's too late, and long Shao has already rushed up.Moreover, seeing Lin Feng still lying on the ground, there is no strength to fight back.

It's over!

Golden Phoenix heart a cool, this stone down, even if Lin Feng blocked, it is also seriously injured!

At this time, he saw Lin Feng kicking the car slowly. The wheels stood up and crossed in front of long Shao.

A little dragon does not pay attention, his legs will be mixed on the wheel, and they will trip and fly out.

"I wipe it!"

When the stone flew out, long Shao also put his head on the ground, and his mouth was covered with grass and soil.

"Bah! Pooh Long Shao is about to clean up, but at this time, he suddenly feels a hand pinching his back neck and pressing him on the ground.

He turned his head and saw that it was Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "since long Shao loves eating earth so much, I'll let you eat enough."

Then he pressed his head down and chewed the grass again.

Long Shao struggled hard, but no one came up to help him, because all the younger brothers he had brought were disabled. There was no need for the rest of the community to stir up the muddy water.

However, at this time, people's impression of Lin Feng began to change.

At first, they thought that Lin Feng was a little white face, but later they saw him recite poems, write poems, make poems, and then dance, and even now he humiliates long Shao. Suddenly, they feel that this guy is not ordinary!

Moreover, the Xicheng Longkou group is the strongest among the four associations. Lin Feng even humiliated the son of the eldest son of the Longkou group on the ground. How brave this man is!

But, they far did not expect, Lin Feng these are still only pediatrics.

Lin Feng pulled Longshao and pulled him to the lake. He said, "it's not good to eat only soil. You have to drink some water, otherwise it's easy to choke!"

Lin Feng said, pressing the head of long Shao into the lake.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng's movements with great difficulty, but only long Shao knew that Lin Feng's strength was irresistible despair. He could not even lift his head and was at the mercy of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng grabs long Shao's head and pulls him out of the water.

With his mouth open, the Dragon breathed heavily.

Lin Feng asked, "long Shao, I ask you, do we have to have a culture in the community?"

Long Shao is silent.

"It seems that you are not awake enough." Lin Feng pressed the dragon's head into the water and pulled it out again after dozens of seconds.

Long Shao took a big breath and his face turned purple.

"Long Shao, is it necessary to be educated to be a hooligan?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Yes! Yes Long Shao couldn't stand it. After drinking several saliva, his stomach was almost up.

"What are you talking about? What a low voice Lin Feng took the trumpet to buy vegetables and put it on long Shao's mouth: "come on, speak to the trumpet for everyone to listen to!"

Long Shao cried: "yes, to be a hooligan, you should also have culture!"

"Well, not bad!" Lin Feng said, "is there anything wrong with the order of Phoenix poetry convention?"

"No... cough, no problem!" Long Shao said.

"Well! All right Lin Feng threw long Shao aside and called out with the trumpet: "who else has any opinion? Come on, stand up and discuss it with me

The crowd was silent.

"Good! I'll announce instead of the judges that the order of the Phoenix won the championship this time Lin Feng shouts: "everybody applauds welcome!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!