The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 164

With that, Lin Feng rode his bicycle, let go of the handlebar and made several movements on the bicycle.

The audience watched it with great interest. This guy can even do some acrobatics.

But the God of fire disdained to "cut" A: "this thing, I drag racing party people will

At this time, the melodious music sounded, Lin Feng stretched his muscles and bones, and then, a dozen fingers.


The hall is in darkness!

All the lights are out!

The sudden darkness made everyone feel at a loss. However, before everyone reflected, they listened to a burst of passionate music.

In the middle of the stage, a beam of light passed. The beam of light was a lamp prepared by the mouse in advance. The light focused on the center of the stage, and the stage was dark.

All of a sudden, with the music, there was a flash of figure in the dark, and a woman appeared directly in the light and shadow.

It was a very beautiful woman. At the moment of her appearance, a simple dance action showed the perfect figure.

That woman is no other than Wei Yichen!

Her appearance immediately attracted all eyes.

Wei Yi Chen began to dance with the music. The music was fast and slow. With the rhythm of the music, Wei Yichen sometimes danced on the stage, just like a butterfly emerging from cocoon; sometimes he danced on the stage, just like a spirit falling into the mortal world; sometimes, he was graceful and colorful on the stage, just like a reborn beauty.

Her graceful posture is so graceful that people can't bear to move their eyes and praise one after another. There is such a beautiful woman in the world!

At this time, the surrounding air seems to be still, and all people's eyes are attracted by the beautiful figure.

All of a sudden, the music began to rush. At this time, a figure appeared. It was Lin Feng riding a bicycle.

Originally this is very old-fashioned appearance, will give this dance to lose a lot of points.

However, the next second's action is jaw dropping. Wei Yichen jumps on the big bar of his bicycle and dances on the bar.

Lin Feng is seriously riding a bicycle, a confident smile.

Wei Yichen from time to time to do a few difficult dance movements, immediately caused a cheer around.



This group of people, see is a lively.

There are sexy beauties, acrobatics, and dancing. It seems that there is a bit of story. They enjoy it.

But this is not the most popular time, saw Lin Feng suddenly stop the car, Wei Yichen jumped down.

Suddenly, the lights went out and the Hall fell into darkness.

At this time, it seems that there are people shuttling in front of us. After a few seconds, the light suddenly lights up again.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that the Golden Phoenix was standing on the stage with a gorgeous robe.

The light shining on the Golden Phoenix is just like nine fairies coming down to earth, shining with dazzling halo.

The crowd was excited by this scene and howled with enthusiasm.

No one has ever seen the dancing skills of the Golden Phoenix. They just heard that if the Golden Phoenix dances, even the butterflies can be attracted by him. It is really divine.

Due to a long dress, it is not convenient to do any big movements, so it gently swings and does a few simple dance movements.

But just these movements, but let the scene a burst of cheers, big beauty dancing, rare to see!

In fact, the Golden Phoenix is temporary play, Lin Feng from the dark directly dragged to the stage.

Lin Feng is to let her play up the atmosphere, will not let her dance too long.

So, Lin Feng came out again and rode his bicycle, but he let Jin Fenghuang sit directly on the big bar of the bicycle, and then rode the bicycle, carrying the Golden Phoenix, just like a pair of young lovers.

The music is also close to the soothing part. The melodious music sounds. Lin Feng is in the light and shadow, carrying the Golden Phoenix, and riding a bicycle under his feet. But because the light is on the upper body, so people's sight is like Lin Feng and Jin Fenghuang flying!

Moreover, the Golden Phoenix a gorgeous golden robe, floating up in an instant, like a fairy.

With Lin Feng's bicycle up and down, it's just like a dream.

At the moment, the most shocking thing in my heart is Jin Fenghuang himself.

She looks at the light and shadow, is facing her own Lin Feng, looking at the gold plated face, a trance in the heart of the Golden Phoenix, as if everything does not exist, the whole world, only she and he, he is resolute and handsome, she is like. Infatuated. She hopes that time will be fixed in this moment forever. It's so beautiful!

The people around are also seeing, infatuated and drunk.

Some people, looking at the beautiful picture on the stage, accompanied by a burst of melodious music, they even think of their first love.

All these years, I've been fighting, killing and killing all day long. I don't know what love is.

However, they once had a love affair and believed in love. They believed that two people could live forever, and they could have a double life.Lin Feng's dance, let many people recall, such as spring, some people, looking at, actually full of sadness.

For a moment, the scene was really silent!

At this time, the music began to speed up again, and suddenly began to get excited.

Lin Feng puts the Golden Phoenix down and pulls Wei Yicheng into the light and shadow.

At the moment, the light suddenly began to twinkle, just like the light of dibar.

The song also began to change the rhythm of intense, Wei Yichen as if suddenly turned into a DJ little sister, directly strong dance, immediately attracted a cheering around.

At this time, there was a fire all around. For a while, the hall became very hot.

After they saw it, they found that they didn't know who put a lot of fuel torches in these four weeks.

The flash lamp on the stage kept flashing. In the light and shadow, two beautiful women were dancing, and the fire around them lit up the atmosphere of the hall.

"Let's have a good time! Are you looking forward to dancing with the Golden Phoenix beauty? "

Lin Feng shouts with a trumpet.

Today, he brought a lot of props and prepared everything. Naturally, this beloved vegetable trumpet can't be left behind.

Listen to Lin Feng such a cry, this group of people are uncomfortable, can't help, can dance with the Golden Phoenix, can't hope!

In addition, this burst of music, just like the disco bar, is in line with the taste of this group of people.

This group of people rushed onto the stage and danced in disorder.

For a moment, the scene was unprecedented! Hi, it's a blast!

Then, after dancing for a few minutes, suddenly, the music stopped suddenly, the torch went out, and all the lights were on.

At this time, people see the crowd, the mouse with a salute, a direct twist.

"Pa!" A blast, fine gold thread and color fragments, fluttering all over the sky, flashing crystal clear light, very beautiful.

"It's over Lin Feng that big horn called out: "perfect! Perfect!”

He also pulled a sentence in English!

People are still in their minds. Even the master Dao is still twisting his waist and humming.

"My dance performance is over, please give your comments!" Lin Feng said.

"Good! Good dancing Dao ye said first.

"It's good. It's fun."

"Have fun

Someone in the crowd said.

Not all the people present were from the four major associations, especially those from the small ones, who cheered Lin Feng one after another.

Seeing everyone's support for Lin Feng, Huoshen was silent.

He is angry! Just so close, he did not win the championship, so much preparation, this Lin Feng, is really hateful.

Huoshen teeth clenched straight ring, he would like to break Lin Feng into pieces.

At this time, the master Dao said: "Lin Feng's dance is really good. Since everyone likes it, what else can the Huoshen brothers say?"

"Hum!" The God of fire turned his head and did not speak.

"Well, I now announce that the champion of this conference is..." said Mr. Dao.

"Hold on!" A voice stopped him: "is this the way to decide the champion? Is it too wrong to take our Longkou group for granted? "

"What do you mean?" he said

Longkou group is now the largest association in Jincheng, and Dao Ye dare not offend easily.

"I don't mean much! I just want to ask, we set up a club to make money, not to get into university. What kind of poetry conference do you have and what kind of singing and dancing performances do you do? " Long Shao pointed to Lin Feng and scolded: "just such a trash, come up to sing a few poems, make a couple of pairs, dance, and win for the order of the Phoenix? If this is the trend in the future, what kind of societies should we set up? Let's go to the literature and art Acrobatics Troupe! "

Long Shao said this mainly for Lin Feng, because he saw that Lin Feng helped the order of Phoenix win the championship, which made Lin Feng shine brilliantly at the meeting. He absolutely did not allow him. He would crush Lin Feng to death, so that the hanging wire had no chance to turn over.

"I said long Shao, what's the matter? You didn't win the championship. Are you angry?" Lin Feng said, "it's you who give up singing and dancing. No wonder other people are!"

"Lin Feng, do you know NIMA? Do you know about clubs? " Long Shao scolded, and then he waved: "what poetry and song Fu, poetry can be food? Can it be used as money? I don't understand poetry, but I live more natural and unrestrained than you do. I have women, I have money, and I have stinky hanging silk

"But you have no culture!" Lin Feng said, "so you talk with a bad smell!"

"Do you want your culture?" Long Shao roared: "so brothers, this poetry conference is just bullshit!"

"Long Shao, you are wrong. You should also have culture if you are a mixed society!" Lin Feng Road.

"Lin Feng, you don't want to pretend to me here, and I can abolish you today. Do you believe it or not?" Long Shao looks at Lin Feng angrily."I don't know if you will waste me or not." Lin Feng said: "but you are really a waste. If you don't have intelligence quotient, if you don't have culture, are you a waste person?"

Long Shao couldn't bear to hear the three words without IQ. He hated Lin Feng so much because he had been shown IQ by Lin Feng in the seafood restaurant. Now he was humiliated. He was not educated and had no IQ. He was so angry that he scolded Lin Feng: "shit, who do you mean who has no IQ?"

Lin Feng took the vegetable loudspeaker from the mouse's hand, turned it to the maximum volume, and said, "I said you have no intelligence quotient! Can you hear me clearly this time? "

Long Shaoqi overturned the table and scolded: "I Cao NIMA, today I will kill you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!