The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 161

The order of the Phoenix arrangement, the last game, is a song and dance performance.

According to the tradition, there is a song in poetry and ode, and the order of Phoenix arranged this item mainly from its own advantages.

Singing and dancing are the strengths of the order of the Phoenix!

There are many models, artists, dancers and so on under the Phoenix society. They are so ready to sing and dance.

So this game is the advantage of the order of the Phoenix.

The order of the Phoenix depends on this game to determine the world!

But the Golden Phoenix still wants to thank Lin Feng very much, if not Lin Feng to pull back a game, he this Third Bureau, again good thing also useless!

At this time, Jin Fenghuang was full of confidence. In the third inning, when his twelve beauties of Jinling came out, there was absolutely no problem. Once the third inning was won, the order of Phoenix's Dabi branch scored two points, and the champion was already in his pocket.

"Jade son, let's go!" The Golden Phoenix waved to yu'er.

"The next round, song and dance performance competition, please prepare for the community!" Said yu'er.

"I'll give up. I'm not going to beat you Third master Cui gave up the task directly.

He didn't prepare for this part. Where can anyone from his backyard dance? They're all big men.

It's not just bullshit!

Longkou group also said: "I also abstain, you play by yourself!"

He just came to make peace with the mud. He didn't want to compare it seriously.

The two major associations abstained, leaving the God of fire of the drag racing party.

People think that the God of fire will abstain. After all, how can you dance with a group of drag racing people?

If the God of fire also abstains, then we can oppose the last competition system of Golden Phoenix.

But unexpectedly, the God of fire said: "you all abstained. I don't want to give up. Our drag racing party comes to compare with the order of the Phoenix. Don't think we have no one. Our drag racing party is full of talents. Especially under my leadership, more talents will come out. Order of Phoenix, take up!"

As soon as the words came out, the people were in an uproar.

Drag racing party and order of Phoenix PK song and dance link? It's interesting!

Looking at the calm face of the God of fire, they are holding the attitude of watching good plays.

Because in the first inning, the score of the drag racing party was higher than that of the order of Phoenix, and the drag racing party won.

In the second game, the order of the Phoenix pulled back one with the help of Lin Feng.

Then this third set is the decisive game. Whoever wins will be the biggest winner today.

Not only won the unanimous recognition of the community, but also won rich rewards.

This award is a great bonus for all the associations, and there is also an unconditional exemption right.

This right means that if you have this right, you can unconditionally let the other party give in if you have the right to conflict with a certain community in the future, even if it is your fault. That's how willful it is.

Don't underestimate this right. Many organizations can take advantage of this right to occupy other people's resources for no reason, so as to rise.

This is for any club, it is a fight for, and such a right also means that the association will have a guarantee. When facing the disaster, they can take it to block the gun, like a gold medal.

That's why the God of fire planned to win the championship. He wanted to take the first prize and go back to the racing party.

Because the six character core of the drag racing party is "people's heart", "technology" and "ability".

If Vulcan wins the first prize, his ability will be verified.

Therefore, Vulcan was fully prepared for this time. When other clubs gave up the competition and wanted to fight against the competition system, he stood up and compared with the order of Phoenix.

In fact, this is a little offensive to other backers and Longkou groups.

But he doesn't care, he just wants to win the championship, and then ride on the mountain of the drag racing party.

At this time, both sides are ready, the last item, the song and dance competition begins.

Start with the order of the Phoenix.

A Guzheng music sounded, more than a dozen women dressed in classical service entered the stage with long sleeves and danced with the music.

These women's makeup is exquisite, the figure is soft, when dancing with the music, that expression and movement, very in place, let people see the feast for the eyes.

Wei Yichen had practiced dancing. After watching it, she praised her very much. It shows that this group of people are very professional.

After a song is played, people's eyes are also straight, and they are immersed in the antique world.

At this time, the Marquis joked: "master Dao, these women are too attractive! As far as I know, my sister-in-law of your family can also dance this kind of dance. How do you compare it? "

As soon as the master of Dao heard about his wife, his hair stood up for a moment and then said, "it's OK, it's OK."

It has become a well-known secret that master Dao is afraid of his wife.

Dao Ye's wife, known as Dao Niang, became famous earlier than master Dao.

The master of Dao is taught by Dao Niang. She is more than 50 years old. She has two embroidered spring swords. Although the master is so fierce outside, she has to listen to Dao Niang honestly when she comes home.Seeing the Duke's bad smile, he didn't show weakness. He said to the Marquis, "you're kidding me, right? If you tease me again, I'll tell my sister-in-law about you going to the club to see if you don't kill you! "

Compared with Lord Dao's henpecked wife, marquis is is a little better, but his wife is not easy to offend.

Although the wife of the Marquis does not have the two embroidered spring knives of daoniang, she always holds a pair of pockmarked scissors.

Every time she saw the Marquis making love outside, she would take scissors to the crotch of his pants. Once he just woke up and found the crotch cold. It was his wife who put the scissors on his crotch. He was so frightened that he did not dare to go to Hualiu alley for several days!

Among the four judges, villains are not afraid of wives, because villains have no wives.

There is also a shrew in Laoba's family. Lao Ba smiles at her all day long. He doesn't know whether it's true or fake. In short, he is famous for listening to his wife's words!

So everyone is half a dozen, looking at this group of beautiful women, also just had a mouth addiction, can't help, the female tiger at home is too fierce.

At this point, the judges began to score.

The first eight was the first to give eight points, and the rest gave eight points in succession.

A total of 32 points.

Although there is a gap with the score of Golden Phoenix, but the score is excellent.

Next, the drag racing party came out!

Fire god sinister smile, big hand a wave: "shout, go on stage!"

At this time, a group of sexy women ran out of the backstage.

This group of women, wearing a layer of yarn outside, almost transparent state, only wearing bikini inside, sexy and provocative figure, cast light gauze to show, more attractive.

And those women are all dressed up, first to the four judges cast a wink, immediately the four old guys make a fool of themselves.

"Let's play!" Yu'er said coldly.

All of a sudden, those women were dancing like demons, taking off their clothes, and the fragrance was blowing.

At the beginning, I was still dancing, dancing, and I went directly to the judges.

Then the bottom rubbed and rubbed on the judges' bench, shaking and shaking. The old guys who looked at were almost spraying nosebleed.

There are more powerful, jumping, pretending to be careless, ah, lying on the judges' bench, two groups in front of the chest were rated as clear, the four old guys could not stand it.

But at this time, he saw Lin Feng holding his mobile phone, turning on the camera, and starting to shoot on one side: "closer, closer, right, good angle, tut Tut, really big, really sexy!"

As soon as the judges saw Lin Feng coming, they lost their interest and said, "cough, what kind of beat do you want to shoot? Go aside, don't shoot any more!"

Said, four people sit in a very serious manner.

But those girls are still constantly winking, but also do some more attractive action, rising butt light tongue, very tempting.

These old people are so angry. Such a good scene is stirred up by the guy from Lin Feng. Damn it, he doesn't represent the order of the Phoenix, so he will let the order of the Phoenix lose.

At the end of the song and dance, several old guys looked at each other, wrote a "9" on the sign and held up the sign.

All of them are 9 points, 36 points in total.

All of a sudden, this burst of magic dance, also got high marks?

Is this the champion, is it a drag racing party? , the fastest update of the webnovel!