The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 162

The heart of the Golden Phoenix sinks fiercely. The order of the Phoenix still loses.

Yu'er was really very angry. He went to the elder sister Jin Fenghuang and said, "elder sister, did you see it? This is because Lin Feng took photos, which made the judges dissatisfied! So the high marks of the drag racing party let them win

Jin Fenghuang said: "in my opinion, it's the drag racing Party's dance, which is in line with their aesthetic taste. Even without Lin Feng, we won't win! It's my fault, they shouldn't have been invited here! "

"Elder sister, how can you still be so partial to Lin Feng Jade Road.

"I'm not partial, I'm telling the truth!" "Jade son, you are a little too excited. Don't forget that I am your elder sister!"

When yu'er heard this, she suddenly withered. Maybe it was the elder sister who spoiled herself so much that she always spoke rudely with her. Seeing that her tone was wrong, yu'er realized her mistake immediately. She said, "elder sister, it's my fault. I'm sorry!"

But with that, her hatred for Lin Feng increased a little.

The failure of the order of the Phoenix today is entirely due to this Lin Feng. Although this guy helped the order of Phoenix get one point, but the other two points are also because he lost, because the judges don't want to see him, angry with the order of Phoenix, and people with a good eye can see that.

At this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "members of the judges, your score, is not a bit of a problem?"

"Why is there a problem?" said the master? Are you questioning me? "

Said, he two eyes a stare, maliciously looked at Lin Feng one eye.

The master of Dao has a high status and a strong aura. If he was an ordinary person, he would have been frightened by the sight of master Dao.

But Lin Feng did not seem to see the same, said: "nonsense, I do not question you, I question who?"


Everyone was stunned.

Doesn't Lin Feng want to live? How dare you be disrespectful to the master Dao? Did this boy eat the gall of the leopard with bear heart?

The master of Dao was also stunned. Unexpectedly, the little boy dared to talk to himself like this. He slapped the table and said angrily, "how can you talk to me, you son of a bitch?"

"Yes, apologize!"

"Make an apology to Mr. Dao!"

People around him yelled.

"Sorry? Oh, it doesn't exist! " Lin Feng said: "the judge gave a wrong score. Do you want me to apologize? What a beautiful thought

"Horizontal trough!"

Dao Ye's face is twisted. The boy doesn't cry when he doesn't see the coffin!

The rest of the judges are also angry. Is this guy challenging the authority of the judges?

"Son of a bitch, are you a judge or are we a judge?" The Marquis scolded.

"Of course, I'm not a judge, but I'm a shame!" Lin Feng said.

"Your mother..." villain Teng stood up: "you say it again!"

The other three judges also glared at Lin Feng.

The scene once reached the most tense degree, which was called a stimulus by the people around.

The bigger the trouble Lin Feng makes, the more they like it. The boy who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth dares to offend four judges. Moreover, he is not polite to others. How can you end this affair?

Moreover, the order of the Phoenix will suffer as well.

It's so fuckin 'fun!

The Golden Phoenix looks pale. How did Lin Feng suddenly hate these people? Lose, she can lose, but go on like this, can't stand in Jincheng later!

Jin Fenghuang quickly blocked him: "Lin Feng, you can't say that to the four judges, they are all highly respected predecessors! Apologize to them

Gold Phoenix all spoke, four old guys still give face, stare at Lin Feng one after another, wait for Lin Feng's apology.

But Lin Feng suddenly laughed and said, "I haven't apologized to humanity in my life. I'm sorry, I don't know what apology is!"

With that, he took out his mobile phone directly and shook it for a moment. "Come on, four people look over here. Not only will I not apologize, I also want you to apologize to the order of Phoenix!"

"What?" Everyone was surprised and apologized to the order of the Phoenix? What is this kid talking about?

The four judges couldn't help crying and laughing. The master of Dao yelled: "who are you when you are?"

Lin Feng said, "ah Dao, don't be stubborn. Come on, I'll show you something good."

Lin Feng opens the mobile phone video and puts it in front of Dao Ye.

This is the video he shot just now. The women dance with their heads and face to face with master Dao. Then their buttocks and chests rub against him. He doesn't stop him, but he enjoys it.

Lin Feng reached the ear of Dao ye and whispered, "I don't know what you're going to end up with! Tut tut

Suddenly, the master of Dao shivered and turned pale.

Lin Feng smiles and moves his mobile phone to the marquis. At this time, the picture is remake of the marquis. With his narrow eyes, he looks into the woman's mask. He looks like he has never seen a woman. His hands are not honest, and he touches his buttocks.Lin Feng said with a smile, "it's said that Wang Mazi's scissors are very sharp. You should be careful!"

The Marquis is startled. Does the boy even know this?

The Marquis was frozen in place!

Then Lin Feng took his mobile phone to the other two people. Each of them focused on taking a segment. He found that the four old guys might have come out today to liberate their nature because they had a female tiger at home.

In principle, there are also camera personnel around. Why are they not afraid to shoot?

First, their actions are not exaggerated. The camera is far away, so it is difficult to capture subtle movements. Second, it is the reason for Lin Feng. Lin Feng is very good at choosing angles and timing. He takes videos when they are most indulgent.

Moreover, the most important point, this video, Lin Feng let the mouse in the back processing!

Each individual's segment is taken out separately, which is delivered to the door by a stripper and accepted by the judges.

The faces of the four judges were red and white, and their hearts said that they were so disrespectful at that time? Why is it so big? I was caught by this guy. Damn it, it's going to be late!

If this video is transmitted, how can I mix in Jincheng in the future? Where is the old face?

Now, it's a big deal!

Even Lao Ba, who has been smiling all the time, stops smiling.

Yes, I haven't laughed for many years. I can't laugh today!

"Judges, I think you all have a steelyard in mind. Please weigh it!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

All of a sudden, those four old guys lost their pride.

What Lin Feng has in his hand is not for fun.

If these things are released, their reputation will be destroyed. What's more, if the female tiger in the family knows that she is like this, she still has to work hard?

The days after that were no better than purgatory!

Four old guys, you look at me, I look at you, all pale faces.

"Four, I would like to remind you, did you make a mistake when you scored just now?" Lin Feng said: "if you have mistakes, you should correct them. Now give you a chance to score again. Come on, give a good score. We all look at it."

With that, Lin Feng sat on the stool, cocked up his legs, hummed a tune, and looked at the four old guys at a loss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!