The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 160

Lin Feng smile, said: "my couplet is: Wangjiang tower, Wangjiang flow, Wangjiang downstairs, Jianglou, Qianlong river flow!"

"Sleeping trough! It's too hard! " Someone exclaimed: "I read it again, I've bitten my tongue, wipe it!"

"Yes, this pair is really difficult."

The crowd exclaimed, and even Zhu Wencai, who was invited by the drag racing party, frowned.

"Lin Feng, what kind of couple are you? It's too complicated. You deliberately make trouble for people. No one can match them!" Long Shao was angry.

Lin Feng said, "what you said is a little childish, big brother, isn't it to make people wrong? What's more, if you can't be right, then no one can? How can it be? If you admit defeat, there will be someone on the scene who can be right! "

"I don't believe it!" Long Shao is not satisfied.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "OK, look at it!"

Lin Feng looked around and said, "who can do it for me?"

Wei Yichen raised his hand and said, "I'll come, I'll come!"


Wei Yichen coughed twice and said: "the second couplet is, the well of Yinyue, yinyueying, Yinyue well, Wannian Yueying!"

"Wow, it's neat!" Someone exclaimed.

Although I don't understand it, it's like tongue twister, but we don't know. This is the highest level!

Jin Fenghuang can't help shaking his head and laughing. Lin Feng and Wei Yichen are really good at playing!

However, long Shao insisted: "Lin Feng, what skills do you depend on others? If you have the ability to fight yourself, I will even if you win! "

"Long Shao, can you stop pestering? If you lose, you have a bit of backbone. Don't make it look like you can't afford to lose! " Lin Feng Road.

"Lin Feng, you are not right, you are not right, that can not be counted as you win!" Long Shao said.

"Big brother, you will not give up until you reach the Yellow River! Since you ask so, I'll let you die! " Lin Feng Road.

"If you recite poems and compose Fu today, the stage will be good for the competition of poetry stage. Next, listen to me. My brother will tell you what is the peerless talent of poetry and what is the king of pairs of sons!" Lin Feng cleared his throat and said, "the second couplet is: poetry competition, poetry competition, poetry competition on the stage, poetry stage is unique, peerless poetry talent!"

Lin Feng said this pair of couplets is perfect, but also said that he was a peerless poet. He not only matched couplets, but also praised himself. This pair of skills can be called god man!

"Good!" There was a round of applause.

Every one of Lin Feng is right. It makes people feel that they will bite their tongue if they are not careful. He can read them easily.

Moreover, all the people present today belong to different societies, and there are gaps between them. Not everyone supports long Shao. The competition among societies is also undercurrent. In particular, there are many small associations present, so there are many supporters of Lin Feng.

This makes yu'er and Jin Fenghuang a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng in front of him is still despised by others. Now he has got many people's support. This guy can be!

Golden Phoenix has come to the spirit, beautiful face also appeared a strange luster, she looked at Lin Feng, eyes with a smile.

And Lin Feng waved his hand with a smile. Seeing everyone clapping at him, he also blew kisses: "wood, wood, love you so much! Ah, ha ha

"I'm so angry!" The God of fire hummed.

Master Dao looked at the God of fire and said, "don't worry about the drag racing party. It's your turn right now. Now I declare that Lin Feng has got two points, two to zero!"

As Lin Feng recovered a little face for the order of Phoenix, yu'er was also enthusiastic. He raised the microphone and continued to preside, saying: "cough, next, let the drag racing party fire god choose the opponent!"

Of course, the God of fire of drag racing party doesn't have to say that he has long been unhappy with Lin Feng! So he chose Lin Feng of the order of the Phoenix.

The God of fire had a clear mind on his face. He patted Zhu Wencai on the back and said, "Xiaozhu, take care of him!"

"Good!" Zhu Wencai took a look at Lin Feng with pride.

He is a master of Chinese in Songjiang University. He looks down on these old hats? Lin Feng certainly has two down, but in his opinion, that is not talent, it can only be regarded as a more flexible mind.

What talent is doggerel?

Zhu Wencai thought, if I didn't consider the level of the judges, I would definitely make an eternal absolute, directly kill Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng? You go first Zhu Wencai said.

"Well! Then I'm not welcome! " Lin Feng said: "the first couplet is: one is big, the other is heaven. The sky is big, and the human relationship is more than the sky."

after listening, Zhu Wencai frowned. The couplet seems simple, but in fact, there are rules. In it, it is a couplet.

People also heard some clues, one word plus one character, of course, is big characters, which is word splitting and spelling.

But the difficulty lies in this. You have to have this format for the second couplet, and the words and sentences must be logical.

Zhu Wencai thought hard. As time went by, Huoshen began to worry.At this time, yu'er called out: "there are 30 seconds left, please hurry up!"

Each pair of time, up to five minutes.

At last, at the last moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "the upper hook is for the old, the lower for the test, the old test for the child student, and the child student for the old test!"

"Yes, young man. Is there anyone else in the drag racing party?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "judge, give him a point!"

"What do you say?" The judge villain said coldly: "drag racing party, add one point!"

Laoba said with a smile: "good, good match, good-looking!"

At this time, it was time for Zhu Wen to come up with a topic. The God of fire whispered to him: "Xiao Zhu, you cow B, give me a good shame on him!"

"Well!" Zhu Wencai nodded. At this time, he already had the confidence. His heart said that your pair was just like this. Look at my pair. It's not a common pair!

He said: "two apes cutting wood in the deep mountain, smile how the monkey to saw?"

Lin Feng a listen, eyebrow frown, a trace of cold in the face slip.

This Birdman is very Yin. He dares to curse people implicitly. Do you think I can't understand?

This last sentence, smile to see how the monkey to saw, homophony is, smile to see how the monkey "couplet", this is obviously scold Lin Feng is a monkey.

Gold phoenix also heard the clue, heart said that the drag racing party this person, can have such a topic means, is absolutely a master of antithesis, this Lin Feng may be humiliated.

At this time, Zhu Wencai also looked at Lin Feng with a smile. It was as if he said, "you big old man, do you understand that I am scolding you? This kind of sentence, even if you are right, is also lost, because I scold you in the sentence, I don't believe you can still covertly scold back? Hum

Lin Feng contemptuously smiles, this boy really does not know how many catties he has? If you meet me today, you are out of luck! I have to teach you how to make sentences.

In a second, Lin Feng thought, "how to make the animal laugh?"

"Good!" The Golden Phoenix couldn't help cheering.

The latter sentence is still abusive, asking the little beast how to get his hooves out of his hooves, which is homophonic to "set the topic", which directly refers to Zhu Wencai as a "little animal".

Immediately Zhu Wencai's face turned white.

Just for a moment, he knew that he and the man in front of him were not at the same level.

This kind of pair is good, but it's hard to be right. What's more, he scolded me more insidiously. I just scolded him for being a monkey. He could call me an animal!

What's more, Lin Feng's antithetical couplet only takes five seconds. This feeling is extremely despairing. The pair is so neat and lethal in five seconds. He knows that he is not the opponent of the man in front of him. He knows that he is not the opponent of the man in front of him. After a few moves, he will know the level of both sides!

"I'm willing to bow to the wind!" Zhu Wencai bowed his hand and gave him a gift.

The group of judges didn't understand what was going on, and suddenly they fell in love with each other. That was losing. The master of Dao frowned and announced, "Lin Feng, get one point!"

"Zhu Wencai, are you him? What's the matter?" He was so angry that he paid so much money to hire Zhu Wen to come here. As a result, the two couples finished and directly admitted defeat. What kind of bird man is this?

The God of fire wanted to start with Zhu Wencai, but Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't be a little brother, or you will lose your elder brother's demeanor."

"Hum!" The God of fire snorted coldly and was very angry in his heart.

But as soon as he thinks, he still has a backhand. I'll let you have a little more.

Now count the score, backers, two points, Longkou group, zero, order of Phoenix, Lin Feng, three points, drag racing party, one point.

So, the winner of this game is Lin Feng of the order of the Phoenix.

When the referee announced the victory of the order of the Phoenix this round, yu'er was so excited that she would roar out.

This is a life-saving game. If this game is lost, the order of the Phoenix will account for it!

Jin Fenghuang didn't expect that Lin Feng turned the tide, defeated the Longkou group, leveled the drag racing party, and won the second set by a weak advantage, which turned the table in a desperate situation.

Golden Phoenix at this time are some excited, into the third inning, the situation began to clear!

Then, the last game, the decisive game, start right away! , the fastest update of the webnovel!